From Gridlock to Grid Freedom: Is Decentralized Energy the Answer?
The global energy landscape is shifting faster than ever before, driven by a complex blend of geopolitics, resource scarcity, and the undeniable effects of climate change. At the heart of this transformation lies a crucial question: can decentralized energy become reliable and widespread quickly enough to meet our urgent need for resilience and sustainability? As nations race towards net-zero carbon targets and struggle with increasing instability in centralized energy grids, decentralized energy solutions are stepping out of the theoretical and into the practical realm. But the clock is ticking. The question is no longer if decentralization will shape our future—it’s how fast it can evolve to meet the growing demands of our world.
Der Beitrag From Gridlock to Grid Freedom: Is Decentralized Energy the Answer? erschien zuerst auf NEUTRINO ENERGY®.