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The Russian military appears to be packing up equipment in Syria, satellite imagery shows
A Russian heavy transport plane is seen in satellite imagery captured on Dec. 13 with its nose cone lifted in preparation for loading.Credit...Maxar Technologies
Russian forces appeared to be packing up some military equipment at one of its most critical bases in Syria on Friday, in what could be a prelude to Moscow’s military withdrawal from the country in the wake of President Bashar al-Assad’s fall.
A New York Times analysis of satellite imagery of Syria’s Khmeimim air base near Latakia on Friday showed planes designed to transport heavy machinery prepared for loading, and Russian military equipment apparently being packed up nearby. Verified videos also showed at least one convoy of Russian military vehicles on the move on Friday.
The moves highlight the uncertainty of Moscow’s foothold in Syria after rebel forces ousted the Assad regime.
At the air base, two An-124 heavy transport planes are seen in Maxar satellite imagery with their nose cones lifted, being prepared for loading. The imagery also showed a Russian-made Ka-52 attack helicopter being dismantled, likely as preparation for transport. Components of a Russian-made S-400 air defense unit had also been moved near the planes.
Two videos verified by The Times also show at least one convoy of Russian military vehicles moving north, near Damascus and Homs, in the direction of Khmeimim Air Base. The line of vehicles, stretching more than a half mile, was largely made up of cargo trucks, armored personnel carriers, mobility vehicles and SUVs. It is unclear from the videos if they arrived at the base, or whether a significant portion of Russian soldiers and equipment may be preparing to depart Syria.
The Russian Ministry of Defense did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Under the Assad government that previously ruled Syria, Russia has for years maintained a military presence throughout the country, including the Tartus naval base and Khmeimim air base. The bases enable Russia to project its military power throughout the Mediterranean and into the Gulf.
Russia’s ties to Syria have roots in the Soviet Union’s support of Mr. al-Assad’s father, President Hafez al-Assad, in the 1970s.
Вопрос в том, начнет ли Турция войну с Россией, после того, как Россия окончательно уйдёт из страны?
Вся философия пантюркизма требует от Турции военной экспансии на Кавказе.
А что бы захватить Кавказ нужно сокрушить Россию.
И «победа» в Сирии только ускоряет этот процесс.
Да, Россия победит.
И да, это станет последней войной Турции.
Но, России война не нужна.
Беда в том, что война нужна Турции (англосаксам).
С сожалением и понятными ожиданиями, Dimitriy.