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EXCLUSIVE: US Senator Ron Johnson Discusses the Cover Up of COVID-19 Cures, Vaccine Dangers, and the Mysterious White Fibrous Clots – Johnson and Rep. MTG to Host Roundtable on Monday (VIDEO)


The Gateway Pundit spoke to Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Sunday at the International Covid Summit in Washington, DC, to discuss the government’s suppression of accurate information about COVID-19, vaccine injuries, and adverse side effects.

The post EXCLUSIVE: US Senator Ron Johnson Discusses the Cover Up of COVID-19 Cures, Vaccine Dangers, and the Mysterious White Fibrous Clots – Johnson and Rep. MTG to Host Roundtable on Monday (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Sunday at the International Covid Summit in Washington, DC, to discuss the government’s suppression of accurate information about COVID-19, vaccine injuries, and adverse side effects.

Johnson spoke Sunday at the International COVID Summit, held during CPAC this past weekend, about what steps he is taking in the Senate to expose big pharma’s lies and potential legislation to pull the plug on vaccine advertisements.

Senator Johnson has been a powerful voice in the Senate for exposing the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and mandates and fighting to hold “Dr.” Anthony Fauci accountable for his sabotage of early treatment using cheap, available, generic drugs live Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

“The First Step Here is Exposure… So We Can Actually Have Accountability” – Senator Ron Johnson Discusses the “COVID Cartel” and the Nuremberg Trials (VIDEO)

Tomorrow, Johnson and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) will hold a public forum titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” with a panel of experts to further expose how the government suppressed the truth about COVID and the dangers of COVID vaccines.

Johnson issued the following press release on his webpage last Wednesday:

*** MEDIA ADVISORY *** Sen. Johnson to Lead Roundtable Discussion: “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?”

WASHINGTON – On Monday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) will lead a roundtable discussion titled,“Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Sen. Johnson and a panel of experts will expose the truth about how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups. This discussion will also shine a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.

A livestream of the event will be available.

WHAT:               Panel discussion about the COVID Cartel coverup

WHO:                 Senator Ron Johnson, advocates, whistleblowers, medical experts, and doctors

WHEN:               February 26, 2024

9:00 AM ET

WHERE:            Russell Senate Office Building, Kennedy Caucus Room 325

RSVP:                 Please RSVP by Monday, February 26 at 8:00 AM ET with name, outlet, email, and phone number to press@ronjohnson.senate.gov. Roundtable participants are listed below [subject to change].


  • Dr. Robert Malone, MD
  • Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD
  • Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD
  • Ed Dowd
  • Kevin McKernan
  • U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)


  • Barbara Loe Fisher
  • Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD
  • Del Bigtree


  • Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD
  • Dr. Pierre Kory, MD
  • Dr. Christian Perronne, MD, PhD
  • Dr. Raphael Lataster, PhD
  • Dr. David Gortler, PharmD


  • Lara Logan                              
  • Jason Christoff
  • Rodney Palmer
  • Mattias Desmet
  • Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD


  • Randy Hillier
  • Dr. Sorin Titus Muncaciu


  • Rob Roos
  • Phillip Kruse

During our interview, Johnson spoke out on the recent widespread findings of “strange white fibrous clots” that embalmers have begun discovering in bodies at alarming rates since early 2021 when Biden and the Democrats started mandating vaccines.

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson also spoke with former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland, creator of the Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey, who told us he began surveying embalmers after watching the hit documentary “Died Suddenly,” which was released in late 2022 and has garnered almost 19 million views. It is a fascinating account of anomalies found in deceased humans since the roll-out of these experimental vaccines and more.

Haviland revealed to The Gateway Pundit that these “long, rubbery, and tough” fibrous blood clots are being found in people from all age groups, but in particular, those aged 36+ are experiencing the horrific possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccines. Embalmers are also finding increases in “micro-clotting,” unlike typical blood clots caused by coagulation, and infant deaths since the Biden Regime’s mass-vaccination scheme.

More from Children’s Health Defense News:

In a recent survey of 269 embalmers across four major countries and three continents, more than 70% reported finding strange fibrous white blood clots in significant percentages of corpses in 2023 — clots they were not finding pre-pandemic.

A similar survey conducted in late 2022 revealed that 66% of embalmers began finding the unusual clots in mid-2021, suggesting a temporal link to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, which began earlier that year.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, the creator of the surveys, former Air Force Major Thomas Haviland, said he conceived of the project after he watched the documentary, “Died Suddenly,” where embalmers reported observing unprecedented fibrous masses clogging arteries.

