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Новости за 02.08.2024

Supreme Court judgment in Arunthathiyars Reservation Act case a recognition of Dravidian model, says Stalin

The Hindu 

The Tamil Nadu government decided to implement the 3% internal reservation for Arunthathiyars within the Scheduled Caste quota of 18% in 2008, following the recommendations of the committee headed by former judge of the Madras High Court Justice M.S. Janarthanam, considering the Arunthathiyars’ social, educational, and economic backwardness among Scheduled Castes

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Marine Garden Sochi - идеальное место для жилья и отдыха в Сочи

Does Joe Root have the legs to scale Mount Tendulkar?

The Hindu 

Until recently, the Indian legend’s rarefied heights were seen as too far up in the stratosphere for mortals to ascend. But a 33-year-old from Yorkshire, thanks to his unfussy progress and the sheer volume of Test cricket England plays, is within 3,894 runs of the ultimate peak

Why tennis’ once tenuous relationship with the Olympics has changed

The Hindu 

In earlier eras, many of the sport’s stars viewed themselves as ‘independent contractors’, defined by their ranking, not their nationality. But modern players, in part because of tennis’ increasing global footprint, now also cherish the larger purpose of competing for their country

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Арина Соболенко квалифицировалась на Итоговый турнир WTA

Глава телеканала "Пятница!" предрек возвращение Насти Ивлеевой в шоу-бизнес

Летевший из Москвы в Стамбул совершил экстренную посадку в Варшаве

Якутянка Сандаара Апросимова стала чемпионкой мира по шашкам. Еще одна уроженка республики завоевала бронзу ЧМ

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