Whether you�re vegan or dairy intolerant, non-whey recovery and protein products have, until recently, been hard to find and unpleasant to consume. I�m still orally scarred by a hemp based product that I was unfortunate to try a couple of years ago. So I approached my first sampling of this pea and rice protein mix with a degree of trepidation. It mixed well in a shaker with 400ml of water, resulting in a smooth, lump free and appetising smelling mint chocolate drink. It tasted good too, with the mint adding a really refreshing note. From a recovery perspective, it delivers all you need after a hard workout; 19.5g of carbohydrates, 20g of complete protein, key electrolytes and a decent dose of B vitamins. Importantly it gives you all this without artificial sweeteners or flavourings. I�d go so far to say that I actually look forward to it post-workout and, since getting it, my usual whey based drinks have sat gathering dust.