Tirupati Temple Stampede Reason: On Wednesday evening, a stampede in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, claimed six lives and injured over 30 during the distribution of Vaikunthadwara Sarvadarshan tokens. The situation got out of control due to overcrowding and poor crowd management. Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu expressed his sorrow and assured full support. Future token distribution will be streamlined to avoid such incidents.
Hussain Sajwani, CEO of DAMAC Properties, confirmed a significant $20 billion investment in the U.S. during a recent Mar-a-Lago event with President-elect Donald Trump. This move underscores the continued business ties between Trump and Sajwani, expanding DAMAC's reach into American data centers.
Many universities in the UK have reduced or stopped using X (formerly Twitter) due to concerns over misinformation, violence, and declining engagement. Notable institutions like the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, and London Business School have cut back or quit. Some top arts conservatoires have also stepped away from the platform.
Donald Trump and Senate Republicans discussed his agenda, including tax cuts, energy production, and immigration. There is no clear strategy to enact these plans. Senate Republicans favor splitting the agenda into two bills, while House Republicans worry about passing separate legislation. Trump will meet with House Republicans to strategize further at Mar-a-Lago.
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami extends the state’s winter pilgrimage to a year-round event to boost tourism and create local employment. The initiative allows devotees to visit Char Dham temples in all seasons, aiming to provide continuous spiritual experiences and attract more tourists.
TCS fell short of market expectations for the July-September quarter, with net profit declining by 1% quarter-on-quarter to Rs 11,909 crore. The decline was primarily attributed to margin-dilutive projects in regions outside of America. Revenues for the same period also grew at a slower pace, increasing by 2.6% to Rs 64,259 crore.