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Now That the RNC Is Over – Republicans Should Not Fool Themselves that Democrats Are Going for the Steal – This Time with Very Different Dynamics


Now that the Republican convention is over let’s not fool ourselves.

The post Now That the RNC Is Over – Republicans Should Not Fool Themselves that Democrats Are Going for the Steal – This Time with Very Different Dynamics appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Now that the Republican convention is over let’s not fool ourselves.

Democrats may have a mentally impaired and unpopular candidate hellbent on destroying the nation – but they do have a system to manufacture votes and steal elections.

Trump adviser Peter Navarro takes the stage at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin after his release from prison earlier today.

Guest post by Jay Valentine at Omega4America

For Trump, 2024 Is An Election. For Leftists, It’s a STEAL.

Michael Whatley, RNC Chairman, in a Dan Bongino interview from the convention, was asked how the RNC would stop the illegal aliens voting. His response – the RNC sent a letter to every Secretary of State telling them illegal aliens are not allowed to vote.

The RNC will litigate any incidence of illegal aliens voting.

The RNC hired 100,000 poll watchers to count those ballots.

Those are the clueless words of a clueless man thinking he is in an election – not an organized, all-in, streetfight STEAL.

If the cliché – “don’t bring a knife to a gunfight” was ever appropriate, this is it – now, and Whatley is standing there with a butter knife – the Left with an AR-15 they want to ban afterward.

The Leftists are hard at work with NGOs, over 10,000 we identified (watch the video here) operating in the U.S. in election-related work – registering voters and fake voters, running voter tracking, get-out-the-vote campaigns, and electioneering.

Those NGOs are bringing people into the country, registering them at soup kitchens, empty buildings, strip malls and scores of ballot collection locations.

Last week we published one, of thousands of emails, witnessing hundreds of non-persons at a food bank. Those people are gone – their mail-in ballots are 91 days away!

The number now exceeds 500,000 each in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Georgia. The number exceeds 400,000 each in Arizona, Nevada.

We will shortly know the number for Colorado and Virginia – expect it to be on the high side.

These are the actions of Leftist electioneering pros – who understand the new reality is not about getting out the vote. You do not need to get out the vote if you can cast ballots, by the thousands, from empty warehouses.

These pros understand they do not need to have their candidate campaign – they just need compliant polls to be close enough so the steal is not too in-your-face.

Leftists understand a growing number of their fellow citizens just want to have a job, go to soccer practice with the kids, have a barbecue on Saturday and not much be bothered with nasty politics. As long as the Leftists do not rub their noses in a steal who cares? The paycheck comes in, ESPN telecasts the Sunday NFL games and the daughter’s boyfriend doesn’t have tattoos. Life is just fine.

If Leftists make it close, even though millions of citizens are screwed out of their vote, nobody will do much about it. As a predecesor famously said about adultery: “I don’t care much what they do just don’t disturb the horses.”

The courts won’t intervene – no standing, remember? Republican RINOs in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas will just go along – nothing to see here.

We are data guys – with the most powerful data platform for elections ever built. We build artificial intelligence systems to protect the power grid from electric vehicles.

Our videos are shaming secretaries of state in a dozen states – and shaming 20 years of fake national election integrity orgs who haven’t found any of the egregious fraud we publish in our videos.

The data we see, in the swing states, supports that if the election were held today, Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire.

That means Trump could be toast. 

That’s with Biden as the candidate – if he drops out, which appears to be a likelihood, the Trump Hill is almost impossible with those ballot mills!

You’ve probably read these states are in play.

Here’s a video from CNN saying Trump would win if the election were today.

You are likely basking in the Republican group orgasm of Trump, resplendent at the Convention, with adoration from those who scorned him before.

We don’t do drugs.

Over-enthusiasm is the drug of choice for too many Republicans caught up in the moment. Republicans think something’s changed since 2020 and 2022 – because people who wanted Trump gone now stand on stage pitching accolades.

These are politicos. They would say anything, literally make any bargain, to get on national TV for their 5 minutes. This is not something new, this is 2020, 2022 all over again.

Look at the data. NOTHING HAS CHANGED!

We do data – which Republicans certainly do not.

The data shows over 500,000 ballots, ready to be cast in each of 4 swing states for any candidate with the letter D next to their name.

Do you wonder why Trump is leading in most swing states but the senate candidate is not?

Republicans run wealthy, zero-charisma, cut-out characters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan – who can mostly fund their own campaigns because they had a wealthy dad or hit one big deal once in their career.

No way these guys are going to win. They cannot get close to the hidden ballots in these states – baked into the data.

It doesn’t help that they are mostly RINOs which quietly works agains them.

In these industrial states, Leftists control all the election apparatus. They can do anything they want, and they do, and will again. The hapless GOP just sued Michigan – 110 days before the election – about its election laws.

