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Violent Jan 6 Police Officer Lila Morris Who Beat a Dying Rosanne Boyland 4 Times with Her Stick Takes the Stand THEN WHISKED OUT OF COURTROOM VIA SECRET EXIT BY FED AGENT ENTOURAGE! Read the Dirty Details!


Police Officer Lila Morris was forced to testify yesterday for the first time since January 6th, 2021.

The post Violent Jan 6 Police Officer Lila Morris Who Beat a Dying Rosanne Boyland 4 Times with Her Stick Takes the Stand THEN WHISKED OUT OF COURTROOM VIA SECRET EXIT BY FED AGENT ENTOURAGE! Read the Dirty Details! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Police Officer Lila Morris was forced to testify yesterday for the first time since January 6th, 2021.

The violent J6 cop that was filmed brutalizing protester Rosanne Boyland’s body before she died was surprisingly quiet and meek on the stand, barely speaking above a whisper.

The Dishonorable Judge Rudolph Contreras did not bother asking her to speak up into the microphone so journalists could hear her.

Lila Morris and Rosanne Boyland. Boyland was a peaceful protester that died on January 6th, allegedly due to police brutality. Morris was seen brutalizing her unconscious body.

Morris was called as a prosecution witness to nail January 6th defendant Luke Coffee to the cross in yet another bogus J6 trial. Coffee fights for his freedom this week against the government fabricated charge of allegedly assaulting Lila Morris. The video admitted into evidence actually shows the opposite- Morris striking Coffee with a large stick and making contact with his arm.

J6 Defendant Luke Coffee was an accomplished actor that appeared in TV shows like “Friday Night Lights” before the Biden Regime’s attempt to ruin his life.


Morris was also seen viciously brutalizing the unconscious body of Rosanne Boyland before she died on January 6th and has yet to face criminal charges for her actions. Rather, the government is using her as a “victim” to crucify Coffee, who literally tried to help rescue Boyland by holding a crutch over her body to protect her after he saw her beaten by Morris.

Luke Coffee held a crutch over the unconscious body of Rosanne Boyland after she was beaten by Lila Morris. Morris also hit Coffee with her stick.

The good news is Coffee’s attorney, Carol Stewart, was able to get Morris to admit Coffee never assaulted her. The question is will this matter to Obama appointee Judge Contreras when he decides the verdict? The outcome of this trial will solely be decided by Contreras, who is also President Judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Presiding Judge of the unconstitutional FISA Court- Judge Rudolph Contreras

Coffee decided to waive his right to a trial by jury, as it has been proven that the D.C. jury pool is beyond biased and irreparable. To date, there is close to a 100 percent conviction rate for January 6th defendants that opt for a jury trial of their so-called “peers”.


The fact that the government is still moving forward and will not drop charges is unbelievable. MORRIS LITERALLY ADMITTED ON THE STAND COFFEE NEVER TOUCHED HER. See journalist Lara Logan’s tweet:


Attorney Carol Stewart was also able to get Morris to admit to the court that police training teaches officers to use batons or in this case makeshift batons (like the stick) to “herd” people by pushing them- BUT NEVER TO SWING A STICK LIKE A BAT AND WEAPON the way Morris did when she beat Boyland on the ground.

“How are you trained to use your riot baton?” asked Stewart.

“We are trained to use it to direct the crowd or to push the crowd back,” said Morris.

“That means you hold it with two hands, one on each end, and you are moving your right or left with your hands on each end, is that correct?”

“Yes, or move forward,” said Morris.

“Yes. Are you ever trained to hold it like a bat and strike over somebody’s head?” asked defense attorney Stewart.

“No,” admitted Morris.

When questioned about beating Rosanne Boyland, Morris said she was “defending herself” when she pummeled Boyland and hit Coffee that day with a large sharp wooden stick. Stewart asked Morris how could self-defense equate to beating the body of an unconscious woman but the question was withdrawn.

To add insult to injury, Morris also told the court that January 6th was worse than all the BLM/Antifa riots she policed over the summer prior. 

Lila Morris was honored at the Super Bowl by Mayor Muriel Bowser of D.C. for her “heroic” actions on J6.

Right before Morris’ testimony, another January 6th cop named Officer Steven Sajumon got himself into a sticky situation in cross-examination when he claimed Coffee hit him with a crutch. There is no video showing the crutch actually strike Sajumon’s arm as alleged by the government. When Sajumon was cross examined by defense attorney Anthony Sabatini, he admitted he only remembered that he was hit in the arm by the crutch “after he had met with prosecutors”.

