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Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon


We live in a strange world, and as Neil Armstrong once said, there are "great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers."

NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon

Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel.

Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they show details of original prints which were huge. Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source…







































Tags: astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science,

astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science,

James Webb is currently having issues with its MIRI instrument. The problem is caused by increased friction in one of MIRI’s mechanisms when operating in the Medium-Resolution Spectroscopy (MRS) mode. The observatory is otherwise in good condition, but the team has decided to stop MRS observations until they find a solution.

The Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI)

onboard JWST is one of the most important instruments. It enables the telescope to see in the 5 to 27 micrometer wavelength range. There are four modes on the instrument: imaging, medium-resolution spectroscopy, low-resolution spectroscopy, and coronagraphy.

On August 24, while preparing for observations using MIRI’s medium-resolution spectroscopy mode (MRS), the team discovered a grating wheel problem. Its purpose is to distinguish between short, medium, and long wavelengths. Its function is to select between short, medium, and long wavelengths. The telescope detected increased friction in the mechanism during the setup process leading to scientific observation, which caused the problem.

Following preliminary health checks, an anomaly review board was formed on September 6 to determine the best course of action. As a result, JWST has paused MRS observations using MIRI until an adequate solution is found. MIRI’s three remaining modes are still operational. Other instruments are unaffected as well.

Prior Issues with James Webb

It is not the first time James Webb has encountered problems since its launch in December 2021. A larger-than-expected micrometeoroid previously struck one of JWST’s mirror segments. The team detected enough damage, but the quality of observations continues to exceed original expectations.

Despite the current issues, we should still expect new images. So the recent discoveries of the Tarantula and Orion Nebulae will not be the last. For the time being, the observatory can use a variety of other modes. Furthermore, there are many things that James Webb has observed but has not yet made public. Like the images taken by the TRAPPIST-1 system during its first month of scientific operation.

Hopefully, the team will be able to solve the current problem and get the telescope back up and running.

Source: NASA

The Andromeda Galaxy is a giant swirl of around a trillion stars just down the street from the Milky Way. But billions of years from now, it will collide with our home galaxy.

On a clear night away from city lights, you can just make out a long, fuzzy blob known as the Andromeda Galaxy if you look toward the constellation Andromeda.

Although it is 2.5 million light-years away, the Andromeda Galaxy, or M31, is our Milky Way’s nearest large neighbor. That makes it the most distant object regularly visible with the naked eye.

According to some estimates, the Andromeda Galaxy contains one trillion stars. It has a diameter of more than 200,000 light-years. That’s much larger than the Milky Way, which, according to more recent estimates, is 150,000 light-years across (though the exact boundary of where either of these galaxies "end" is a bit nebulous). Astronomers are still struggling to get an accurate count, but our galaxy appears to have a quarter to half the number of stars as Andromeda.

The Andromeda Galaxy’s discovery

For thousands of years, ancient skygazers may just have pondered the nature of this hazy spot. The Andromeda Galaxy, on the other hand, was discovered in 964 A.D. by a Persian astronomer named Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi, who wrote a book about "Fixed Stars." In it, he mentioned Andromeda and noted the location of the Large Magellanic Cloud, a much smaller satellite galaxy of our Milky Way. The Andromeda Galaxy was described as a "small cloud" in the sky.

But it wasn’t until the 1800s that astronomers realized how unique Andromeda was. That’s because, until about a century ago, scientists believed our Milky Way was the center of the universe.

For a long time, observers using telescopes to look for comets had been finding "nebulae" — a term that referred to any fuzzy night-sky object that wasn’t a comet. Spiral nebulae were those with spiral shapes, such as Andromeda. However, in 1864, an English astronomer named Sir William Huggins used a prism to separate and analyze the different colors of light from various nebulae. Huggins noticed that the light spectra of M31 was very different from some of these other nebulae.

The great galaxy debate

Other astronomers began to notice supernovae exploding in Andromeda over the next few decades. One astronomer in particular, Heber Curtis, used the known brightness of these explosions to calculate the distance to Andromeda. He estimated that this "spiral nebulae" was an unprecedented 500,000 light-years away, which would put it well outside the confines of our Milky Way.

Vesto Slipher, an astronomer at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, had turned the 24-inch Clark Telescope on M31 a few years before and measured it moving toward us at an astonishing rate. Meanwhile, Slipher’s measurements of more than a dozen other spiral nebulae revealed that, with the exception of three, they were all moving away from Earth.

In the famous "Great Debate" between Curtis and Harlow Shapley – the latter an ambitious young scientist, these findings were presented as some of the opening salvos. Many scientists agreed with Shapley’s long-held belief that the Milky Way was the entirety of the Universe. However, evidence appeared to suggest that Andromeda, as well as other mysterious spiral nebulae, were in fact "island universes." It would take years to reach a conclusion to the debate.

Milkomeda: the Milky Way and Andromeda collide

We now know the Andromeda Galaxy truly is an island universe distinct from our own. But it won’t always be that way.

As Slipher’s observations first revealed, the Milky Way and Andromeda will become uncomfortably close over the next five billion years or so. The pair will exchange glancing blows, ripping stars from one another and transforming them into long, drawn-out tails.

