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The northern tourism route and the trail "passing through the Red Book”

The northern tourism route and the trail "passing through the Red Book”

The northern part of the Shirak region, which has become a popular winter destination for tourists over the past two years, will also be attractive in other seasons. Visitors to the soon-to-be-opened 17-kilometer hiking trail will have the opportunity to observe birds, insects, and a tree grove, considered a natural monument and listed in the Red Book.

The effort to make the Shirak region attractive to tourists is being led by the Northern Way Local Active Group NGO. The executive director of the NGO, Harutyun Harutyunyan, spoke to Mediamax about the tourism Local Active Group (LAG), the development of the new trail, and the festivals organized by the LAG.

Tourism from scratch

The Northern Way Local Active Group was established in 2021 with financial support of the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation. From the start, the group has focused on developing the area, promoting tourism and targeting key segments such as winter, family, adventure, and youth tourism as its main strategic directions.

Our group is working to transform the northern part of the Shirak region into a tourist destination. The challenge lies in starting everything from scratch and taking each step for the first time. Our goal is to create new tourist services that will be unique not only to this region but to all of Armenia.

Snowy winters are considered the main “calling card” of the northern Shirak region, which is why we decided to hold a winter festival here. After successfully hosting the -46°C Winter Festival for the second time this year, we now aim to move forward and develop summer tourism. We are working on creating well-equipped hiking trails in the northern Shirak region and are currently preparing for the opening of the Akhuryan Gorge trail.

The specially protected area and the “residents”

One of the key activities of the Northern Way Local Active Group is the implementation of initiatives based on local resources. In the fall of 2021, group members initiated a walking tour in Amasia, during which the idea of creating new tourist trails, including one in the Akhuryan Gorge, was born. The trail, spanning 16-17 kilometers, will start in Amasia and end in Ashotsk, with the option to walk in the opposite direction, from Ashotsk to Amasia.

This trail is unique as it covers the Akhuryan Gorge area of the Arpi Lake National Park, known for its rich flora and fauna. It is one of Armenia’s specially protected areas. Hikers will encounter several unique phenomena, including animals listed in the Red Book and a unique natural monument. The trail is home to black storks, which nest only in this region of Armenia. The second notable phenomenon is the broad-leaved insects, found in only 1-2 places in Armenia, one of which is in Shirak region. These large crickets are unique in that they cannot fly and only walk. They have a specific season of activity, and we will design the trail to ensure visitors have the opportunity to see them. Signs with short descriptions will be placed near the habitats of each animal, providing guidelines on what to do or not to do when encountering them.

Quaking aspen groves - a symbol of the Northern Way LAG

Another trail currently being designed will include the quaking aspen groves, which are considered a natural monument. These trees are unique in that entire forests share a single root system. For us, the aspens symbolize our local active groups. Just as the aspens have one common root, our local active groups share a common goal, though they involve various actors. This comparison to quaking aspen groves inspires and motivates us. In the northern part of Shirak region, these trees are found only around Amasia and the Akhuryan Gorge.

Since there are currently no infrastructures or orientation signs for tourism or hiking in these areas, we are working to improve the infrastructure as we create the trail. This includes adjusting the roads through the fields and installing small bridges. We plan to do more work in this direction in the near future. In winter, 1-2 meters of snow falls here, making the roads impassable, but we will design the trail to be accessible for hiking enthusiasts during the other seasons of the year.

-46°C Winter Festival and other directions of LAG

The Northern Way Local Active Group encompasses 21 settlements from the Amasia and Ashotsk communities.

We have designated ourselves as a tourist LAG, making tourism a priority. However, we also engage in agricultural and educational programs and collaborate with state institutions. Recently, we planted trees in the schoolyards of Bavra and Saragyugh settlements.

In addition to our primary initiatives, we collaborate with partner LAGs during events.

For example, on June 22, the Aragats Valley LAG organized the “7 stones” festival of yard games in Pemzashen community. Such events are effective in promoting the local economy. For the second consecutive year, our LAG organized largest -46°C Winter Festival in Amasia. This year, the festival achieved significant success and received support from the Tourism Committee of Armenia. This collaboration with the government serves as a good example of how local initiatives in case of the right approach can receive state support and turn into successful festivals.

The article was produced with the support of European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation. The content of this article is the sole responsibility of Lead4Shirak project and does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation.

