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‘We walked the Jurassic Coast cliffs during a torrential thunderstorm, but it was worth every soggy mile’

The Lifeline team has raised nearly £20,000 for Young Lives vs Cancer (Picture: Metro.co.uk)

As rivers of brown muddy water flowed beneath our feet and lightning crackled overhead, there was a moment when Team Metro began to question just why we were walking 58km along the rugged Jurassic Coast during a thunderstorm.

Deep down though, we all knew the answer.

When the ominous dark clouds appeared as we hiked towards the picturesque Lulworth Cove in Dorset, we initially mistook rumblings of thunder for military activity from the nearby Lulworth Ranges. But soon, it became clear a storm was brewing.

Picking up the pace we tried, and failed, to outrun the intensity of the rain which followed. Described by many of the 2000-plus walkers as ‘biblical’, it turned paths into streams within minutes. Our clothes were soaked through and walking boots drenched by muddy brown water. Plastic bags were hurriedly unearthed and fashioned into phone holders, bag protectors and even waterproof hats.

This storm had caught everyone by surprise, the Met Office only released a yellow weather warning of its arrival at 10am that day. By the time the storm hit at 7pm, our group had already walked for 11 hours through rural Dorset. But even as the weather conditions took a turn, we were determined to brave the storm, as this walk was for a very special cause.

Metro’s Lifeline Challenge

(left) A group selfie at the start and (right) the journey begins towards Corfe Castle (Pictures: James Christiansen/Lily-Maie Wilson)

For this year’s Lifeline campaign Metro.co.uk teamed up with the charity Young Lives vs Cancer. Not only was our mission to raise awareness of the vital work they do, but also raise money for the charity by encouraging readers, supporters and staff to take on an epic fundraising event – and trekking 58km of the Jurassic Coast was it.


Young Lives Vs Cancer works to make sure every child and young person diagnosed with cancer gets the right care and support at the right time. We’ve raised £20,000 so far as part of our fundraiser, you can add to that by clicking here. 

Ahead of our challenge, we spoke to people supported by the charity to find out just how invaluable their help is. Jasmin Sarll, whose son Hugo was diagnosed with a rare liver cancer at just two-years-old, spoke of the daily battle she fought deciding whether to ‘pay rent or put food on the table’ Thanks to Young Lives Vs Cancer, she received grants to recover financially and focus on her son’s treatment.

Meanwhile Ainsley Foster, who was 21 when he was diagnosed with cancer, temporarily lost his vision during his treatment and spent eight-days in an induced coma. He likened his Young Lives vs Cancer support worker Eve to a ‘second mum’ in helping him throughout the whole ordeal.

The walk

(left) A walking pole which fell victim to a bog and (right) news reporter Sarah Hooper spends time with some local wildlife (Pictures: Kirsten Robertson/Craig Munro)

As the Lifeline team arrived at Corfe Castle to start our challenge on Saturday, May 18, Kat Tetley, of Young Lives vs Cancer, told the group: ‘Know that every step you take, you’re making a huge difference to the lives of children and young people facing cancer.’

The next thing we knew, we were already passing through the start line alongside 3,000 other trekkers, as music from the Greatest Showman played over speakers.

Gentle hills eased us into the hike and we soon reached the 11km checkpoint, where the team stocked up on fruit, custard pastries and flapjacks. We then marched through the town of Swanage, with the family-run Surprise ‘N’ Store shop on hand for a last-minute cap purchase for team member Connie, before we circled back past Corfe Castle. 

Along the way, spirits were lifted by strangers who spotted our Young Lives vs Cancer t-shirts and offered support. “Good luck!” called two children as they walked with their parents on the beach. “Well done, keep going” a group of cyclists shouted as they whizzed past on the Priest’s Way trail. One paediatric nurse spotted the charity logo on our t-shirts, and excitedly told us how important the work of the charity was in her local hospital.

Up Next

A hill we nicknamed ‘The Beast’ proved to be the most challenging ascent (Picture: Craig Munro)
Team Metro set off at 8.30am, with rain starting around 8.32am (Picture: Young Lives Vs Cancer/Hana Laurie)
News reporter Jen Mills celebrates after conquering ‘The Beast’ (Picture: Claie Wilson)

Coming together at the 25km checkpoint, at Bucknowle farm near Church Knowle village around 3pm, there was a sense of pride and, of course, weariness. After a quick lunch and some blister TLC, we were off again.

It was here that the real challenge began, with steep hills and wild weather lying between us and the next checkpoint at 42km. A scramble up a particular steep hill near White Nothe, which we affectionately nick-named ‘the Beast’, was followed by a stroll above the beautiful Lulworth Cove. 

When the thunderstorm hit around 6.30pm, heads bowed down as the team charged towards our next rest stop at Daggers Gate. Foot traffic jams emerged at certain areas of the route, as walkers worked out the best way to navigate flooded roads or traverse boggy paths. But the wider task at hand – the fundraiser for Young Lives vs Cancer – kept everyone going even through the hardest parts.

