15 Pictures Of Renaissance Women With Spectacular Gravity-Defying Boobs
Five hundred years ago, gravity didn’t exist, according to these boobs.
Do your boobs look like this?
Leda and the Swan, Cesare da Sesto, 1515-1520 / Creative Commons / Via en.wikipedia.org
Are they perfectly spherical?
And seemingly immune to gravity?
Judith, Jan Sanders van Hemessen, c. 1540 / The Art Institute of Chicago / Via artic.edu
Are they so far apart from each other that they look like they're trying to run away from each other?
Night, Michelangelo, 1526-31 / Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Florence, Italy / Via nejm.org
And are they just so dang perky that they're almost in your armpits?
Vertumnus and Pomona, Francesco Melzi, c. 1518-1522 / BuzzFeed / Via commons.wikimedia.org