Putin Nails Obama, and LaRouche Drives it In
President Putin gave his annual Address to the Federal Assembly today, before over 1,000 people in St. George's Hall in the Kremlin. He began by hailing the Russian servicemen who are fighting terrorism, then by introducing the wives of the two servicemen killed by Erdogan, and by a moment of silence. Russia knows from the 1990s what then aggression of international terrorism is, he said. Terrorism will never be defeated by just one country.
Once peaceful and stable countries,— "Iraq, Libya and Syria,— have plunged into chaos and anarchy that pose a threat to the whole world.
"We all know why that happened. We know who decided to oust the unwanted regimes and brutally impose their own rules. Where has this led them? They stirred up trouble, destroyed the countries' statehood, set people against each other, and then `washed their hands,' as we say in Russia, thus opening the way to radical activists, extremists and terrorists."
He went on to compare the present situation with that which led to World War II, with all that means for Russians.
"The international community should have learned from the past lessons. The historical parallels in this case are undeniable. Unwillingness to join forces against Nazism in the 20th Century cost us millions of lives in the bloodiest world war in human history. Today we have again come face to face with a destructive and barbarous ideology, and we must not allow these modern-day dark forces to attain their goals."
Then he dealt with Turkey.
"We know who are stuffing pockets in Turkey and letting terrorists prosper from the sale of oil they stole in Syria. The terrorists are using these receipts to recruit mercenaries, buy weapons and plan inhuman terrorist attacks against Russian citizens and against people in France, Lebanon, Mali and other states. We remember that the militants who operated in the North Caucasus in the 1990s and 2000s found refuge and received moral and material assistance in Turkey. We still find them there."
Lyndon LaRouche noted that the Uighur terrorists, from a Turkic-speaking minority in western China, and shown to be supported in their terrorism by Erdogan's current government of Turkey, are a special concern of Russia, as of course they are of China as well.
"We will never forget their collusion with terrorists," said Putin. "We have always deemed betrayal the worst and most shameful thing to do, and that will never change. I would like them to remember this—those in Turkey who shot our pilots in the back, those hypocrites who tried to justify their actions and cover up for terrorists.
"I don't even understand why they did it. Any issues they might have had, any problems, any disagreements we knew nothing about could have been settled in a different way. Plus, we were ready to cooperate with Turkey on all the most sensitive issues it had; we were willing to go further, where its allies refused to go. Allah only knows, I suppose, why they did it. And probably, Allah has decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by taking their mind and reason.
"But, if they expected a nervous or hysterical reaction from us, if they wanted to see us become a danger to ourselves as much as to the world, they won't get it. They won't get any response meant for show or even for immediate political gain. They won't get it."
LaRouche said that Putin is pointing here to the worldwide murder-apparatus of Barack Obama. LaRouche compared it to the murder-apparatus which was set up in France in the 1790s by the British Empire, which killed off the French oligarchy, and then most of the best and most talented Frenchmen. That murder apparatus continued through the 19th Century, in the Empire of Napoleon I and that of Napoleon III. Although LaRouche didn't mention that today, that murder apparatus comprised the Vichy government of France during World War II. It is the reason France is still so screwed-up today, especially after Charles de Gaulle was forced out of the Presidency.