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MI AG Investigator Babbles Incoherently Under Oath…Can’t Explain Why He Subpeonaed Give Send Go For Names and Bank Account Routing Numbers of Donors Who Contributed To Fund For Alternate 2020 GOP Electors


Michigan’s iron-fisted Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel’s criminal case against 15 MI GOP electors to for President Trump in 2020 is literally falling apart.

The post MI AG Investigator Babbles Incoherently Under Oath…Can’t Explain Why He Subpeonaed Give Send Go For Names and Bank Account Routing Numbers of Donors Who Contributed To Fund For Alternate 2020 GOP Electors appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Michigan’s iron-fisted Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel’s criminal case against 15 MI GOP electors to for President Trump in 2020 is literally falling apart.

The Whitmer-appointed Judge Kristin E. Simmons is presiding over the case, which is on its sixth day and is being heard in Ingham County Court. So far, Judge Simmons has conducted herself in a very fair and thorough manner.

The partisan hack attorney general’s special investigator, Howard Shock, appeared to be caught with his pants down in court today when asked by one of the defense attorneys why he had issued a search warrant for the names and personal banking information of donors to Give Send Go accounts used to help raise money for the wrongfully charged elector’s legal defense.

You’ve got to give Democrat MI AG Dana Nessel credit. When she wants to destroy her party’s political enemies, like a heat-seeking missile, she is able to find precisely the right people who will help her accomplish her goals. Suppose MI AG Special Agent Howard Shock was someone hand-selected by Dana Nessel to investigate and help prove her ridiculous criminal case against 15 primarily senior citizens who cast an alternate slate of electoral votes for President Trump in the 2020 election. In that case, she likely regrets her decision after today’s pre-trial hearing.

MI AG Investigator Howard Shock (seated) Judge and Kathy Berden attorney. Bridge photo by Jordyn Hermani

MI AG Dana Nessel, whom legal experts claim has already tainted the case, was recently caught on video joking to a radical group during an online discussion about the location of the court where the case for 15 GOP electors would be heard. During her comments, AG Nessel suggested that because the demographics in Lansing tend to heavily favor Democrats, the electors would likely not have a favorable jury pool.

“Eventually, those cases will be tried in Ingham County, which is very different than Antrim County,” Nessel told the group, in reference to the innocent men who were exonerated in the FBI-led kidnapping plot of MI Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “Ingham County, where Lansing is located, is a very, very Democratic-leaning county.”

The highly partisan AG also claimed the MI GOP electors had been “brainwashed” and “genuinely believed” Trump won Michigan’s 2020 presidential election. “They legit believe that. They genuinely believe it,” Nessel to the radical leftist group.

Today, while being questioned by MI GOP elector Kathy Berden’s attorney, Howard Shock, Dana Nessel’s special investigator on the MI GOP alternate electors case, absolutely fell apart when he was asked about why he obtained a search warrant from Ingham County District Court Judge Cynthia Ward asking the Christian crowdfunding source Give Send Go was to provide the names, bank account numbers, bank routing numbers and donor amounts of individuals who contributed the to defense of the MI GOP electors.

Judge Cynthia Ward signed the search warrant to obtain the Give Send Go records related to fundraising for the legal funds of MI GOP electors, who’ve been accused by Nessel.

To their credit, Give Send Go refused to comply with the search warrant issued to them by AG Nessel’s office. 

Special Investigator Howard Shock sent a letter to Give Send Go on August 3; warning Give Send Go not to disclose the existence of the letter from the MI AGs office: “You are also requested not to disclose the existence of this request to the subscriber or any other person, other than as necessary to comply with this request.

At about the 47-minute mark, the lawyer representing MI GOP elector and RNC Committeewoman Kathy Berden destroys Dana Nessel’s special investigator, who, under oath, attempts to explain why he subpoenaed Give Send Go for records showing the names, donor amounts, bank account numbers, and routing numbers of individuals who contributed to the criminal defense funds of the alternate electors.

Berden’s lawyer asked Mr. Shock about the affidavits he prepared in support of obtaining the shocking search warrant that was given to Give Send Go.

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: “In regard to signing this affidavit, you relied on the lawyer’s advice to sign it. We talked about the fact that you prepared a search warrant for records from Facebook OR META. And you also prepared search warrants in this investigation, correct?”

AG Investigator Howard Shock: Yes.

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: And one of those search warrants that you asked the court to authorize was with Give Send Go?

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: In that regard, you had to list in your search warrant all of the items you were looking for—-that you wanted to seize. The information that you wanted from the GSG account information, or I should say bank account information, of individuals who included who donated money to these accounts, correct?

AG Investigator Howard Shock: I don’t recall specifically that information.

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: Can you think—- if you asked for the bank account information of the donors, what information that would be relevant to your investigation would it provide you?

AG Investigator Howard Shock: So, there is a lot of information that I request without referring to the affidavit itself. I don’t recall, as I said yesterday, a lot of information to show ownership to the account. The accounts can also be created—-they can be edited so that the statements that are made in the accounts can be edited as well, so like, for example, when social media posts can be edited. And you’re looking for an audit trail of the edits.

