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Nightmare 9/16. ‘Nord Stream’ pipelines were intentionally blown up near underwater dumpsite of chemical weapons


Two years ago the ‘Nord Stream 1-2’ pipelines were blown up. After the tragedy of 9/11, after the demolition of the Twin-Towers on September 11, 2001, the world experienced a shock. After the sabotage act of 9/26, the blowing up of the ‘Nord Stream’ pipelines on September 26, 2022, the world experienced shock and awe, but an yperite nightmare is yet up in store for us threatening to contaminate the whole Baltic region.

‘The length of the ‘Nord Stream’ pipeline is about 1200 kilometers. A wide area for sabotage operations!’ it’s like this that V.B., a retired colonel of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) defined our theme at once. ‘But why the Americans, all the same, decided to lay powerful explosives not far from the Danish island Bornholm, do you know?’

- ‘I have no idea’. ‘But we know; in this particular area there is the biggest repository of chemical warfare agents that the USSR had created after the end of the World War II, in 1945-1947’.

In the words of the military intelligence officer (and, as is known, there are also no former ones among them), on September 26, 2022, under the worst, but quite probable circumstances, tens of thousands of citizens of Germany, Poland and Baltic states, as well as inhabitants of Russian Kaliningrad region, could have died in the terrible throes. And in such a case, a damage to the amount of several billion US dollars would have seemed a miserable loss not worthy of attention.


Eleven years ago, in the autumn of 2013, the colonel V.B. consulted me in regard to the staged chemical attack near the town Damask which had been one of the grounds for the Americans to attack Syria. And in five more years, in the spring of 2018, this experienced specialist of military-mechanical intelligence was patiently hammering home to me why the mysterious substance A234, with which allegedly had been poisoned Sergey Skripal and his daughter, had nothing to do with the proverbial Soviet program ‘Novichok’. ‘The effectiveness of ‘Novichok, he said, ‘is fully comparable with atomic weapon of similar weight or volume’.

And recently, V.B. told that he, still being a young officer of the military intelligence, got acquainted with the major-general Boris Surikov who, at the beginning, had dealt with problems of rocket weapons both in the USSR and in Western countries, a then, suddenly, had taken interest in question relating to dumping of chemical weapons. Such radical and sudden change of professional interest happen at the time when Surikov suddenly had found himself in the same hospital with the admiral Vladimir Ttibuts, who, from 1939 to 1947, had been the commander of the Russian Baltic fleet. Trusting relationships were settled among them owing to the fact that both of them had participated in the defense of Leningrad.

Major-general Boris Surikov. Photo from the website of the Museum complex of the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces

And one day Tributs shared a military secret that was troubling him. He personally managed the secret military operation with the purpose to sink a part of German chemical weapons in the Baltic sea. With the feeling of deep regret, the admiral was saying that a serious danger lurked in wait for future generations of Europeans which for the time being was harbored at the bottom the Baltic sea.

In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference of the three Allied Powers – USSR, USA and Great Britain – it was decided to liquidate all trophy chemical weapons. Russian scientists proposed to sink chemical warfare agents (CWA) in the Atlantic Ocean, at greater depths, near Faroe Islands, about 200 miles to the north-east. But for this there were neither enough sea ships, nor special means, so the place of the dumping was transferred, one can say, to the center of Europe…

Tributs said that in the Soviet Sector of Germany they had found 35 thousand tons of CWA. The most part of it - 30 thousand tons – was squandered in scattering form near the Danish island Bornholm (the rest was laid on the bottom near the Gotland island, 65-70 miles to the south-west of the port Liepaja). All in all, more than 71 thousand air bombs (250 kilo bombs) were buried there filled with yperite, more than 14 thousand air bombs (250 and 500 kilograms) with diphenylchlorarsine, chloracetophene and arsenic oil, as well as tens of thousands of cisterns, barrels, rounds with various poisoning agents.

Americans and Brits sank a lot more – about 300 thousand tons of CWA, in the western part of the Baltic sea, at four different places, in the Skaggerak and Kattegat channels, near the shored of Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The western winners of the war didn’t disturb themselves with thinking about the consequences of these secret military operations.

‘Burial site’ of chemical warfare agents. Baltic sea, 1946

And now the major general Surikov gave his parole sooner or later to tell about this barbaric insufficient ‘semi-destruction’ of the German weapons.

