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Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 9 Review: Home on the Range

In the Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 9, a lot of clusterflucks happened, and we’re here to break down all …

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In the Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 9, a lot of clusterflucks happened, and we’re here to break down all the events.

It may get as wonky in this review as it was in Ian’s car when he and Stevie took the serial killer Charlie to identify the burial site of one of his victims. Cause WTH was that?!

A lot has been happening in MOK to keep Mike on his toes. He seems to be struggling with his role as Mayor and getting people to listen and do what he wants. I wonder if these criminals caused the same problems to the former mayor, Mike’s brother.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

Could you imagine growing up in that family? ‘Cause after this episode, I’m not sure there is a normal, sane brother in the group.

I’ve asked the same question since the first episode of Mayor of Kingstown aired. And I’m sure I’ll ask it every episode until the show ends. How TF are any of Mike’s brothers police officers?

Related: Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 7 Review: Marya Was Here

Watching police shows can be tricky for the mind and the emotions if you’re one of those TV viewers who invest in what they’re viewing.

Despite Mayor of Kingstown being one of several ongoing fictional dramas involving the police, many fans still expect to hold the people in uniform to a higher standard.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

While Hondo and his team make their SWAT team look good, Roberts seems hellbent on ensuring all the Kingstown criminals fear the elite squad.

Seriously, Robert has a major problem. He’s lost his empathy — if he ever had any — and he’s a complete dick.

Not to mention, his body count rivals that of serial killer Charlie, played by S.W.A.T. original Kenny Johnson.

Aren’t they both the same deep down? Mentally broken men who give no thought to taking the life of another human. The only thing that separates Robert from the label of a serial killer criminal is his badge.

(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

But if the department ever realized how broken he is, how disturbed he has to be to enjoy the killings he does, we have to wonder if he’d still belong to such an elite team of duty-bound police officers to protect their city.

It’s still an enigma how we can feel compassion and sympathy for Charlie despite his body count of dead bodies. And yet, we have a growing disdain for the guy supposed to protect the law because of his.

We’ve seen Charlie go all cold-blooded killer on a previously unsanctioned field trip. But once it was over, he returned to his simple-minded, childlike self.

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Or was it an act?

Clearly, it was enough to spook Ian, too, as he unloaded several rounds into Charlie’s handcuffed body despite being in a field surrounded by police. When you’re a cop and say someone was coming at you, your co-workers believe it.

The cold disdain and pure evil dripping from his voice as he asked Ian about the man on the porch ran my blood cold.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

Or is that just what they want us to think for now? Will Ian get away with cold-blooded murder just to cover his own ass? Do we want him to? Or do we hope that at least one of the crooked brothers gets brought to justice?

If anyone goes down for anything, please let it be the sadistic Robert. It would not be surprising if he and Kyle eventually had a face-to-face, physical confrontation.

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Kyle seems to be the only person aware of how much of a loose cannon Robert is. It could lead to some serious issues if no one can bring him in check.

Especially when Mike has so many under-the-table deals going around where he’s pulled the wool over the eyes of all the dangerous key players in town.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

At this point, it’s hard to know who Mike aligns his loyalties with other than his family. Seeing the beatdown he gave the rapist guard in the last episode was the highlight of the show.

Seriously, Mike has major anger issues. He brought Ian along to stop him from doing too much. It’s possible Mike would have another homicide case on his hands if Ian hadn’t pulled him away.

The jury is out on whether it was a mistake not to finish the job. The guard didn’t seem to get the message enough to stay away from Tracy. Not that he knew Mike and her had a connection.

Related: Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 6 Review: Ecotone

Seeing Tracy go on the offensive against the guard’s recent confrontation was better. I might be on the unpopular side for this, but I think she did the right thing, taking the issue to Mike instead of Kyle.

So far, Kyle has been the cleanest and purest of the bunch. It would suck to see him become as jaded and f’ed up as his crooked brothers. It was a relief to see that Tracy confided in him.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

Maybe that will be enough to break the weirdness looming between them since Tracy’s near attack.

We can only imagine Kyle’s damage to the guard if that secret came out. It would make what Mike did look like a massage. Yikes.

Besides all the family drama that seems to permeate the core of Kingstown, many power plays were also taking effect.

Iris is in far too deep with Konstantin, who we can safely say has had an irreparable separation from reality thanks to all his drug use. But maybe he’s not as crazy as we thought since he was right about one thing.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

Milo is still alive, and he’s back for Iris. Mike is not going to be happy. Just when we thought people had reached Iris enough for her to get out of dodge while the coast was clear, a new threat emerged.

And boy, is that one a doozy.

Related: Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 5 Review: Iris

It will be interesting to see which Russian criminal emerges victorious when those two finally meet face to face.

But first, Konstantin has to worry about Mike’s desire to kill him, a promise he made to Bunny after negotiating the surrender of Bunny’s number one guy, Raf, who made a jailbreak during a court appearance.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

It’s hard to figure out if Mike has an alliance with Bunny. Or if he’s straight with Merle, the Aryan leader, about his willingness to end Bunny — and the Crypt’s — reign of control on the city.

We knew the guard Bunny planted in the prison was a mole, but we didn’t expect him to be willing to get his hands dirty as he did in Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 8.

Will he get to stay in play if Kareem has to resign as Warden? Or will the new boss change personnel and leave the crooked guard on the outs?

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I’d love to hear how you feel about the prison board deciding to force Kareem to resign as warden. It’s true that during the short time he’s been in control, many bad things have happened.

And yeah, Kareem is still traumatized from his experiences during the riot, which have led to some erratic behaviors. But he is right that what’s happened at the prison has not been his fault.

He had no knowledge or preparation for the bike attack outside the prison walls that caused severe injuries to Aryan leader Merle. That’s one tough old bastard; I’ll give him that.

(Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount +)

Despite several attempts to take him out, he’s still alive and kicking, even if he’s more beat to hell than a 16-year-old’s first car.

In a series as corruptly messed up as Mayor of Kingstown, it can be difficult to figure out which ones are the good guys. Or are there any? Are the police as bad as the gangs in play?

Which group do you find the most compassion for? Do you hope Bunny and Mike resolve their issues, or are you ready to see Washington take a hike?

Related: Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 7 Review: Marya Was Here

HMU, in the comments, tell us your favorite scene, character, or quote from this episode. Also, give us your thoughts on all the corruption and death that seems to be a normal occurrence on MOK.

And don’t forget to follow TV Fanatic for all the latest news, reviews, and opinion pieces on your favorite current, future, and former TV shows.

Sharing is caring, so be a Karen and send this review to your Kingstown fanatics.

The post Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 9 Review: Home on the Range appeared first on TV Fanatic.

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