By the time we finall reached the checkpoint, the sun was beginning to set and the rain ironically easing the moment we reached cover.

It was here where a difficult decision was made to splinter the group. Trek organisers had put on emergency shuttles for shivering walkers wrapped in foil blankets whose water-logged boots and soaked through clothes made it too risky to carry on.

However, a smaller Lifeline group of five Lwere able to continue and, armed with dry kit and head torches borrowed from others, we were determined to reach the finish. 

Team Metro make their way through Swanage (Picture: Young Lives vs Cancer/Hana Laurie)
Metro editor Deborah Arthurs and Connie Sideras walk beside the Lulworth Ranges (Picture: Craig Munro)
The charity walk took in stunning scenery such as Durdle Door near Lulworth (Picture: Craig Munro)
Metro deputy editor Claie Wilson after the storm near the Daggers Gate checkpoint (Picture: Deborah Arthurs)

After a quick picture at Durdle Door, the walkers clambered up two more huge hills on the Jurassic Coast. One team member resorted to walking on hands and knees ‘like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings’ on the latter peak, Chaldon Hill.

By this point, darkness had fallen and our beautiful views were replaced by disconcerting shadows of hillsides and coastlines. Green glow sticks placed on fences and gates directed us onwards.

Metro.co.uk Lifeline 2024

When a family is told their child has cancer, it can feel like their whole world has fallen apart, in an instant. 

Young Lives vs Cancer is there to support children and young people with cancer and their families from the moment the doctor says ‘it’s cancer’ to help with whatever they might need.

From a financial grant to make sure the house is warm, a place to sleep in a Home from Home near the hospital or a social worker speaking to an employer to explain why a parent needs time off work. Young Lives vs Cancer is there to help with whatever cancer throws their way.

To support the Metro’s Lifeline Campaign with Young Lives vs Cancer, you can sign up here.

If you would like to simply donate to the charity, just click on our JustGiving page here.

Alternatively, you can:

TEXT METROFIVE to 70085 to give £5

TEXT METROTEN to 70085 to give £10

TEXT METROTWENTY to 70085 to give £20

*texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message

Or send a cheque payable to ‘Young Lives vs Cancer’ to The Metro Lifeline Campaign, Young Lives vs Cancer, 4th Floor, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS1 2NT

Then, out of nowhere, lights emerged on the horizon. It was Weymouth, our final goal.

As we crossed the finish line at Lodmoor country park, The Only Way is Up blasted through the speakers and we were greeted with hot food, prosecco, big hugs and high fives.

The next day, as we rested our weary feet and re-dressed our blisters, we not only reflected on what we’d achieved, but also on the work of the charity we were all doing this for.

(left) Connie Sideras braves the darkness and (right) a muddy feet photo to mark the final stretch (Picture: Deborah Arthurs)
The charity walk had been at the eye of an unprecedented storm (Picture: Met Office)
James Besanvalle, Kirsten Robertson and Craig Munro at 1.10am (left) and (right) Deborah Arthurs and Connie Sideras at 2.50am (Pictures: Claie Wilson)

Kat from Young Lives vs Cancer told us the money raised by Metro could pay for at least 379 hours emotional support from one of the charity’s specialist social workers, or 306 nights in one of their Homes from Home which provide free places for families of young cancer patients to stay, close to hospital.

‘As a charity, we rely on the kindness of supporters to continue to be there for children and young people with cancer and their families, so the money raised from the Lifeline Campaign will make a huge difference,’ she added.

Meanwhile, Deputy editor Claie Wilson said: ‘Lifeline challenges are meant to be tough – and this one was especially so. Everyone who took it on did incredibly well, and we couldn’t be more proud of the team.’

‘To know they went the extra mile (literally) for such an amazing charity, shows just how important Young Lives vs Cancer is.’

Many thanks to Oliver’s Travel who kindly hosted Team Metro in Moonbeam Cottage, Dorset ahead of and after the challenge, and also to Jurassic Coast Holiday Homes for organising accommodation for us at the The Georgian House in Weymouth and Poxwell Manor West Wing.

Metro.co.uk Lifeline 2024

When a family is told their child has cancer, it can feel like their whole world has fallen apart, in an instant. 

Young Lives vs Cancer is there to support children and young people with cancer and their families from the moment the doctor says ‘it’s cancer’ to help with whatever they might need.

From a financial grant to make sure the house is warm, a place to sleep in a Home from Home near the hospital or a social worker speaking to an employer to explain why a parent needs time off work. Young Lives vs Cancer is there to help with whatever cancer throws their way.

To support the Metro’s Lifeline Campaign with Young Lives vs Cancer, you can sign up here.

If you would like to simply donate to the charity, just click on our JustGiving page here.

Alternatively, you can:

TEXT METROFIVE to 70085 to give £5

TEXT METROTEN to 70085 to give £10

TEXT METROTWENTY to 70085 to give £20

*texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message

Or send a cheque payable to ‘Young Lives vs Cancer’ to The Metro Lifeline Campaign, Young Lives vs Cancer, 4th Floor, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS1 2NT

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