Telegram provided user data to Kazakhstan's law enforcement - Telegram has an official Transparency Reports bot that publishes brief reports on instances where user data has been provided to authorities. The information is only available for countries associated with phone numbers.
According to a request, it became known that in 2024, Telegram complied with 74 requests from Kazakhstan's law enforcement agencies. As a result, the messenger provided IP addresses and/or phone numbers related to 496 users.
Screenshot from the chat with the Transparency Reports bot on Telegram
"If Telegram receives an official request from competent judicial authorities confirming that you are a suspect in a criminal case involving illegal activities that violate Telegram's user agreement, we will conduct a legal analysis of the request and may provide your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities. If any data is provided, it will be displayed in the report, which is updated every three months on the official channel:," states section 8.3 of Telegram's privacy policy.
The data disclosure report is updated every three months, according to Telegram's official Transparency Reports bot. The next report is expected in April 2025.
Earlier, it was reported that Telegram began massively providing user data to U.S. authorities.