Tengrinews.kz - French President Emmanuel Macron has commented for the first time on the arrest of VKontakte and Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Macron posted on the social media platform X, stating that the arrest of the businessman is not a political decision.
"I am reading false information about France in connection with Pavel Durov's arrest. France values freedom of speech and communication, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit above all. This will remain unchanged (...) The arrest of the head of Telegram on French territory occurred as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. This is not a political decision. Judges must make the decision," Emmanuel Macron wrote.
Je lis ici de fausses informations concernant la France suite à l’arrestation de Pavel Durov.La France est plus que tout attachée à la liberté d’expression et de communication, à l’innovation et à l’esprit d’entreprise. Elle le restera.Dans un État de droit,… — Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) August 26, 2024 The politician added that in a state governed by the rule of law, both in social media and in real life, freedoms are realized within the framework established by law to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights. Law enforcement is the prerogative of an independent judicial system. Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram and the social network VKontakte, has been detained by French intelligence services at Paris airport.
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