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An America-First Energy Agenda Can Transform Environmental Policy


Unleashing domestic energy production is the real “green” victory.

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An America-First Energy Agenda Can Transform Environmental Policy

Unleashing domestic energy production is the real “green” victory.

Cows stand in a field on the ranch of cattle rancher Bob Helmers, who recently allowed utility company Engie to build several wind turbines on his land, April 16, 2021 near Eldorado, Texas. (Photo by SERGIO FLORES/AFP via Getty Images)

As radical climate activists rinse and repeat the tired strategy of blocking traffic, throwing soup, and destroying art, the state of our environment worsens. The status quo of environmental activism has left us divided, with the loudest voices dominating conversations while the silent majority, who want common-sense, practical solutions, suffers. We need visionary leadership in energy and environmental policy. Conservatives, with their deep-rooted values of stewardship, economic growth, and national security, are uniquely positioned to offer the change we need. 

Conservatives have long valued environmental stewardship, recognizing the importance of preserving our natural resources for future generations. This principle, deeply embedded in conservative philosophy, is evident in the works of influential figures such as Theodore Roosevelt, perhaps the most iconic pioneering force in the conservation movement. Roosevelt’s establishment of national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges was driven by the conviction that preserving America’s natural beauty and resources was essential for the nation’s well-being and prosperity. The principle of stewardship resonates with the conservative value of personal responsibility. Just as individuals are expected to take responsibility for their actions, we must also take responsibility for the impact of our actions on the environment. This includes recognizing and mitigating the negative consequences of pollution, deforestation, and other environmentally harmful practices.

The conservative tradition of conservation reflects an understanding that economic prosperity and environmental health are not mutually exclusive, but interconnected. Healthy ecosystems provide clean air, water, and fertile soil—foundations upon which our economy and society depend. Maintaining these natural systems ensures resources necessary for economic growth and future generations’ well-being. 

Some conservatives argue that prioritizing emissions reduction could disadvantage America, but they’re wrong. We can assert our rightful leadership role by reducing emissions in a way that puts America first. 

To the end of building on the conservative legacy of environmental leadership, I propose three big ideas for a future Trump administration: unleash nuclear energy, let America build, and pursue American energy dominance.

Nuclear energy stands out as the largest source of carbon-free energy available today. Despite common misconceptions and unfounded safety concerns, nuclear power remains one of the safest and most reliable energy sources. Countries like France and South Korea demonstrate successful nuclear programs, providing reliable and affordable power, while Germany’s energy failures show what not to do. Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear power increased reliance on coal and Russian natural gas, raising carbon emissions. Moreover, the country’s heavy investment in intermittent renewable energy sources has created challenges in maintaining a steady supply. This nuclear phase-out has also contributed to higher electricity prices and greater dependence on Russian energy imports.

Conservatives must dispel the myths and fears that have clouding public perception of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is safe, and indispensable for lowering carbon pollution, despite what radical environmental groups may say. As the cleanest energy source available, nuclear energy produces zero emissions during electricity generation. Rigorous safety protocols and advanced technologies make nuclear power plants some of the most secure energy facilities in the world, while the reliability of nuclear is unmatched—even by traditional energy sources like natural gas and coal. 

Unlike solar and wind, which are intermittent and weather-dependent nuclear plants provide a steady and predictable energy supply. This consistency is crucial for power grid stability and ensures homes and businesses have reliable energy 24/7. Furthermore, nuclear energy produces a significant amount of energy with minimal land use. Unlike solar farms that require vast expanses of land and wind turbines that need to be spaced apart, nuclear power plants have a much smaller footprint. Nuclear’s high energy density allows facilities to be built closer to urban areas where demand is greatest, reducing transmission losses and improving efficiency.

Expanding nuclear energy will significantly reduce carbon pollution while ensuring energy security. As conservatives, we must champion this cause, recognizing that true energy independence and environmental stewardship go hand in hand. By supporting nuclear energy, we not only commit to reducing emissions but also bolster national security by decreasing reliance on foreign energy sources at home and abroad.

Competing with China and Russia on energy production is not just good environmental policy; it is a strategic necessity. By positioning America as a global leader at the forefront of these industries, we can undermine adversarial nations while taking care of American citizens—after all, leading the way in energy production and technology has profound economic benefits. 