So again, as I said yesterday, I was focused on statements and associated information I was also asking for is ownership of who created the account and to connect those statements or the account holder with that information.

Ms. Berden’s lawyer asked him to explain how GSG works.

AG Investigator Howard Shock: I don’t know specifically the procedures that GSG has in place.

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: Is it your understanding that GSG records who gave money and how much?

AG Investigator Howard Shock: Yes.

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: Can you think of why you would want to know the names of the donors or the bank account information of the donors as opposed to just the owner of the GSG account? Why would you care who gave me money?

AG Investigator Howard Shock: So, GSG uses a third party to handle their financial transactions. That’s what I learned on the return information. So, I did not submit a search warrant for the third-party financial statements because I’m focused on the statements and how those statements are tied to the defendants and to show ownership. So that’s the information I’m focused on.

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: So why would you want to know the names of the donors?

AG Investigator Howard Shock: I just explained. I can explain it again. To show the ownership of the account. As we asked for information, I’m trying to connect the person that made statements on that account to the people who are, may have edited it, may have created it. I’m trying to show ownership there.

Berden asked a hypothetical question, “So, you want to know how much money is in my account at GSG?”

Shock responded, “I’m not concerned about the amount of money that’s going into your account. I’m concerned and focused on who owns the account and statements that are made.”

GSG uses a third party to handle the transactions

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: But you are concerned about the people who gave money to the account.

AG Investigator Howard Shock: I don’t recall.

The judge jumped in and addressed Mr. Shock directly. She admitted she was confused by how asking for the donor’s personal banking information would establish ownership of the GSG account when he could have just asked Give Send Go for the name of the account’s owner.

Mr. Shock’s answer was disjointed and incoherent: “So the donors—-I’m not concerned about. I’m concerned about the path—the money coming—so that I am concerned about it in terms of, so, how do I describe this?”

AG Investigator Howard Shock, who appeared to understand that there was no logical way to explain his way out of this serious situation while under oath, rambled incoherently, “So I’m trying to articulate in a manner that shows a pathway so that just like that META data we talked about on social media —-social media—-It shows dates, time stamps, the transfer of information. I’m looking for the same thing with this type of account. So that’s why I’m concerned about the donor of the account, or the donor and where that money is going into her account.”

I don’t know how that really answers the question because you’re asking for the bank account of someone who’s not a defendant.

AG Investigator Howard Shock: No. I’m asking for the bank account information of the defendant.

Kathy Berden’s lawyer: That’s not what it says in your search warrant, did it?

AG Investigator Howard Shock: That’s what I interpreted as.

The judge asked the defendant directly if he asked for the routing numbers of the donors.

“I’m asking for all routing numbers and bank account numbers,” he said.

Again, the judge asked for clarification: ” Yes or no? Did you ask for the routing numbers of the donors?”

Shock responded, “Yes,” and immediately responded, “No—-I’m asking for the donors.”

The judge called for a break.


After the break, the questioning about the Give Send Go search warrant continued, as Mr. Shock continued to be unsuccessful in his attempts to explain why he was attempting to violate the rights of private citizens in his witch hunt against the alternate slate of electors.

If you’d like to contribute

According to documents obtained by The Detroit News, the warrant required GiveSendGo to hand over information on contributions, bank routing numbers and communications tied to 10 of the MI GOP alternate electors who used the crowdfunding site to raise funds for their legal defense.

The three-page search warrant doesn’t indicate how the fundraising might violate Michigan law, and it comes after Nessel’s office sought to prevent the public release of search warrant documents in another high-profile investigation in Ingham County. The search warrant in the elector cases says the details “will assist with the ongoing investigation” into election law forgery, forgery of a public record, conspiracy, and uttering and publishing.

According to a report from Howard Shock, special agent for the Attorney General’s Criminal Investigation Division, he began investigating the fundraising efforts of the false electors on July 20 to “determine if it was lawful.”

Shock wrote that he learned from a post on social media that two of the false electors, Meshawn Maddock of Milford and Marian Sheridan of West Bloomfield, were benefiting from a Give Send Go page that was collecting contributions.

Craig Mauger, a reporter for the Detroit News reporter, who also frequenlty doubles as a public relations hire for the Democrat Party, shared a portion of a report revealing that AG Nessel’s office has asked Twitter to preserve private messages between a far-left Twitter account that “flagged” the Give Send Go fundraiser site for 2 of the 16 electors and a “preservation letter to Give Send Go to preserve evidence in the account Fake Electors.”

Shock does not say if he received the requested communication from Twitter. He only states that he uploaded the 7/20/23 confirmation letter from Twitter.


The post MI AG Investigator Babbles Incoherently Under Oath…Can’t Explain Why He Subpeonaed Give Send Go For Names and Bank Account Routing Numbers of Donors Who Contributed To Fund For Alternate 2020 GOP Electors appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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