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Biden, Democrats use fear, threats and intimidation to win. Here's how we resist

Biden, Democrats use fear, threats and intimidation to win. Here's how we resist

The constant stream of apocalyptic rhetoric from media and many Democrats insisting Trump threatened our very way of life, was always a danger to democracy. What were they thinking?

When a 20-year-old shooter managed to lie-in-wait for Trump at his July 13th rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, injuring the now GOP nominee for president, killing one rally goer and seriously injuring two others, many suggested that it was "inevitable." 


As I describe in my new book, "Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda," the left’s reliance on fear, threats, and intimidation is not a sloppy result of out-of-control politicians and legacy media—it is an ancient technique meant to control society at-large. 

In our most immediate and urgent context, the constant stream of demonizing and apocalyptic rhetoric from legacy media and many national Democratic leaders, including President Biden himself, insisting Trump threatened our very way of life, was a danger to democracy, and an evil combo of Hitler and Mussolini led to the inevitable—an attempt on the former, and possible future, president’s life.


On June 28, one day after his disastrous debate performance against Trump, generating universal shock about Biden’s mental health, the X (formerly Twitter) account belonging to Joe Biden posted, "Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for." 

That’s a frightening allegation. It racked up 13.3 million views. How long can that sort of apocalyptic rhetoric go on before some disturbed individual decides to take a shot? 

Just 15 days later is when the carnage unfolded in Butler when a bullet miraculously missing the center of Trump’s head by centimeters, striking him on the side at his ear instead.

Despite the confusion and chaos revealed at the heart of the Joe Biden White House since he took office and talk of "toning down" the rhetoric in the aftermath of the assassination attempt, we know from past experience there will be no abandoning the use of fear and envy by the Democratic Party and Biden himself to distract and control. There was a brief pause, but already they’re back at casting Trump as a man bent on destroying the country. 


Just a few days after the assassination attempt, in a speech at the NAACP convention in Las Vegas, Biden even appeared to mock Trump being knocked out of his shoes when the Secret Service rushed to protect him. 

"The 81-year-old president made the odd and seemingly ad-libbed musing during an economy-focused speech. ‘Trump says he doesn’t believe climate change is real. Maybe he should step out here in Vegas where it’s 120 degrees in his bare feet,’ Biden said before chuckling at his own remark. ‘I don’t want to get going here," he added," reported the NY Post. 

The Post’s article added, "The gaffe-prone incumbent spoke when it was nearly 110 degrees in Las Vegas. He appeared to stick closely to a speech loaded into teleprompters on either side of his lectern — but looked straight ahead as he dared the Republican presidential nominee to lose his shoes in Sin City, indicating the line may not have been prepared by his speechwriters."


The use of liquid fear as a campaign (and governance) strategy is relied upon because it has worked. 

The left and their handmaidens in the Democratic Party, have so far been successful and implementing a strategy of fear and mass anxiety to frighten people into giving up their power and even acting in their own worst interest. 

This is nothing new, it is an ancient technique, and is being applied every day by the left in this country in an effort to have us retreat from political and social participation.

It started with Trump in 2016 by painting him as a stooge for Russia. That’s a frightening thing to allege. Even after being exposed as a vile hoax, and prior to Saturday’s assassination attempt, they were back at it for 2024. On July 9th it was widely reported that "Russia Seeks to Boost Trump in 2024 Election, US Intelligence Officials Say." 

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

And who can forget this gem from December 2023, "Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing: new study." Because convincing us our very existence is the problem impacts our self-esteem and confidence, making us more vulnerable to messages of fear and dread. Trump is the threat to the USA, and we are a threat to the planet itself!


The headlines comparing Trump to Hitler were also being recycled at warp speed. After all, Hitler is one of human history’s most murderous and terrifying individuals, and if your goal is to frighten people into silent compliance throwing Hitler into the mix is to be expected.

Democrat bullies want to frighten us (and even more so their own base) into cowering in the corner, allowing them to restructure our society and dictate a new

set of core beliefs they order us to embrace… or else. 

They even demand we change how we speak and write language so they can change the way we think. Whether it be war, a crime epidemic, a plague, civil strife, economic chaos, mental health crises, drug abuse, food and energy scarcity, or the always reliable "climate change emergency," the system of government, media, big business, and education will be constantly at work to keep you feeling afraid, unsure, exhausted, and living paycheck to paycheck.


If they can keep you in an unthinking fear loop, they can stop you from questioning or confronting them about the damage they heap onto society. 

There is one necessary component for the left’s agenda to be successful—the annihilation of the ordinary person’s personal courage—the trait required to withstand danger and fear. 

When courage is lost, with it goes the willingness to confront the powerful and malevolent.

The answer to our dilemma starts with understanding that while fear itself is natural as a transitory warning, weaponizing fear is an unnatural construct creating chronic fear as a constantly used tool to specifically keep us from inquiring or questioning, and even pushing others over the edge into violence.

As the rules dictated by progressives become more absurd, and the dangers associated with challenging the status quo become existential, the left anticipates the average person will naturally retreat. 

We are being encouraged to surrender not just from public life, but from caring about the country and what our survival means for the world. Killing our minds is the only way their backward and deadly progressivism can survive.

I can tell you the victory of the radical left and the triumph of fear over reason, group entitlements over individual rights, and lies over truth are not inevitable. 

We can fight and win the battle for America’s future if we understand the challenges we face and how to overcome them, not with unbridled emotion but with logic and reason. Recognizing that what we’re facing is not natural and can be defeated is vital, allowing us to rely on our personal courage to sweep aside the carefully constructed but false curtain of lies and fear relied on by the establishment and Marxist left. 

This is a unique time in history, and it’s our time to send an undeniable message that our values will prevail over fear and loathing.

Portions of this article are adapted from the author's forthcoming book "Fear Itself."


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