Kincaid: Obama is 'Mentally Ill'
Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid yesterday called on the U.S. Congress to impeach President Obama on the grounds that "he is currently mentally incompetent due to excessive use of marijuana when he was younger."
In an article titled, "Is our Stoner President Mentally Impaired?," Kincaid says that that Congress must "begin the process of removing Obama from office [because] he is so affected by previous drug use that he is just not capable of comprehending reality."
This discussion has broken out because Obama is so clearly not interested in acting to stop the terrorist danger to the U.S. He has refused, for example, to state the fact that the two shooters in San Bernardino were radicalized in Saudi Arabia, and that the female terrorist spent most of her life in Saudi Arabia studying Wahhabite Islam.
While Obama presumably does not use marijuana in the White House today, Kincaid suggests his disinterest in governing is a "long-term effect" of it. He adds that during his campaign, Obama refused to release his complete medical records: "Instead, a sympathetic doctor merely released a 276-word 'summary,' claiming he was in excellent health."
Kincaid writes:
"A Congressional Research Service study cites evidence that Section Four of the 25th Amendment is designed for "a sick President who refuses or is unable to confront his disability;" or, "a President who is disabled, but unwilling to step aside."
"This section is complicated, writes Kincaid, but it explicitly allows Congress to establish a Committee or another body to review the President's disability and recommend his removal from office."
There are several ways a President can be removed, including through a body "as Congress may by law provide," which would begin the process of Congressional action.
Similarly, Daniel Lazare authors "The Incredible Shrinking President" in Consortium News Dec. 7, which shows that Obama is living a fantasy that he has decimated Al Qaeda, while partnering with the Saudis who created them, and Turkey, which is funneling arms with the Saudis to Al Nusra, Al Qaeda's official Syrian affiliate.
In 2012, the State Department completed its own study of Saudi textbooks, but Obama suppressed its report, as he suppressed the 28 pages of the Joint Congressional Report on 9/11. Lazare reports Tashfeen Malik spent most her life in Saudi Arabai, and "was so thoroughly Saudi in her outlook that when she returned to Pakistan to study, she had difficulty adjusting on a campus notoirous for fundamentalist Islamic influences, a faculty member told the New York Times. Obama cannot fight ISIS while covering up its creators in Riyadh.