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Fraud in the era of artificial intelligence


By Azzah Al-Ghamdi The technological progress that the world has witnessed must be dealt with caution. The world today must be dealt with caution. The world is happy in the era of artificial intelligence, where there is ease, speed, and accuracy in completing transactions and carrying out tasks that require physical and intellectual effort through …

The post Fraud in the era of artificial intelligence appeared first on Kuwait Times.

By Azzah Al-Ghamdi

The technological progress that the world has witnessed must be dealt with caution. The world today must be dealt with caution. The world is happy in the era of artificial intelligence, where there is ease, speed, and accuracy in completing transactions and carrying out tasks that require physical and intellectual effort through machines and with more precision than dealing. So that accuracy achieved through artificial intelligence exceeds human intelligence, meaning that if there is a group of humans who are distinguished in mastering something, it has become possible today for everyone to implement the same accuracy through machines, so humanity does not fear the death of competent people, as machines have contributed to dealing with that matter.

However, the problem today faces security, judicial authorities, and lawyers around the world. This is because there are aspects of artificial intelligence that are the source of forgery. For example, in designing images and programming voice tones, all of these are disasters facing lawyers around the world. Everyone is discussing the negatives of artificial intelligence in the field of robotics and weapons, but in the field of intellectual property rights, artificial intelligence is the enemy of intellectual property law.

How are intellectual property rights preserved in the era of artificial intelligence? Therefore, just as those responsible for developing software and technology have done so, it must be stopped until new legislation is reached to preserve intellectual property as well as design software in return to detect counterfeiters. This is a disaster. The expansion in the fields of artificial intelligence must be confronted with technical bodies capable of detecting forgery because it is a disaster that threatens the loss of rights, thus putting the judiciary in danger.

Innocent people may be put in prison, and innocent people may also be executed because, just as the voices of singers are copied and songs are made with their voices, these songs in return are forged. This is a problem that some people face when filing forgery lawsuits. But what if a crime charge, such as murder, for example, was fabricated such that an innocent’s voice was programmed and a murder charge was placed on him, and the investigation was based on the fact that this innocent person had an audio recording that he was the killer, and in fact he was innocent?

Therefore, the companies developing artificial intelligence mechanisms are in fact serving humanity, but in return, they must preserve rights and have accurate devices that detect forgery. Some call artificial intelligence systems the forgery industry’s systems. Some may find these to be positive aspects, but among the security and judicial agencies, there is an alert against artificial intelligence systems because they threaten freedoms, lead to imprisonment, and lead to the gallows. In the media, our role is to reveal the facts and warn because it is a disaster for the security services in the entire world because these systems primarily please criminals around the world. There are criminals who are not stupid but are even smarter than those designing artificial intelligence systems.

These criminals find that fate has given them an opportunity to expand into crimes such as theft, accusations, and theft of property. Not the entire world has good intentions, as are the intentions of those in charge of software development. There are technological scientists whose goal is development. These people developed the technology because their intentions were good. They want to help doctors and the military, but there are criminals who have found that these artificial intelligence systems are a gift from fate for them to achieve wealth and commit grave crimes while escaping punishment. Just as there are smart programmers, there are criminals who are more intelligent than them, and this must be taken into consideration by the security authorities.

By confronting these foreign companies, it is not permissible to begin expanding the application of artificial intelligence systems without having, in return, devices capable of detecting forgery. We are fully aware that there are those who warned in the media about the danger of artificial intelligence, and the first aspect of the warning was a danger to human resources, meaning that employees will be laid off. Everyone fears that jobs will be lost, but it is easy to fabricate charges and thefts, and it may reach the point where artificial intelligence leads innocent people to the gallows.

In these cases, the highest court in the world must assume responsibility for confronting these companies so that the International Court of Justice sends an official letter to the US so that a protest note is filed because the judicial authorities in various countries of the world will not be able to act, and this is the responsibility of the International Court of Justice, which is able to confront American companies developing artificial intelligence. We are fully aware that the scientific and technological passion pushes many more innovations, and this is a good thing, but the judiciary must be mobilized because, on the other hand, these investigation agencies and judges are legal, and their speciality is not technology.

Even technology experts around the world are not as intelligent as these scientists who developed artificial intelligence systems. For these people, the security and judicial authorities must be mobilized to stand up to this scientific passion. Whoever wants to innovate, this is an excellent thing to serve humanity, but the world has evil people and criminals. All security precautions must be taken to ensure that innocent people are not thrown into prison or executed.

We should ask the International Court of Justice to act quickly, as they are the highest judicial body in the world and they represent all the courts. Not every single country will address the United States of America, and this role must be played urgently by the International Court of Justice so that we confront the most dangerous criminals in the world and protect the innocent. This is a great responsibility, and we hope that the International Court of Justice succeeds.

The post Fraud in the era of artificial intelligence appeared first on Kuwait Times.

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