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The Universe of Nina Rassen: Artworks Beyond Time and Space.

The Universe of Nina Rassen: Artworks Beyond Time and Space.

Not many artists can transform their creative flow into a tangible form. Only a select few manage to express themselves in a vast creative landscape. Most remain mere followers of a particular tradition, school, or movement. To truly find oneself, to feel one's gift and become genuinely unique and complete, to sense one's connection with the world and the earth, is a feat achieved only by a chosen few.

Olga Veretina photo by A.Ignatovskiy @gildia_agency

For many talented artists, fear becomes the barrier to making their mark. After all, when an artist makes a statement, the world in response asks for proof of their talent.

Realizing her own "self," understanding her soul, became the origin of Nina Rassen's creative universe: the artist, designer, sculptor, and creator of the clothing brand "RASSEN ART".