This time came only at the beginning of 1990s when Surikov was already an expert of the ‘Independent expert council on strategic analyses of problems of inner and foreign policies of the Federation Council of Russia’. He had a lot to divulge: on the whole, in the archives of the General Stuff there were 52 pages of secret documents in which in details was described the dumping of Wehrmacht’s chemical weapons nears the islands Bornholm and Gotland. On the eve of the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Ministry of Defense had declassified them and handed over to Surikov a document containing 7 pages and entitled ‘Information acknowledged by documents about cases of dumping of chemical ammunition in the waters of the Baltic sea’ which was designated for carrying out of the so-called ‘initiative investigations’. On one of the pages there was a map called ‘Places of dumping of chemical weapons’, certified by the stamping of the General Stuff.

Declassified map of the General Stuff. The places of dumping of Wehrmacht’s weapons at the bottom of the Baltic sea

In 1992 Surikov gave an interview to the Australian journalist and author Phillip Knightley (1929-2016) who soon published in “The Sunday Times Magazine’ an article entitled ‘Dumps of Death’. Thus, thanks to the pains of the Russian general, the world not only got to know about the imminent and colossal in its scale deadly danger but also could define places from where this danger was coming from.


In 1995, specialists of the Helsinki Commission on the protection of the Baltic Sea (HelCom) carried out chemical measurements of the water in the Baltic sea and channels. At that time, specialists came to the following conclusion: ‘at present, there is no danger’ of ecological threat from the scattered ammunitions, ‘and there will hardly be such a danger in the nearest future’. Yet, experts warned that there will be no dangerous emission into water of yperite and other chemical warfare agents (CWA) granted ‘there is no interference in places of their dumping, for instance, with the use of bottom trawl while fishing, with explosions or other underwater technical works’.

Even insertion of separate molecules of yperite in human body can have harmful consequences – mutations in sells of human body. Apart from that, in sunk ammunitions there are explosives that can create in the sea water picrates which are sensitive to blows and jolts.

In 1997, a closed conference took place in Norway on the German chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic sea. Some NATO countries took part in it as well as Poland, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania that were not members of the block at that time. Russia was represented by Tengiz Borisov, head of the Committee on carrying out special underwater works of the Russian government. After the report of the Russian representative who proposed his own know-how in regard to deactivation of the German CWA, members of NATO announced a recess as they allegedly were not authorized to discuss such important problems. Then the collective West adjourned the meeting for the period of one and a half months and asked the representatives of Russia not to publish materials of their investigation until the text meeting. However, neither in half a month, nor after a quarter of the century, when the ‘Nord Stream’ pipe line was blown up, the next meeting didn’t take place. Soon Great Britain and the USA prolonged the classification marking of their archives for 50 additional years, with other NATO members taking similar steps.

At that time, Russian special services started to have general impression that the United States as main ‘beneficiary’ of NATO, from the end of the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s started to develop their own secret projects with regard to ‘utilization’ of the German chemical weapons. What these projects consisted of?..

The HelCom commission has published on its website ‘an overview map of known and supposed places of dumping of chemical materials in the validity area of the Helsinki Convention’.

Overview map of the HelCom on sunk chemical weapons near the island Bornholm (to the left) and Gotland

With red color on this map are marked ‘places of dumping’ of Wehrmacht’s chemical weapons near the islands Bornholm and Gotland. With yellow color are defined ‘the places where chemical warfare agents were found’. The black points are the places where during 1994 – 2012 was registered the penetration of CWA in the environment. 

As we can see, the most difficult and extensive situation connected with the sunk tens of tons of chemical weapons, has built up around the island Bornholm. The whole eastern sector adjacent to this island, about 120 kilometers across, periodically releases chemical warfare agents. And it’s here that special services of the United States recommended to lay down five powerful explosive devices!

The Helsinki Commission on defense of the Baltic sea (HelCom) points out in its report that, according to historical data, sulfur mustard (yperite) happens to be the most widespread poisonous substance in the sunk ammunition. This chemical agent poses a real danger for people who get in touch with it, as well as for organisms in the near vicinity, taking into account both short term and long term consequences’.

‘The impact of mixture of poisonous warfare agents on the environment was not carefully studied with the help of eco-toxicological methods’, conclude rather well-rounded ecologists from HelCom and add: ‘To fill this experimental gap were used only theoretical methods and simulation’.

It was difficult to call comforting forecasts of ocean scientists. In the world of science there is a version about a possible salvo emission of poisonous substances and following it a large scale ecological catastrophe. It has been already proved that yperite and some other elements of chemical weapons are also mutagenes, i.e. substances capable of stimulating mutations of the genetic code. The capacity of yperite to influence genetics was found out as yearly as in the 1950s, that is why yperite is also called the ‘radiate poison’.

