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The Donald Trump Interviews…


Janet Grace Speaks Out
Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen

Janet Grace is in her 60s. She is an author/musician and lives in Maryland.

KB: Why do you dislike or even hate Trump?

To set the record straight, I do not “hate” Trump. I wouldn’t give him or that entire branch of Insanity as much energy as it takes to hate, but I have paid close attention, so you’re asking the right person.
I believe that he, personally, is a deeply disturbed individual who, along with the rest of the racists who condone his behavior, have succeeded in disrupting the existence of planet Earth for the rest of humanity’s life. That of itself is a travesty.

I am saddened and repulsed by the Nazi’s, racists, demagogue Wanna-Be’s in all facets of our government, who allowed this demon any room to breathe, grow a voice and use the United States as his own to do whatever he pleased with, uncurtailed.

KB: How do you view his supporters?

I view them as:
a). Racists
b). Ignorant
c). Both
d). Repeat.

I have friends that support Trump. I take them with a grain of salt over my shoulder, and remind them that it took a whole lotta loving to make me, the second they mention his name:
“Nope, nope! Yo, Holmes, I’ve got more traces of races in me than a full box of crayons has colors. I don’t want to hear about that racist sonofanazi! Next topic or you’re buying the next three rounds and, paying for my dinner!”

“Trump = Apocalyptic Racial Cleansing! If ya (sic) don’t wanna go there with me, let’s change the topic now”
That usually changes the topic and the one person that decided to wave away my lineage and DNA with a wave of their beautiful manicure, as if they were to be allowing me into the exclusive club by saying:

“Aww, but you’re not black”, which twists my curls into horns in a second, to that one, I had no words. That’s all they had time to say. Click. We no longer speak. As my blood reached the melting point, I was shaking from their ignorance: ‘Take your misguided “compliment” and keep on walking. They’d met my mother. She sure as hell wasn’t white! That “you’re not black” comment is how a white person tells a person of color or mixed lineage that they’re “ok”, they “pass” (as white) because, um … maybe it’s wintertime and they’ve forgotten how colorful you become with a mere minute in the sun? But more than that, they’ve revealed their hidden racism otherwise they wouldn’t have said that.

KB: Why should Trump never be President again?

OY! Let’s see:

He Is A Fraud!

Felon: 91 Counts! Hush money payouts, stealing the nation’s secrets first chance he got, selling them to we shall hopefully never see.

He Loathes America and all it stands for. He needs his own country but this ain’t it! It’s Not for fucking sale!

He will certainly destroy every single one of us, period. Goodbye, Nato Allies and ka-boom go their countries. He’ll be pushing the buttons, enjoying the show from his secret bunker, like he did during the January 6th Insurrection at The Capitol.

Look, I could show you graphs depicting the shocking rise of depression, anxiety, suicide, mental strife, et al, since the night TFG succeeded in cheating Hillary out of her win, but personally, I called my shrink the second he blew up what’s his face, convinced we were all going to die. Well, I was in the right frame of mind for the wrong year.

If America thought it had problems, we were about to be bamboozled by the likes of hell on earth. The show is just about to begin.

First of all, this idiot, Trump, is unfit to be POTUS, as I am, but I’m not running.

This MF is incapable of completing a United States puzzle. He is as scholastically ignorant as a first grader, the latter given a pass for obvious reasons, but the man cannot read, write, spell, let alone govern an entire continent representing his pig ignoramus tie-dyed face as the Leader of The Free World?

Nah, man! Nope. To top it off, he is neither Republican nor Democrat.

America was stupid enough to give him a fking millimeter and look at where we are.

As much as I adored Former President Obama, I believe he owes the entire world an apology for making fun of that disgusting turd on that fateful night, that well deserved public humiliation we all enjoyed seeing at the time, has brought us ever flowing tears since 2015.

He never should have referenced that rotten soul, whatsoever. We have all paid with our blood, our sweat, our tears, and we continue to do so.

I believe the night Obama roasted that orange faced disaster, the gates of hell opened and every piece of garbage that could emerge from there did so, and yeah, thanks, Obama! That’s the biggest take away we were left with and took us away, it did.