Do you think it makes sense to sue Michigan, a state controlled by Leftists, with a Leftist Secretary of State who will ignore any order until after the election – do you think that will impact 2024 votes?

Do you wonder what might happen if the hapless Biden is replaced?

All the Biden negatives disappear, all the Trump negatives reappear. There are plenty of each.

Overnight, at the snap of a finger, lofty polls change, to where they need to be for the steal. Trump will be down in the key swings by 2% to 7% – just the margin needed for our Leftist pals to put those illegal alien ballots to work.

Every day it seems another $40 million donation comes into the Trump Campaign. 100% will be spent on salaries, TV ads, social media, canvassing and all of the trappings of a 1980s campaign – where someone gets a cut or a job. Trump’s campaign is filled with grifters – Leftist campaigns are filled with fire breathing zealots who would work for free to get their ideology in place.

Not one GOP dollar will be spent on stopping mail-in ballots being sent to the ballot mills – by the thousands – our teams monitor these daily.

Trump’s campaign will spend $20 million in ads to hopefully move one point in Michigan.

Leftists already set up hundreds of NGOs, using tax free money, some funded by Chinese Communist-connected orgs – to make sure every nickel of that $20 million is inert.

We built the Dark Money Fractal system – we outed these – watch our videos – we show these NGOs – the central nervous system of the Left.

Michigan Leftists have that state pretty much in the bag – and since Trump expenditures do not impact illegal alien voters, there’s nothing Trump can do to change those 500,000 ballots – except stop them from going out – which the RNC refuses to do.

Trump and his pals are registering bartenders and people at gas stations – again a 1980s thing when elections were pretty close to honest. In the STEAL, you can register all the people you want – but you cannot out-register the NGOs registering illegal aliens – multiple times in multiple states – each getting a state ballot.

What we have here is a parallel view of reality.

The Trumpsters and RINOs think they are in an election, with some fraud, but enough to outrun if they stoke up the red-hatted new voters.

They miss the concept that when you have a ballot mill, you have a perfectly elastic solution – you can print as many ballots as you need – whatever the occasion requires. So let the Republicans knock themselves out spending those $40 million donations – because the Leftists will print more ballots.

There is also the financial side of things.

Fraud is much more efficient and thus cheaper than electioneering.

If you create a fraudulent identity, that illegal alien who filled out the registration and split – you have 100% certainty they will vote, they will vote for your candidate, they will vote when needed, they will not show up at the polls after you vote them – causing questions.

That’s a clean, efficient way to run a STEAL and it’s cheap. It’s subsidized with 501c3 money – which is tax free – making it even more efficient.

None of the 501c3s donating their billion dollars per state in embedded infrastructure has to do a campaign report – they are essentially invisible – except to our recent Dark Money System – and they constitute a ballot-creating operation Leftists can use at will.

The reality the Trumpers live in is one where elections are generally fair, embedded fraud is inelastic and can be outrun, Trump will pull in the anodyne senators now trailing.

Our data shows 2024 is not just a STEAL, it’s the BIG ONE.

Trump will lose in a close, but not too close election.

Most of the senate candidates are going down because the Left has a thing for the senate, because it controls the Judiciary – so they aren’t letting it go. Most of these guys are so uninteresting, nobody will go out of their way to vote for them.

Conversely, in Wisconsin in particular, every Leftist is coming out, so to speak, for Tammy Baldwin – LGBQTwhatever – further putting that corrupt state way out of play for Trump.

The Leftists know in the STEAL, things are elastic.

They have the infrastructure – from 2021 – to create all the ballots they need. They can skip the harvesting because they can just print their way to success.

Most of all, the Leftists have Michael Whatley and Lara Trump telling the world they have 100,000 poll watchers who will be there to make sure every vote is counted.

The Leftists will be more than happy to drive those Trump ballot watchers to the polling stations – to MAKE SURE ALL THOSE BALLOTS ARE PROPERLY COUNTED.


Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List and the fraud systems for State Farm, GEICO, USAA and other major insurers. 

Jay’s team was awarded 6 patents for revolutionary Similarity Search technology – finding fraud in complex data – invisible to all relational technology

Jay is the only known person ever banned from The American Thinker.

Jay can be contacted at his Substack:  Substack.com/Omega4America

We send the newsletter regularly – 100% of all subscription money goes to Habitat for Horses in Houston and a donkey rescue in the Austin, Texas area.

The Fractal team accepts no donations from any political organization. If you choose to subscribe to our newsletter – 100% is donated to animal rescue charities.

The post Now That the RNC Is Over – Republicans Should Not Fool Themselves that Democrats Are Going for the Steal – This Time with Very Different Dynamics appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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