And the sunk lewisite is poisonous to a considerably greater degree. In advertisements of American production companies, it was called just ‘the death dew’. Both these substances are poorly soluble in water and they are heavier than it, so they can be situated on the sea bottom in the form of clots of poisonous jelly. And if connected with oil products, yperite and lewisite can travel also in the near surface layer thus poisoning parts of the shore. Fishes poisoned with little concentration of these chemical warfare agents (CWA) can well end up on our tables with all ensuing consequences for us and our descendants.

‘Potentially, everything is possible’, if a massive ‘uncorking’ of the chemical weapons takes place, then a catastrophe is unavoidable. (As scientists have found out experimentally, the speed of destruction in sea water of metallic cover of chemical ammunition is 0.11 – 0.13 mm a year). That is why only because of corrosion, according to specialists, the shells were bound to suffer from self-destruction in the first decade of the XXI century. 

That is why any external explosions in 2024 were inevitably due to lead to a fatal outcome. The more so as, according to the colonel V.B., because of these explosions on a wide space an intense mixture of deadly ‘gel’ and water had taken place, and after that had started the so-called hydrozoans reaction, whose products are several times more toxic as yperite itself!


When the massive pipes of the ‘Nord Streams’ were accurately laid down in the region of chemical weapons dumps, this external intervention didn’t provoke any emission of poisonous agents into the environment. Military chemists know that ‘a prolonged presence of yperite under a layer of motionless water’ do not lead to a measurable worsening of the ecological situation. The catastrophe comes only when, for instance, large scale mixture takes place between CWA and sea water due to an explosion.

Places of explosions of the ‘Nord Stream’ pipelines in the area of dumping of the chemical warfare agents

Joe Biden personally gave the order to blow up the ‘Nord Streams’. Strictly confidential talks lasted nine months among high ranking officials at the head of security councils, CIA and other special services. The national security adviser Jake Sullivan, head of the State Department Tony Blinken and undersecretary for political affairs Victoria Nuland were dealing directly with this issue.

The US government from the beginning of its construction considered the pipeline ‘Nord Stream - 1’ as a direct danger to its global dominance. In Washington, they looked with an overt hatred at Berlin which was dramatically developing its economy and its influence thanks to Russia gas. ‘The ‘Nord Stream – 2’, the construction of which was ended in September 2021, doubled the quantity of cheap gas as well as Germany’s political influence.

In Washington they decided to end radically the gas problem, once and for all. They wanted to do this by way of transforming the Baltic sea into a highly toxic puddle in the center of Europe. The level of confidentiality of the plan to blow up the ‘Nord Streams’ was lowered to the degree of classified intelligence operation with military support from the part of the United States in order not to ask Congress for permission.

Norway became the main partner of the United Stated in this operation. Other neighboring costal states of the Baltic region – Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Poland – were not briefed on these plans as these countries could have been the first victims of the imminent ecological catastrophe. The thing is that in the area of the Bornholm island the wind consistently blows from West to East during eleven months of the year.

‘Rose of the Winds’ on the Bornholm island

For instance, on the meteo map of the Baltic sea dated of September 2024, a typical for this area windrose diagram was registered. Air masses over the Baltic sea were moving from West, and near the island Bornholm they sharply turn to the south where Germany and Poland are situated.

Meteorological chart of the Baltic sea, September 2024

Thus, the main purpose of Biden’s ‘doublet’ was far from annihilating the pipeline, the main objective was to destroy the whole Baltic sea channel which for centuries had connected countries of the West and East. Scientists have calculated that the quantity of poisonous agents dumped on the bottom of the Baltic sea, is ten times higher than a lethal dose for the whole creation on its shores. Apart that that, yperite, according to measurements of, incidentally, American experts, keeps its dreadful lethality during four centuries. And the Baltic is a nearly closed sea, waters are mixing in it in full once in 27 years. I.e. in a quarter of century, in 2049, everything that moves will disappear both inside the Baltic sea and on its shores.

So, the explosions carried out (as they suppose, at the order of the US president Joe Biden) on the bottom of the Baltic sea is not simply an act of ‘sabotage’ in order to deprive Russia of billions of income from sales of natural gas. Nowadays, it’s quite evident that these explosions represent by themselves a classical crime against humanity – without period of limitation – for which the United States authorities must receive a ruthless punishment.

Author: Alexey Chelnokov

See the Russian version at: «Кошмар 9/26. «Северные потоки» намеренно взорвали рядом с подводным захоронением химоружия вермахта»

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