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JUST-IN: PragerU Joins Forces With Arizona Department of Education to Bring Free K-12 Supplemental Educational Resources to Classrooms Throughout The State to Fight Back Against DEI, CRT, and Woke Sexual Material


PragerU and the Arizona Department of Education on Wednesday announced a new partnership to welcome PragerU Kids resources into K-12 public and charter school classrooms across the state.

The post JUST-IN: PragerU Joins Forces With Arizona Department of Education to Bring Free K-12 Supplemental Educational Resources to Classrooms Throughout The State to Fight Back Against DEI, CRT, and Woke Sexual Material appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

AZ Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne (left), PragerU CEO Marissa Streit (right)

PragerU and the Arizona Department of Education on Wednesday announced a new partnership to welcome PragerU Kids resources into K-12 public and charter school classrooms across the state.

PragerU Kids will provide educational shows, videos, worksheets, and magazines offered to parents and teachers across the state and combat “leftist-run institutions that push Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT), and the sexualization of children,” according to a press release.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne announced the partnership, saying, “I am extremely pleased to give an endorsement for the PragerU materials.” The initiative was led by Horne and several GOP Arizona State Legislators, including State Rep. Jake Hoffman.

Arizona joins Oklahoma, Florida, Montana, and New Hampshire in providing honest lessons in history, government, capitalism, and American values in K-12 classrooms.

Fox News reports,

Arizona’s Department of Education (DOE) announced Wednesday a partnership with PragerU to teach K-12 students about America’s “rich history and values.”

“I am extremely pleased to give an endorsement for the PragerU materials,” superintendent of public instruction Tom Horne said about the partnership.

He continued, “They promote values such as patriotism, service, and citizenship and are rich in academic content. Materials that are provided by PragerU are an outstanding addition to every public school classroom and I encourage district and charter schools throughout Arizona to make them available to their students.”

The Arizona DOE described partnership as an initiative to “expand the state’s offerings of educational materials.”

Ann Atkinson, a former Arizona State University Barrett Honors program leader, who was fired by the University for organizing an event earlier this year with conservative speakers Charlie Kirk, Dennis Prager, and Robert Kiyosaki, championed the news of anti-woke course material to restore educational freedom in the state.

This is a breath of fresh air when contrasted with the ASU Barrett Honors College professors and deans who threw a fit over @DennisPrager, @charliekirk11 and @theRealKiyosaki simply having the right to speak at ASU,” Atkinson said in an X post.

PragerU provided the following press release to The Gateway Pundit:

BREAKING: Arizona Superintendent & Freedom Caucus Announce Partnership with PragerU
For immediate release

PHOENIX – Over 100 attendees gathered for a press conference held at the Arizona State Capitol Senate Chamber earlier today announcing that Arizona is the latest state to welcome PragerU Kids as an educational resource available to teachers and parents. Speakers included Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU, State Senator Jake Hoffman, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne, and Carine Warner, a local parent and school board member. Following the announcement, PragerU CEO Marissa Streit fielded questions from both local and national press outlets. Other notable attendees included members of the press, other state senators and representatives, local parents, educators, and students of all ages, including members of Turning Point USA, a nonprofit organization founded by Charlie Kirk, and members of PragerFORCE, PragerU’s student organization.

The Arizona State Department of Education announced its partnership with PragerU Kids in an initiative to expand the state’s offerings of educational materials that celebrate America’s rich history and values by giving teachers throughout the state the opportunity to use edu-tainment (educational and entertaining content) to supplement existing curriculum. “I am extremely pleased to give an endorsement for the PragerU materials,” said Superintendent Horne. “They promote values such as patriotism, service, and citizenship and are rich in academic content. Materials that are provided by PragerU are an outstanding addition to every public school classroom and I encourage district and charter schools throughout Arizona to make them available to their students.”

As leftist politicians, teachers unions, and bureaucrats attempt to dismantle school choice initiatives in Arizona, limit educational opportunities and resources for students, and push Marxist propaganda in the classroom, PragerU in Schools has become an important initiative for communities who are actively fighting back to protect the rights of parents and restore educational freedom in the state. PragerU provides a much-needed alternative and offers an optional supplement to the radical, left-wing ideology currently being pushed on children throughout the country.

In response to a recent hit piece by left-wing NBC News, PragerU CEO Marissa Streit told FOX News that PragerU’s materials offer an “alternative voice” to leftist-run institutions that push Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT), and the sexualization of children. “We want institutions, kindergarten through college… to have an option where, if they don’t want to teach CRT and they want to teach an alternative, if they want to level the playing field, they have at least another turnkey educational piece that they can use.” Streit said.

Since the announcement of PragerU in Schools and partnerships with states like Oklahoma, Florida, Montana, New Hampshire, and now Arizona, there has been a massive increase in views of PragerU Kids content, with over 18 million views last year, almost doubling its lifetime viewership. As the materials become more popular and continue to be utilized in classrooms across the country, the need for more PragerU Kids shows, books, magazines, and lesson plans has required PragerU to hire more staff. The nonprofit has more than doubled its staff in the past two years alone, with over 150 current employees and counting, and has no intention of slowing down, as it plans to build additional partnerships with more states that will be announced soon.

Educators, school board members, and families are encouraged to visit prageru.com/prageru-in-your-school to learn more about PragerU’s free K-12 classroom resources, preview sample lesson plans, and sign up for additional updates.

The post JUST-IN: PragerU Joins Forces With Arizona Department of Education to Bring Free K-12 Supplemental Educational Resources to Classrooms Throughout The State to Fight Back Against DEI, CRT, and Woke Sexual Material appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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