How many days will Kazakhstanis rest in February: 2025 calendar
How we will rest in February
According to the calendar, in February 2025, we will have:
For those who work 5 days a week: 8 days off and 20 working days. Saturdays and Sundays will be free for rest and entertainment.
For those who work 6 days a week: 4 days off and 24 working days. Kazakhstanis with a "six-day" workweek will only be able to rest on Sundays.
What weekends to expect in February:
For the five-day workweek: February 1, 8, 15, and 22 are Saturdays; February 2, 9, 16, and 23 are Sundays.
For the six-day workweek: February 2, 9, 16, and 23 are Sundays.
What memorable dates will we celebrate in February?
Although there are no official holidays in February, the month is rich in memorable dates:
February 1: Civil Aviation Worker's Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan;February 2: National Press Day;
February 15: Day of the withdrawal of the limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
How to spend the weekend usefully
February is a great time to:
Read a good book. The long winter evenings are perfect for immersing yourself in the world of literature.
Engage in sports: winter sports, such as skiing or ice skating, will help you stay in shape.
Spend time with family and friends: organize a cozy evening at home or take a walk through the winter city.
Attend cultural events: in February, many interesting exhibitions, concerts, and performances take place in cities across Kazakhstan.
Earlier, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population approved amendments to the decree "On the approval of the list of professional holidays." According to the document, new holiday dates have been introduced in Kazakhstan. More details can be found in the article.