Fearing destruction of evidence, she says that she will write to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah
Speaking at the 148th Mannam Jayanti celebrations, Mr. Nair says that the faithful have the right to choose whether to wear shirts while entering temples without interference. He emphasises the NSS’ commitment to preserving age-old rituals and customs, questioning whether the Chief Minister and Swami Sachithananda will dare to challenge practices in other religions
A truck mows down 15 New Year revellers in New Orleans on January 1; suspect is U.S.-born army veteran
Youth-driven climate litigation is revolutionising the global climate movement, achieving landmark wins, and demanding government accountability
Over 175 weaver families will benefit from Paturu-Gumalladibba handloom cluster, says Nellore MP Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy
The RMC, Chennai, is likely to announce the withdrawal of the Northeast monsoon only around Pongal
At its core, there is a fairly interesting and mostly uncomplicated storyline holding the film up until the interval point. After that, one can witness the screenwriter succumbing the pressure to keep the audience guessing
Due to the mismanagement of the health sector, 700 mothers and 1,100 babies have died, according to Yadgir CMC chairperson
There are 4,118 children in the age group of 3 to 6 years, who are underweight in the district, says Collector P. Ranjit Basha