During these encounters, the Andromeda Galaxy will loom large in our night sky as seen from Earth. However, as the two become completely entangled, they will merge into one massive group of stars. But instead of a spiral galaxy, the final object will be an elliptical. This future galaxy is known as Milkomeda by astronomers, and mergers like this happen all the time.While it may appear that a collision between two galaxies will only lead in destruction, galaxy mergers frequently result in extreme bursts of star formation. This will also be visible from our solar system, though humans are unlikely to survive long enough to see it.

Nonetheless, the aftermath of the Milkomeda collision will leave our night sky awash with bright, new stars. So, instead of this galactic clash killing either of the galaxies, the mergers might even usher in new life.For the first time, astronomers have observed a white dwarf star ‘switching on and off’ in less than 30 minutes. The researchers, led by Durham University in the United Kingdom, announced on October 18 that they used NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to observe the unusual phenomenon, which had previously only been observed over a period of days and months. The British university team observed the phenomenon in the solar system TW Pictoris, which is 1,400 light-years away from Earth, using TESS data.

University of Durham researchers said that the particular white dwarf which showed the phenomena is known to be "accreting, or feeding from an orbiting companion star. Our astronomers saw it lose brightness in 30 minutes, a process only previously seen in accreting white dwarfs over a period of several days to months."

The official release elaborated on the incident, stating that the brightness of the accreting white dwarf is affected by the amount of material surrounding it, which it feeds on. Astronomers believe that what they have seen could be changes to the white dwarf’s surface magnetic field. Notably, when the mode is "on," the white dwarf star normally "feeds off" the accretion disc before the system "suddenly and abruptly" turns "off" and the brightness decreases.

Why the system goes ‘off’?

The researchers also noted in the statement that when the system ‘abruptly’ turns ‘off,’ the magnetic field of the white dwarf star spins so fast that it hinders the amount of ‘food’ that the white dwarf star can receive. According to the astronomers, this is known as magnetic gating. The shortage of ‘food’ for the star leads to "semi-regular small increases in brightness seen by the astronomers. After some time, the system sporadically turns "on" again, and the brightness increases back to its original level."

The full research paper has been published in the journal Nature Astronomy and the study was led by Dr Simone Scaringi in Durham University’s Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy. NASA’s TESS is normally used to spot planets outside of the solar system.Galaxies exchange matter with their external environment thanks to galactic winds. For the first time, the MUSE instrument from the Very Large Telescope has mapped the galactic wind that drives these exchanges between galaxies and nebulae. This discovery led to the detection of some of the Universe’s missing matter.

Because of the galactic winds created by stellar explosions, galaxies can receive and exchange matter with their external environment. An international research team led on the French side by the CNRS and l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon has for the first time mapped a galactic wind using the MUSE instrument from the ESO’s Very Large Telescope. This one-of-a-kind observation, detailed in a study published in MNRAS on September 16, 2021, helped to reveal where some of the Universe’s missing matter is located and to observe the formation of a nebula around a galaxy.

Galaxies are celestial islands of stars and possess ordinary or baryonic matter, which consists of elements from the periodic table, as well as dark matter, whose composition remains unknown. One of the major challenges in understanding the formation of galaxies is that approximately 80% of the baryons that make up the normal matter of galaxies is missing. According to models, they were expelled from galaxies into intergalactic space by the galactic winds created by stellar explosions.Note: Baryons are particles consisting of three quarks, such as protons and neutrons. They make up atoms and molecules as well as all visible structures in the observable Universe (stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters, etc.). The "missing" baryons, which had never before been observed, must be distinguished from dark matter, which consists of non-baryonic matter of an unknown nature.

An international team led by researchers from the CNRS and l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon successfully used the MUSE instrument to create a detailed map of the galactic wind driving exchanges between a young galaxy in formation and a nebula (a cloud of gas and interstellar dust).

The perfect positioning of the galaxy and the quasar, as well as the discovery of gas exchange due to galactic winds, made it possible to draw up a unique map. This enabled the first observation of a nebula in formation that is simultaneously emitting and absorbing magnesium—some of the Universe’s missing baryons—with the Gal1 galaxy.This type of normal matter nebula is known in the near Universe, but its existence for young galaxies in formation was only assumed.

Scientists discovered some of the Universe’s missing baryons, confirming that 80–90% of normal matter is found outside of galaxies, an observation that will help expand models for galaxies’ evolution.

Tags: astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science,

astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science, astronomy, science, NASA, UFOs, aliens, space, space, space science, science, breaking news, Earth science, science,

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Познание мышления мозга

Два пассажира пропали после аварии с поездом Воркута — Новороссийск

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Спортсмены из Архангельской области взяли серебро и бронзу на чемпионате России по пулевой стрельбе

Семейный пикник «Родные - любимые» пройдет в Поморье в третий раз

Архангелогородцев приглашают на субботник в рамках Всероссийской акции «Вода России»

Портативный ТСД корпоративного класса Saotron RT-T70

В Симферополе пройдут антитеррористические учения

Агент СБУ засел в МВД Крыма: Источник сообщил о поимке майора-шпиона

Семья из Симферополя отправилась в колонию за мошенничество

Удивительно, но факт: в Симферополе снять квартиру дороже, чем в Севастополе

Живем, как после инсульта. Переболевшие ботулизмом рассказали, что ощущают

Что произошло 27 июня в истории Якутии

Отец Героя РФ носит его обувь, чтобы он вернулся домой

Могут ли проблемы со строительством домов в Южно-Сахалинске привести к трагедии?

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