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The Terrorist Attacks That United Europe


The November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris caused a tremendous rift between America and the European Union. For the first time ever, a European nation—France—called on the European Union’s collective defense clause instead of turning to the American-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (nato) for help. This represents a stunning rejection of American leadership.

Our predecessor Herbert W. Armstrong and his Plain Truth newsmagazine persistently proclaimed this division starting in 1952. For example, a Plain Truth article from September 1983 reads, “Economic recovery masks deep divisions that must eventually rip asunder the Atlantic alliance.”

The nation that benefits the most from France rejecting America is Germany. Germany has dominated the EU for years. France’s move will bring the European armies together in a way that the EU founders only dreamed of.

By invoking the EU’s collective defense clause rather than nato, French President François Hollande was declaring that Europe is more than just a junior partner in America’s defense arrangement. Europe is its own power. It has its own foreign relations, its own interests, and its own goals.

Most people didn’t recognize the significance of France’s decision to call on the EU instead of nato. But it is a choice that will have a massive negative impact on America—as well as Britain and the Jewish state of Israel. It will significantly alter the history of these nations, and of Europe.

As Bavarian Finance Minister Marcus Söder said, “Paris changes everything!”

Destined to Fracture

Since the unlikely German-American alliance began after World War ii, the relationship has been strained.

The Good News, another of Mr. Armstrong’s publications, said this in April 1952: “The heart of the German people … has not been converted to our way of life. If they really would have come to love us since their defeat, would they now be trying to bargain for domination in Europe, and threatening to withhold support from the cause of democracy against Russia? Is that the way love is manifested? Can we purchase love with money?”

Even as America helped rebuild Germany under the Marshall Plan, German leaders were already aiming for European domination once again. Our leaders have desperately tried to win the Germans over, but the Germans have not forgotten their crushing defeat at the hands of America.

“European antagonism toward the United States and its policies is now in the open,” the Plain Truth wrote in 1974. “The next few years will bring forth more misunderstanding, conflicts of interest, and at times outright hostility between the United States and Europe. Europe, including West Germany, will have to build its own unified armed forces, including nuclear weapons. Religious, as well as political forces, will play a key role in the future.”

Europe blames the American economy for the stock market crash in 2008. At that time, the financial power shifted from London and New York to Brussels and Berlin. America’s national debt is nearly $19 trillion now, yet President Barack Obama and then-House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner agreed to a budget deal that will raise the debt to $20 trillion by the end of Mr. Obama’s second term. The world has never seen such reckless spending, and you can be sure that Europe—particularly Germany—has taken notice.

Germans were repulsed when Edward Snowden exposed the extensive spying tactics employed against their nation by the U.S. National Security Agency. The tactics included wiretapping German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone and collecting heaps of digital data from the population. By that November, only 35 percent of Germans considered America to be a reliable partner for Germany. That spying scandal deepened the divide between the two longtime allies.

Europe has always resented America, but America’s leaders refuse to see it. They continue treating Europe like the greatest, most trustworthy of partners. “Europe is the cornerstone of our engagement with the rest of the world,” said Vice President Joe Biden on Feb. 2, 2013, “and is the catalyst for our global cooperation.”

Europe is viewing the Paris attacks as the start of World War iii. The Syrian refugee crisis allowed at least one of the Paris terrorists to sneak onto the Continent undetected, but Washington sees no need to change its failed foreign policy regarding Syria. President Obama continues to focus on what he views as the real greatest threat to international security: climate change.

Unrest in the Fatherland

Angela Merkel, who until recently was the most-loved leader on the planet, is now facing almost daily calls for her resignation. Germans love a kind leader during times of peace, but they have always turned to a strongman in times of war.

“Far-right groups were quick to seize on the Paris terror attacks as evidence of a need to curb immigration,” wrote the Associated Press. “While it’s the extremists on the far right who are grabbing most of the headlines, mainstream Germans are increasingly being drawn into inflammatory rhetoric—and at times anti-foreigner sentiment.”

Have we seen such a volatile climate in Germany before? In an article for Der Spiegel titled “What’s Happening to My Country?” Markus Feldenkurchen wrote: “The mood in this country is akin to a drunken rage of the kind last seen in the beer halls of the 1920s Weimar Republic, that period of crude, uncivilized behavior that paved the way for Hitler’s rise and the most brutal decade in world history.”

Europe has faced a financial crisis, a refugee crisis, and a wave of radical Islamist terrorist attacks—in rapid succession. It faces a severe and constant threat from the Islamic State, which apparently is progressing toward chemical weapons. But these militants are merely a convenient distraction for Iran, the head of the radical Islamist snake (Daniel 11:40).

The last time Germany experienced similar chaotic conditions, the most evil dictator ever seized power! Your Bible says that another strongman is about to lead Germany into war (Daniel 8:23). This man will be more destructive than Hitler. He will have the backing of an evil spirit power, just like Hitler did (verse 24). We have prophesied of his appearance for more than 70 years! Only biblical prophecy could open our eyes to this startling reality.

Consequences for Appeasement

For decades, America has suffered from the delusion that appeasing our bitter enemies will somehow make them our friends. “And Aholah played the harlot when she was mine; and she doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours, Wherefore I have delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hand of the Assyrians, upon whom she doted. These discovered her nakedness: they took her sons and her daughters, and slew her with the sword: and she became famous among women; for they had executed judgment upon her” (Ezekiel 23:5, 9-10).

This passage conveys the willingness of Aholah, or America and Britain, to cozy up to the Assyrians, or Germany. Through nato, America has given hundreds of nuclear gravity bombs to various European countries. This is a naive and deadly dangerous mistake. Europe has never been a true friend of America, especially with Germany at the helm. The subsequent verses show that the Jewish nation in the Middle East gets even more involved with Germany than America or Britain! Make no mistake: Germany will utterly annihilate our peoples! We have known this for many years.

“You may be sure the West European leaders are conferring hurriedly and secretly about how and how soon they may unite and provide a united European military force so they can defend themselves!” Mr. Armstrong wrote in the April 1980 Plain Truth. “And so they will no longer have to give in meekly to Russia! And who will they blame for their humiliation and their necessity now to have a united Europe, with a united government, a common currency, and a common military force as great or greater than either the ussr or the U.S.? They will blame the United States! And when they are strong enough to assert themselves, … [t]hey will first attack Britain for standing firm with the United States, and then they will return a lot of the hydrogen bombs the U.S. has stored in Europe!”

He Was Right

“The prophet which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the Lord hath truly sent him” (Jeremiah 28:9). Many claim to speak for God or have prophetic understanding. We must judge by fruits.

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Malachi 4:5). Has this man come already? Have we witnessed a man on the scene in this end time who possessed a track record of accurate prophecies? This man has come and gone, and now the Day of the Lord is upon us!

Mr. Armstrong foretold the inspiring end to the German war machine we see taking shape today. “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand” (Daniel 8:25).

The world will soon feel the wrath of the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire—led by a revived Germany and straddled by the Roman Catholic Church (Revelation 17). But Christ Himself will return and put a stop to this beast. He will save all humanity! Keep your focus on this great news.

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