Trump, that Sucker and Loser that he is — and all he will ever be — till “he’s dead like a dog”, is a Wanna-Be dictator. He is a Make America (Nazi) Germany Asshole and This is Not a

KB: Why is America better off without Trump?

The Entire World is better off without Trump. Ask the folks in Scotland whose pipelines were destroyed by Trump and Co. when the Ignoramus and Sons built a golf course on neighboring land, “accidentally” damaging their water supply, their drinking source, refusing to fix it. They (T &Co.) blamed the original landowners for being where they have been before any of those dirty pieces of crud were born. Watch the documentary on Netflix. Haters going to hate, but if you want a reason and you go there, you will come and go twice when you watch this show and see heinous

Elder Abuse in action.

America needs a ton of work to tighten up the Constitution from Grifters, such as he and his people. We’re not going to be able to turn this massive ship around as easily as a jet ski, no matter what anyone says, with the likes of TFG anywhere near the controls.

The liberty bell marking Freedom for All will never ring with the likes of him anywhere near our government.

TFG is a demented soulless specimen amongst so many types of humans. His ‘species’ (toxic narcissist) has no business having anything to do with any population and given the job of POTUS, he will destroy everything in his path as America has already experienced.

Narcissists have no morals, integrity, authentic feelings, souls. They are incapable of feeling anything for humanity because they have none within. They are an anomaly, a soulless living shell.

They are the manicotti shell without the filling. They are the poop sans le bag. They do not have a moral compass. They lack a conscience. They cannot feel love at all. I know, sad right? It’s sad to us because we can emote.

Narcs are incapable of feeling this. They must control people. They must get a “one up” on everyone and everything because they’ve got to tamp you down in order to raise themselves up because they know they’re assholes and the only thing they really do know (they can’t feel, don’t forget this) is that they are SHIT!


They know it and so they project that onto everyone in the whole wide world and he, with his “Daddy” issues, gets a full chub at the thought of how Awesome the “Real Macho Fukwads” are hence his homo-erotic hysteria with the World’s Assholes.

No American in the world is fawned upon by Trump the way he fawns over Putrid n KimFukUtu and if you listen to him, his newest thing is a very bad Russian accent impersonation when he speaks at his rally’s, but spoken, almost like a child.

Yo! Really? (As, they say here in Baltimore)

Y’all MFers need to wake yo’azz’ the fuck up.

That Shit is Not Fucking Normal.

The closest they can achieve to love is a puppy love type of emotion called “limerence.”

There it’s not one bit of love inside of this species and they view that aspect as a good thing because they don’t get hung up on “Feelings.” They’ll shoot anybody on Fifth Avenue for real. They have no remorse, zero, zilch.

Trump will continue to kill those he does not like, and we are the 9/10ths of the American population that are quite clear headed in knowing what he is.

He’s not a “who” or “whom.” He’s a “what.”

Examples of his inhumanity begin when we (New Yorker’s) first learned about the Famously Racist Demented Father/Son Duo who were brought up on charges of racial discrimination in the 1970’s for refusing to rent his fleabag apartments to People of Color and minorities.

We learned more about his brutality, misogyny, disgusting rhetoric as he campaigned for the 2016 election which he stole from Hillary with the assistance of those countries which America does not trust to let its guards down with, namely his friends: North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, Middle East.

That covers one through one hundred or however many lies he fed “We, The Uneducated”, to garnish their vote.

Another example of his sadistic, toxic, narcissistic personality disorder, and why he gets a FUK NO! at his POTUS grab, was the brutal assault and savage rape of a 14-year-old virgin child he and Jerry Epstein brutally beat and raped together. How many more children were there? That’s just a few of many decades worth of serial raping’s of women:

“Hey! What fun! That’s better than monopoly, right? For a sweet, yet cruel, weekend for the likes of narcissists and sexually sadistic, torturous, serial rapists with the cash to do it, and not get caught. Hey, no hard feelings. Kid came on her own and of her own volition. She knew what it entailed. She’d get some green and hit the beach — dead on arrival, unbeknownst to her. Hey, ever fuck one of them little bitches as they’re drowning? Wanna try it? Maybe they clench up! Oooh, that must feel good! Let’s try it! Hey, knock her teeth out first, the other one tried to bite me last time. Oh, sure, sure. We can do that. I’ll have Dr Dentist there and plenty of anaesthesia!”

