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Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for May 15, 2024

Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for May 15, 2024

Restricting throttled e-bikes would be mistake

One of the things I like best about my electric-assist bicycle is that it gives me back 60 years. I can ride like a 28-year-old, instead of an 88-year-old.

My riding is facilitated by the throttle on my bike. This makes the bike safer and easier to ride.

I habitually start the bike using the throttle, since it gets me up and balanced and going without having to get the pedals engaged. It simplifies starting up. It is safer because I have immediate power when starting up to get through an intersection when a light changes and (since I live at the bottom of a very steep hill and I have to begin my ride uphill in first gear) the throttle is key for me to get going.

I would never buy an e-bike without a throttle. Banning e-bikes with a throttle will limit their use and development at a time when bikes are making a very constructive comeback in facilitating clean, nonpolluting personal transportation.

They are also quite necessary in getting a loaded cargo bike going. I presently use my bike for grocery shopping. My panniers are often not capacious enough to get all my shopping done. A cargo bike is in my future, unless unnecessary and unwise regulation stifles bicycle development.

I recently returned from a trip to Europe. Some communities there are well ahead of us in developing the use and variety of bicycles. We need to catch up, not fall behind.

— Jay Conner, Novato

Marin officials show no sign of being Procrustean

I am writing in response to a recently published letter to the editor by Marin Assistant Director of Public Works Berenice Davidson concerning the Novato High School speech contest. I fully concur with all the ideas expressed. I especially enjoyed her clear albeit indirect reference to the Greek myth of Procrustes.

For those whose memory may have faded, let me recapitulate: Procrustes, a perverse bandit masquerading as an innkeeper, took in exhausted travelers and then held them against their will.

He had an iron bed. If a traveler was too tall to comfortably fit, Procrustes would cut off feet or heads. Those who were too short were stretched. Indeed, Procrustes, in Greek, means “the stretcher.” Since no traveler perfectly fit the Procrustean bed, they were all killed.

Finally, the hero, Theseus, eliminated Procrustes using the same method. Theseus lashed him to the infamous bed and cut off both head and feet to the immense relief of the countryside.

In psychiatry and sociology, a Procrustean syndrome refers to a pronounced intolerance of differences and the maniacal compulsion to make everything fit pre-established patterns and norms.

I think it applies to state agencies like Caltrans and the legislators who set the housing mandates. Fortunately, it does not apply to members of Marin County government. Local officials regularly distinguish themselves with thoughtful flexibility, innovation and creativity.

— John Kress, San Rafael

San Rafael must spend encampment funds wisely

I am writing in regard to recent news that San Rafael will receive $5.99 million from the state to help manage the encampment along Mahon Creek (“Marin awarded $18M to assist homeless campers, workers,” April 28).

The article stated that 65 to 70 people are in the camp now. If that total were split between the inhabitants, it would come to at least $84,285 per person. I realize that there are more homeless people in the city than just those at the encampment, but I still find that total alarming.

I would like to see an audit of how and where the money is spent. I am concerned that it will be wasted.

It seems that California has an endless supply of taxpayer dollars for “feel good” help for people who are mostly drug addicts uninterested in getting treatment. Certainly, there are a few people there who really need help to get back on their feet. I am afraid this funding will do nothing more than bloat our local government.

This funding could be spent on public school teachers. In California, the average teacher salary is far too low as it is.

— Hil Hawken, San Anselmo

MMWD should just do what needs to be done

I find Marin Municipal Water District’s “pain plan” to spend ratepayers’ dollars to be crazy and endless (“MMWD approves plan to hit goals,” April 6).

When did this country switch from a place that built magnificent big projects to a country that is managed by control freaks and endless ultraconservative conservationists? We have, within our power, the ability to make the desert bloom and to allow the valley to produce enough food to feed a much bigger portion of the world.

I think Marin has abundant water and nothing but psychobabble for leadership.

Endless restrictions and outrageous price increases will eventually come home to roost with the MMWD Board of Directors. Stop trying to gaslight your customers and go about doing what needs to be done to increase the supply. End all new hookups until that is accomplished. That should be non-negotiable.

Stop trying to make Marin look like a desert by threatening stronger conservation measures. We love our plants and need to water them without being terrorized by the price or harassed by control freaks.

— Tim Peterson, San Anselmo

Bridge bike lane belongs on eastbound lower deck

On a recent Saturday, I was stuck in a traffic jam on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. It appeared to be caused by a flat tire on a trailer.

It made me wonder why the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Caltrans continue to ignore pleas from commuters about removing the bike and pedestrian lane from the westbound upper deck. It makes no sense that people going home in the evenings after work have an extra lane, but people trying to get to work at a specific time are stuck.

If the bridge must have a bike lane, it should be on the eastbound lower deck. We need a real third lane westbound. I suspect there may be less intense wind on the lower level anyway. That’s a benefit to bikers.

Officials will say they have so much invested in the current system that it would be too expensive to tear it down and start over. I suspect that, once again, the simple and obvious better solution will not be implemented.

— Bill Hess, Greenbrae

Democrats must welcome challengers to Joe Biden

There seems to be a belief that any qualified candidate other than President Joe Biden could defeat Donald Trump in the presidential election in November, given that Trump appears to threaten the concept of a democracy.

But take a closer look at Biden. He has an impressive record of accomplishments. All presidents commit errors at one time or another. However, the negative factors of age, foreign entanglement, border crisis and negative narratives coming from some corners of the media are splitting the Democratic Party into factions. Splitting up will ensure a loss in November.

Unifying action by the Democratic National Committee is immediately required. I think it should call for an open convention to consider challengers to Biden. There are charismatic, intelligent and generational young potential candidates with proven and spotless past records who are also well respected. Opening it up would allow the party to shine at the convention and make irrelevant all the Biden venom spewed by others trying to pump up Trump.

Opening the convention would prevent Trump from having a consistent target for his rhetoric. If a new candidate were picked, Americans could witness debates between a relatively youthful and mentally sharp Democrat vs. the aged and inconsistent Trump. I have no doubt I would feel comfortable supporting the former.

For the good of the country and party, Biden must permit and encourage an open convention. If party members are sure of his record, he could still be nominated. Like a healed broken bone, Biden would then be stronger than before.

— Stephen Redner, San Rafael

Частные объявления сегодня


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Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты

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Третья Московская неделя моды: масштабное событие с участием дизайнеров из России и мира пройдет в октябре

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

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Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты

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Музыкальные новости

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Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» спасает население от борьбы с перенаселением, 5 серия, СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.

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Спорт в России и мире

Новости спорта

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Надежда Петрова

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Финансовый код: что это такое, как работает и как его запустить

Премьер-министра Словакии Фицо перевели из больницы домой после покушения

Если нечем заменить Китай или Когда ситуация диктует

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