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Evening Standard

Новости за 24.07.2024

OPINION - London's quiet food revolution has warmed my heart despite all the division people sow

Evening Standard 

I’m not being funny but… The Trussell Trust counted 35 food banks in this country in 2010. In 2019 there were more than 1,300, and there’s probably far more now. We’ve become a nation of food banks and it’s not something to be proud of. We should be proud of the people who keep the food banks going, of course. The people who work tirelessly to ensure families have food to put on the table. But we’re not supposed to have so many and I bet you any of the people who contribute to keeping these food banks going will say the same thing. Читать дальше...

Новости России

EVITA BEAUTY STORE - интернет-магазин косметики премиум-класса!

OPINION - The Standard View: The action needed now to end the bloodshed in London

Evening Standard 

As the weather turns warm, a grimly predictable violence is rearing its head. In the last few days, two young men have had their lives cruelly stolen. Rene Graham, just 15 years of age, was shot dead on Sunday in a west London park packed with families. And yesterday, another 15-year-old was stabbed to death on a visit to his former primary school in Hackney.

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