I’m speculating, of course, but Mira! That’s a tiny dive into the type of sick, deviant behavior that’s normal to the sick and deviant.

That cannot be POTUS.

We can only imagine and shudder but when this MF dies, I hope to All Goodness that everything he ever did that makes him not worth the match to light a bonfire with him as the pig, of course, comes to light. He made damned well sure that the one person who could point a finger at him never left his cell alive.

He had Bill Barr pay Epstein a visit resulting in the man hanging himself moments after Bill Barr left the scene. I will wager you a monkey that you don’t have to be a psychic to visualize the events that actually took place. The bounty was high. The rope was tied, period. He stayed until there was no pulse. That’s what the fuck happened there.

Does the Covid19 Pandemic ring a bell for anyone? Did we all have the best care here in the states during that time? How many people did you lose was the better question to ask.

My daughter and I became very ill between November and January of 2019, Before the pandemic became news. We were unaware as to why it was so bad, this flu we both had which refused to go away. Of three pups, my chihuahua got it from me and didn’t make it. My Frankie Boy, velcroed to me since he was 6 weeks old, developed the same symptoms I had. We thought it was kennel cough. It was Covid. He died Jan 13th, 2020.

Covid never became contained.

One of my best friends since my teenaged years passed away within 24 hours of testing positive in May 2022.

At this date 77.5% of Americans have had Covid. Exactly what that face-painted felon said he would do is what he did. Nothing! He let the chips fall where they may. Too fucking bad the chips didn’t take down any of the troublemakers.


The hits just keep on coming. I don’t want any more of that.

Enough about Americans, what about the immigrants?

Caged, separated, beaten, raped, malnourished, unbathed, unfed, dying, dead, and the pregnant women? Abortions and sterilization, of course! God forbid those brown “rapists and murderers” hook up with our white men, have babies and get to stay.

They are going to change the color of the perceived American landscape. Cuz, you know: American means “Only White Anglo-Saxon” to these MF Racist pigs.

The Jan 6 Insurrection was another teeny tiny speck of a glimpse into the murderous mind of a toxic narcissist compared to the televised mass be-headings to come.

Now, let’s mention a few little things. Ready?

Article 14.3 of the Constitution is specific about who should and should not be on a ballot.

Trump cannot. Will the powers he elected help us with this? We shall see, but he should not be allowed. I’m a voter. I’ve decided.

KB: Why should people vote for Joe Biden?

The entire world should tilt all the voting platforms in America with the never-before-seen votes for Biden.

If the man croaks while in office, never accomplishes another thing, has Kamala step up and she never accomplishes another blessed thing, America will still be better off with the disgusting mess we have now than what we will have if TFG ever gets the opportunity to complete the plethora of mass killings he is promising.

If you ain’t white, you had better vote blue. If you’re not a racist, vote blue. If you love grass, trees, believe in global warming and doing our best to curtail its decline, vote blue. If you want freedom over your own body, vote blue. If you believe in Equality for All, regardless of race, creed or color, vote blue. If you want there to be an American, vote blue because this muthafukka will change its name to Trump World so fast, your jaw will drop right before your head does cuz yeah, printing articles stuck as this, will be a thing of the past, so vote for Biden or Buckle Up Buttercup!

KB: Why are you a Democrat and how do you view the Republican Party?

I’m a Democrat because at this current time, the democratic party is the only party following the rule of law, working for We the People, acknowledging Joe Biden as the sitting POTUS and trying their best to do what they are supposed to be doing in a bi-partisan manner.

I view the Republican Party as defunct, chaotic, a non-functioning branch, a dead branch, definitely a widow-maker of a branch. When it finally, falls, many will lose their elections, jobs, careers. We can hope!

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