Ani Khchoyan

Photos by Emin Aristakesyan

The northern part of the Shirak region, which has become a popular winter destination for tourists over the past two years, will also be attractive in other seasons. Visitors to the soon-to-be-opened 17-kilometer hiking trail will have the opportunity to observe birds, insects, and a tree grove, considered a natural monument and listed in the Red Book.

The effort to make the Shirak region attractive to tourists is being led by the Northern Way Local Active Group NGO. The executive director of the NGO, Harutyun Harutyunyan, spoke to Mediamax about the tourism Local Active Group (LAG), the development of the new trail, and the festivals organized by the LAG.

Tourism from scratch

The Northern Way Local Active Group was established in 2021 with financial support of the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation. From the start, the group has focused on developing the area, promoting tourism and targeting key segments such as winter, family, adventure, and youth tourism as its main strategic directions.

Our group is working to transform the northern part of the Shirak region into a tourist destination. The challenge lies in starting everything from scratch and taking each step for the first time. Our goal is to create new tourist services that will be unique not only to this region but to all of Armenia.

Snowy winters are considered the main “calling card” of the northern Shirak region, which is why we decided to hold a winter festival here. After successfully hosting the -46°C Winter Festival for the second time this year, we now aim to move forward and develop summer tourism. We are working on creating well-equipped hiking trails in the northern Shirak region and are currently preparing for the opening of the Akhuryan Gorge trail.

The specially protected area and the “residents”

One of the key activities of the Northern Way Local Active Group is the implementation of initiatives based on local resources. In the fall of 2021, group members initiated a walking tour in Amasia, during which the idea of creating new tourist trails, including one in the Akhuryan Gorge, was born. The trail, spanning 16-17 kilometers, will start in Amasia and end in Ashotsk, with the option to walk in the opposite direction, from Ashotsk to Amasia.

This trail is unique as it covers the Akhuryan Gorge area of the Arpi Lake National Park, known for its rich flora and fauna. It is one of Armenia’s specially protected areas. Hikers will encounter several unique phenomena, including animals listed in the Red Book and a unique natural monument. The trail is home to black storks, which nest only in this region of Armenia. The second notable phenomenon is the broad-leaved insects, found in only 1-2 places in Armenia, one of which is in Shirak region. These large crickets are unique in that they cannot fly and only walk. They have a specific season of activity, and we will design the trail to ensure visitors have the opportunity to see them. Signs with short descriptions will be placed near the habitats of each animal, providing guidelines on what to do or not to do when encountering them.

Quaking aspen groves - a symbol of the Northern Way LAG

Another trail currently being designed will include the quaking aspen groves, which are considered a natural monument. These trees are unique in that entire forests share a single root system. For us, the aspens symbolize our local active groups. Just as the aspens have one common root, our local active groups share a common goal, though they involve various actors. This comparison to quaking aspen groves inspires and motivates us. In the northern part of Shirak region, these trees are found only around Amasia and the Akhuryan Gorge.

Since there are currently no infrastructures or orientation signs for tourism or hiking in these areas, we are working to improve the infrastructure as we create the trail. This includes adjusting the roads through the fields and installing small bridges. We plan to do more work in this direction in the near future. In winter, 1-2 meters of snow falls here, making the roads impassable, but we will design the trail to be accessible for hiking enthusiasts during the other seasons of the year.

-46°C Winter Festival and other directions of LAG

The Northern Way Local Active Group encompasses 21 settlements from the Amasia and Ashotsk communities.

We have designated ourselves as a tourist LAG, making tourism a priority. However, we also engage in agricultural and educational programs and collaborate with state institutions. Recently, we planted trees in the schoolyards of Bavra and Saragyugh settlements.

In addition to our primary initiatives, we collaborate with partner LAGs during events.

For example, on June 22, the Aragats Valley LAG organized the “7 stones” festival of yard games in Pemzashen community. Such events are effective in promoting the local economy. For the second consecutive year, our LAG organized largest -46°C Winter Festival in Amasia. This year, the festival achieved significant success and received support from the Tourism Committee of Armenia. This collaboration with the government serves as a good example of how local initiatives in case of the right approach can receive state support and turn into successful festivals.

The article was produced with the support of European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation. The content of this article is the sole responsibility of Lead4Shirak project and does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation.

Ani Khchoyan

Photos by Emin Aristakesyan

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