EU Delegation urges the Armenian authorities to fully investigate fraud allegations
The statement of EU Delegation issued in agreement with the EU Members States Heads of Mission in Armenia reads this.
“The EU has been following the constitutional reform process launched in 2013, including the two largely positive preliminary opinions of the Venice Commission, which the EU supports as standard bearer of constitutional norms in Europe.
We take note of the preliminary results of the constitutional referendum held on 6 December 2015.
We also take note of the concerns expressed by independent observers regarding the conduct of the referendum. We urge the Armenian authorities to fully investigate in a transparent manner credible fraud allegations.
Without a transparent investigation of the alleged frauds as well as remediation if these are confirmed, the referendum would be a missed opportunity to increase the confidence in, and the integrity of, electoral processes in Armenia.
Should the results of the referendum be officially confirmed, we underline that it is important to implement the new constitution, in particular the human rights chapter, the new checks and balances and minority rights for the opposition.
We reiterate the need to adopt a new Electoral Code, in line with OSCE ODIHR recommendations, in an inclusive manner and one year before the next round of ordinary parliamentary elections.
The EU will continue to assist Armenia on its internal political, social and economic reform processes, based on the future new legal framework for bilateral cooperation and within the larger perspective of the Eastern Partnership”, the statement says.