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Новости за 13.12.2018

Caroline Flack's Comments On Antidepressants Reflect Dangerous Stigmas Around Medication


This weekend The Sun released an article interviewing television presenter Caroline Flack, in which she discussed her year-long battle with depression, and her experience with antidepressants. Using her platform to open up about suffering with mental health issues and the internalisation of the stigmas attached, contributes to a long, and much-needed, conversation about how we treat those with mental illnesses, and how we treat ourselves. Despite a number of risks, her interview was raw, honest... Читать дальше...

The New York Times Asked For Londoners' Experiences Of Petty Crimes And Boy Did They Deliver


The New York Times has done it again.

The US publication has often missed the mark when it comes to covering the UK and on Thursday morning, they delivered another facepalm-inducing moment, by asking Londoners for submissions on crime. 

Have you experienced a petty crime in London? Click to tell us your story.
(Your submission may be selected for publication.) https://t.co/MRvmXdlYC8

— The New York Times (@nytimes) December 13, 2018

“Have you experienced a petty crime in London? Читать дальше...

Новости России

Инновации в логистике: какие технологии изменят логистику в России в ближайшем будущем

It’s Time We Faced The Facts: The Conservative Party Is No Longer Fit For Purpose


It’s finally happened: after 25 years of tensions simmering away just below the surface, the Conservative Party has now become consumed entirely by its 30-year obsession with Europe. Despite Theresa May’s pyrrhic victory in the leadership challenge this week, this internal battle has rendered this once great bastion of governance – lauded the world over as a fighting-fit, election winning machine – broken beyond repair. 

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WTA удивила решением по Елене Рыбакиной перед стартом Уимблдона

Источник ужаса - Камбоджа. Первый взгляд на хоррор Dark House

Прокурор, дававший советы по защите от мошенников, перевел им 20 миллионов рублей

Подмосковные энергетики присоединили к электросетям строящиеся дома в 2 округах

Ученики школы «Гармония» из Одинцова поучаствовали в акции «Доброе дело»