“Seems like witness tampering by the government,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “These people have no souls.”


Furthermore, it was revealed by defense attorney Sabatini that Officer Sajumon had been investigated for shooting someone off duty with his police gun, casting suspicion on his motivation to comply with prosecutors.

Luke Coffee tried to calm down the crowd and help Rosanne Boyland. Coffee was also stuck by Lila Morris with her stick swung like a bat.

It has been almost two and a half years since this reporter and the Gateway Pundit (with the help of Gary McBride of M5 News) exclusively published video of Officer Morris beating Rosanne Boyland and released Morris’ name to the public.

We very much looked forward to watching Morris testify for the first time to see if she would avoid answering questions pertaining to the death of Rosanne Boyland and if the government would attempt to cover for her.


The dirty Department of Injustice prosecutors crafted a narrative that Morris “was acting in self defense”. The judge allowed the prosecutors to lead Morris into answers to fit their false narrative and portray herself as the victim when Rosanne Boyland (the protester Morris beat) is the one who is dead. 

To be expected, Morris was protected by the Dishonorable Judge Contreras. She barely spoke in a decibel over a whisper and was clearly nervous about having to answer for beating a dying Trump supporter with overhead blows to the body and the head.

Morris complained of bruises on her hands on January 6th and whined she has to soak them in an ice bucket- when Rosanne Boyland, the woman she was seen brutalizing, is no longer alive. When speaking of her alleged “bruises” Morris asked the judge for a tissue and wiped her nose in what witnesses say seemed like an attempt at tears.


In cross-examination, Coffee’s defense team was warned by the Judge before they even started asking questions to “ask questions and not to commentate.” This was laughable coming from the Dishonorable Obama appointee, who allowed the government to literally commentate an entirely false narrative around Morris only minutes earlier.

This reporter was beyond disgusted.

After Morris’ completed testimony, we waited outside to catch her on her way out of the courthouse. The minute she left the courtroom she was flanked by a group of what appeared to be approximately five federal agents and attorneys. They literally acted as her security detail.

Only in Biden’s America does a cop that is seen brutalizing an unconscious Trump supporter get treated like royalty.


This group intentionally prevented us from viewing Morris and snuck her out a secret entrance presumed to be underneath the federal courthouse that is reserved for witnesses being protected by the Feds or with a Secret Service details, according to courtroom employees. After reporting on dozens of January 6th trials, this reporter has never seen a witness protected like this before.

All January 6th cops and witnesses come to the court through the front door and leave through the front door ALONE. This situation was beyond suspicious and irregular.

The Gateway Pundit waited outside to interview her about her alleged assault, but Officer Morris literally vanished without a trace. Shortly after the group of agents that had snuck her out appeared and left through the front door.

Another Gateway Pundit reporter (Jordan Conradson) witnessed one of the men in her escort, presumably a federal agent, looking at pictures of Ashli Babbitt’s mother Micki Witthoeft on his cell phone. According to Conradson, the man seemed to be talking about people/activists in the court room and someone was sending photos to his phone of people that were there, including Witthoeft (Ashli’s mother).

This individual kept blatantly turning around and looking around the courtroom with a smirk on his face at times. He stared at us very rudely (we right behind him and it was creepy) and used his phone throughout the testimony. This is against the rules of the courthouse and no one dares breaks them (or they will be thrown out of the court). When you enter the room it says you are NOT ALLOWED TO USE ELECTRONICS OR CELL PHONES on the door on a large sign. While we are following the rules, this individual who escorted Lila Morris secretly out of the building to avoid the press BROKE THE NO PHONE RULES and was viewing photos of Ashli Babbit’s mother up on his cell phone.

When we realized the Feds had deceived the media by sneaking Morris out and robbed us of our First Amendment right to question a police officer that was seen brutalizing a peaceful protester, we decided to question the suspicious group of characters as they left the courthouse.


EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS! GP Calls Out Dirty DOJ Prosecutors On Camera Outside D.C. Kangaroo Court! Alleged Federal Agents Confronted! MUST SEE VIDEOS!


Please pray for Luke Coffee at his trial this week.

And remember, in the end GOD wins.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night, 11:30PM EST on Sundays and 6:00AM EST on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights.  You can contact Cara at www.caracastronuova.com if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.


The post Violent Jan 6 Police Officer Lila Morris Who Beat a Dying Rosanne Boyland 4 Times with Her Stick Takes the Stand THEN WHISKED OUT OF COURTROOM VIA SECRET EXIT BY FED AGENT ENTOURAGE! Read the Dirty Details! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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