It has been twenty years since "Waterworld" cruised into cinemas and shipwrecked as one of the most notoriously expensive failures at the time, but the anniversary of the movie has caused some folks to take a look back. Yahoo recently ran How Costner's Apocalyptic Adventure Became One Of The Biggest-Budgeted Fiascos Of All Time, while Newsweek put together an oral history of the movie featuring many of the key players (except Kevin Costner). And in the latter piece, director Kevin Reynolds reveals that he felt that reports of the troubled production led to critics to being eager to pounce on the blood in the water. "The press wanted it to bomb. The head of Universal, Bill Washington, thought the bad publicity cost us at least $50 mill in the box office ... The reviews were painful. People didn’t like it. I remember publicists saying that people walked out of a press screening. And then one guy said, 'Well, it didn’t suck.' That was the attitude —people...