4Warn Storm Team touches down at Penn Square Mall for Severe Weather Awareness Expo
OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — Shoppers packed into Penn Square Mall on Saturday for the Severe Weather Awareness Expo featuring the 4Warn Storm Team and our outstanding storm chasers.
This was a great opportunity for Oklahomans to meet the 4Warn Storm Team and chasers, learn more about severe weather, share storm stories, take pictures, and sign autographs.
4Warn weather fans also enjoyed spinning the prize wheel for goodies from the hit film TWISTERS, mostly shot right here in Oklahoma.
The 4 Warn Storm team even brought out the INTERCEPTOR 4, News 4's cool storm chasing vehicle used to track storms across our state.
It was a great Severe Weather Awareness event at Penn Square Mall and you could see how fun it was by all of the smiling faces.