Midday open thread
Today’s comic by Ruben Bolling is The N.R.A. merriest Christmas:
● Washington, D.C.’s subway system is becoming a great example of how messed up American infrastructure planning and funding are. Here the infuriating history of how Metro got so bad.
● The British Parliament has to consider a petition to ban Donald Trump from the country after it was signed by 300,000 people.
● The invaluable Tressie McMillan Cottom:
The painful truth about hand-wringing over whether Affirmative Action “harms” racial minorities is that no one cares if Affirmative Action harms racial minorities. The faux concern for the well-being of poor put-upon non-white students who are promoted beyond their ability never extends to concern for the many more white students who are surely promoted beyond theirs. At the same time we have debates about whether any student learns anything in college anymore (see: Academically Adrift), we also debate if there is too much learning happening for poor non-white students. And we care about that only as it is politically convenient to defend the legacy preferences, white preferences, athlete preferences and donor preferences at colleges and universities. With friends like this, as the saying goes, non-white students don’t need enemies.
● Gather round the fireplace, everyone. Drew Magary’s eagerly awaited hater's guide to the Williams-Sonoma catalog is here:
I don’t know why you need individually wrapped portions of peppermint bark when the regular bark already comes pre-broken for your snacking pleasure. But screw that for a moment. What you really need to know is that, this year, Williams-Sonoma is getting in on the SOCIAL MEDIA KRAZE with their own peppermint bark hashtag!
On today’s Kagro in the Morning show: Gop’s not ready to say no to Trump. Insane open court outburst by anti-choice nutter! Also, one from the PP shooter. Texas tuffies plan a “mock mass shooting” at UT. What’s the deal with Mark Zuckerberg’s bazillion dollar non-charity thingy?
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