Watch the full interview below:

CONRADSON: You spoke about gene therapy and how it causes our bodies to produce their own toxins. Do you have any comment on this new phenomenon of fibrous white blood clots that embalmers are finding in peoples’ corpses?

JOHNSON: It’s not a new phenomenon. It’s been covered up. We’ve been aware of these things for at least a year or so. What’s unfortunate is the medical establishment in general, and certainly, our federal health agencies, are discouraging autopsies. So the only evidence we’re getting of this is from embalmers that are having a difficult time getting embalming fluid into their dead… clients—cadavers. So, it’s a real problem. I saw a little bottle full of these bots, but I’ve seen all kinds of videos. In some cases, people try to discredit them by saying, “Well, we’ve seen these things in the past.” I’m not a doctor. I’m not an embalmer. I don’t know what the truth is. But there’s an awful lot of evidence here, and there’s a gentleman here that’s taken a survey of hundreds of embalmers, and he’s going to release results he already has. That’s something we ought to take a look at. My problem is we’re just not even able to ask questions, and those who ask questions, those who put forward evidence are immediately ostracized, criticized, vilified, ridiculed, and that’s not science.

CONRADSON: The vaccine came out during the Trump administration. Do you think that this was the big pharma industrial complex’s attempt to smear Trump’s name and kind of leave a stain on its record?

JOHNSON: There were certainly people who wanted to use the pandemic and use the pandemic to destroy Trump—I have no doubt about that. In terms of vaccine, I mean, I think they’ve always had this mRNA platform. It can be a highly profitable platform because you can basically email the genetic code for a new vaccine overnight and start producing right away so this could be a highly profitable vaccine platform. Of course, the liability protection pharmaceutical companies have found vaccines highly profitable, which is why they do everything they can to destroy anybody that questions how safe or effective any vaccine is, including the COVID vaccine, which is why they sabotage early treatment. And again, I want all of your listeners to think about it: why weren’t we pushing? Why wasn’t there Operation Warp Speed on treatment? Why didn’t we explore every possible molecule, and why did they sabotage Hydroxychloroquine? There are studies that show it definitely was effective; Ivermectin absolutely effective. Why did we sabotage that? Why are we continuing to sabotage those effective therapies? And why aren’t we looking for more? Why are we totally reliant on vaccines? My final point on vaccines: with the number we administer to children now, gee, what could go wrong? Every time you inject a child with a vaccine, you’re messing with their immune system. Is that way autoimmune diseases are up? So, we need to ask these questions. Why is crying disease so much a bigger problem today than it was 30, 40, 50 years ago? You can’t even ask the question.

CONRADSON: Why do you think that they tried to suppress Hydroxychloroquine/Ivermectin as treatment options, and will we ever see accountability for this, which essentially murdered American citizens?

JOHNSON: They’ve had this mRNA platform; it never succeeded in animals, but they knew how profitable a platform it could be. They’ve already found out how profitable vaccines are because there’s no worry of liability. You just get those things on the childhood vaccine schedule, and you just start printing money. Nobody can question the efficacy. Nobody can question the safety of them. So, vaccines are highly profitable for pharmaceutical companies, so they’re going to push them. And of course, they’ve got their individuals in government that push them right along with them. Again, our health agencies have been completely captured by big pharma.

CONRADSON: And your colleagues. You’ve said that some of them are experiencing these adverse effects from the vaccines. Why is it that they won’t speak out about it and seek accountability from our government?

JOHNSON: My guess is they understand how people that do question this stuff are ridiculed and vilified. And they just don’t want to put up with the hassle.

CONRADSON: You spoke about possibly limiting the advertisements of these pharmaceutical companies and trying to stop them in other ways. How can we do that?

JOHNSON: Pass a law. We are one of the very few countries that allow that. And listen, I’m a free-market guy. Normally, I would not be on the side of imposing that kind of government restriction on business. But when I’ve seen how they spend the billions and how they use that to capture the narrative and destroy anybody who questions the narrative, that’s gotta stop.


The post EXCLUSIVE: US Senator Ron Johnson Discusses the Cover Up of COVID-19 Cures, Vaccine Dangers, and the Mysterious White Fibrous Clots – Johnson and Rep. MTG to Host Roundtable on Monday (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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