An all-of-the-above energy strategy is essential for securing America’s position as a global leader. American-produced oil and gas are crucial components of this strategy. Extracted and processed under some of the highest environmental standards in the world, U.S. oil and gas are cleaner and more sustainable than those from countries like Russia. Meanwhile, the clean energy sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. By unleashing investment in renewable energy, nuclear power, and innovative technologies, we can create a surge of high-quality, well-paying jobs. These jobs span a wide range of skills and industries, from manufacturing and construction to research and development. Expanding the clean energy sector will also drive significant economic growth, as investments in renewable energy infrastructure lead to increased demand for materials and equipment, stimulating technological innovation and resulting in more efficient and cost-effective energy solutions.

China and Russia understand that in today’s geopolitical landscape, energy is a critical lever of power and influence. To that end, they have aggressively pursued dominance in energy production and technology. China, in particular, is investing heavily in renewable energy supply chains, aiming to become the global leader in clean energy technology. Russia, with its vast natural gas resources and developing reactor technology, continues to leverage energy exports as a tool of geopolitical influence. 

An all-of-the-above energy agenda, which provides Americans with abundant and affordable energy, is closely aligned with Trump’s America-First approach. We cannot afford to let China and Russia eat our lunch. These nations are not just competitors; they are strategic adversaries that actively seek to reshape global power dynamics to their advantage. By allowing them to take the lead in global energy markets, we risk falling behind economically, strategically, and environmentally. 

The pursuit of affordable, abundant, increasingly clean energy here at home promises significant economic growth and job creation for American citizens. Particularly in rural and red states that have been largely left behind, modernizing our energy infrastructure and embracing clean energy sources will generate high-quality jobs, stimulate development, and diversify local economies. In fact, recent polling shows 92 percent of young rural conservatives prioritize job creation in energy choices, with 70 percent favoring clean energy solutions.

Of course, one of the biggest obstacles to progress in infrastructure development is the labyrinthine permitting process. The average energy project in the U.S. is held up by an astounding 4.5 years and incurs an extra $4.2 million in costs due to outdated government regulations. To prioritize American energy production, we must make it easier to build energy infrastructure here at home—across the entire sector. Critics see permitting reform as a handout to fossil fuels, but this is not the case. In fact, only 18 percent of energy projects delayed by NEPA relate to fossil fuels. Our world demands greater energy production, and American energy, traditional or renewable, is among the cleanest

Permitting reform also addresses other energy challenges, such as energy blackouts and grid instability exacerbated by extreme weather. Reforms expediting energy technology deployment can increase grid reliability, as a streamlined permitting processes enables faster responses to energy demands. Additionally, accelerating development reduces dependence on aging infrastructure and mitigates power disruptions’ impacts on American communities.

The need for permitting reform is starkly highlighted when we compare our current building pace to that of the past. Consider the Empire State Building, an iconic American structure erected in just one year and 45 days, symbolizing a time when the nation could undertake and complete ambitious projects with remarkable speed and efficiency. Contrast this with today’s average energy project, which languishes in permitting for years. For example, a recent U.S. transmission line took an astounding 18 years to clear permitting hurdles. This glaring contrast showcases a clear decline in our ability to build swiftly. Rekindling America’s capacity for rapid, efficient project completion, ensures that we can meet our modern energy needs.

Achieving a cleaner environment and leading the world in energy isn’t complicated, but it does require a state-of-the-art regulatory framework. This means balancing safety and environmental regulations with common sense reforms, like clear approval timelines and reducing frivolous lawsuits. Removing unnecessary government barriers, empowers American entrepreneurs to build greener, more rapidly. Simplifying permitting encourages investment in energy and carbon capture technology and stimulates economic growth by allowing American companies to maintain their competitive edge. 

America’s energy industry stands ready to build, but onerous regulation stands in the way of our goals. 

If elected to a second term, the former President Donald Trump has the power, influence, and opportunity to tie his agenda to a legacy of innovation and leadership. By championing nuclear energy, advocating for permitting reform, and asserting American dominance in clean technology, Trump can trailblaze real solutions and leave an indelible mark on our nation’s future.

As the far-left environmental community continues to fumble these issues, an America-First energy agenda could be a promising cornerstone in advancing economic prosperity, enhancing national security, and leaving a more beautiful nation for future generations. Conservatives, committed to stewardship, economic growth, and American leadership, can champion energy and environmental policy, stepping up to embrace these issues with the urgency they deserve. The long-term benefits for our country—and indeed, the world—are immense. The time to act is now, and the opportunity to lead has never been greater.

Let’s build a cleaner, stronger, and more prosperous America.

The post An America-First Energy Agenda Can Transform Environmental Policy appeared first on The American Conservative.

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