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Don’t Let Them Rewrite History: Kamala Harris Remains A Deeply Flawed Candidate With A Terrible Record


Kamala Harris has always been a weak candidate, and it is imperative Republican voters never lose sight of that fact, even as the mainstream media enters overdrive and hypes her to the moon.  At first blush her candidacy, which in recent weeks has been buoyed by fake news and inflated polls combined with contrived optics – make it appear as if a groundswell of support exists in the real world.   But that could not be further from the truth.

That is not to dismiss the powerful forces of propaganda and the malleability – particularly of the current body politic – to readily adopt the opinions spoon-fed to them by regime agitprop outlets like The New York Times, CNN, and Google.  And it is oftentimes true that in politics perception is reality – but facts are also stubborn things.

And no amount of gaslighting can change the undeniable truth that Kamala remains so woefully lacking in charisma, intelligence, and really any practical skill (other than not being Joe Biden) that would raise a serious threat to derail Donald Trump’s third bid for the White House.

On paper, Kamala Harris portrays every bit the mediocrity that Joe Biden was and remains, only dumber. She has never obtained any position in her public career out of merit; everything she was given was on account of her race or sex – or (to get her start in politics under her mentor, Willie Brown) sexual favor.  She is anything but a world-class strategist, and her disastrous track record – a function of her incompetence – is on display in spades, from her mismanagement of the border to her pathetic attempts at overseas diplomacy.

Thus far her sorry excuse for a campaign – abetted by embarrassing influencers on social media and cringe messaging – showcases an immaturity and rank stupidity that is unbecoming of any world leader, least of all the president of the United States.  In short, she is a lightweight; a moronic woman who is patently ill-suited to her current and desired office.

No matter how much she might try to convince herself that she is capable, it has always been apparent to the saner part of the electorate that Kamala Harris, DEI candidate par excellence, is out of her league.  As president, she would be a laughingstock the world over, a homewrecker that would obliterate what remnants of diminishing credibility America’s brand still commands on the world stage, and likely permanently.

It is important to keep this realistic assessment of Kamala Harris – amid this utterly insane race – in mind, particularly as we spiral down this turbulent final stretch of the cycle, which has already observed one candidate come an inch away from losing his life, and the other drop out entirely from a coup led by operatives plotting within his own administration.  Kamala was paired with Joe Biden in 2020, rendering her every bit as illegitimate as that fraudulent contest that unduly sidelined President Trump for the last four or so years.

The taint of illegitimacy does not vanish through Biden’s ouster – it lingers and, if anything, further enhances with Kamala Harris’ ascent to the top of the Democratic ticket, for she is the walking representative of the deep state’s literal war with democracy.  What is more, she stands as the least democratic presidential candidate in history, having failed to garner more than single digits in her own party’s primary four years ago.

Like Biden, in 2020, she careened her way into the White House off millions of illegal ballots and is actively plotting, through the help of her donors and media friends, to do it again in 2024.  Ergo, the true explanation for this makeshift hype around her: distraction from her endless liabilities, including actively covering up Biden’s still-ongoing senility, which poses a grave national security crisis and risk to every single American citizen.

It obfuscates her role in the Biden regime’s countless crises – from the border to inflation to foreign policy – and takes the spotlight away from Donald Trump, whose own near-assassination, almost surely the consequence of the very same deep state now looking to install Kamala as their next puppet-president, is now not getting the comprehensive congressional investigation that equals the scale of the near-tragedy that almost occurred in Butler that it deserves.

Those are the issues that must remain our focus despite all the past week’s historical revisionism, which is looking to exploit our fears and ignorance to make it seem as if the Kamala Harris “presidency” was every bit as plausible as her boss garnering 81 million votes.

But we know that is a ludicrous presupposition because it flies in the face of common sense, the central pillar of President Trump’s 2024 campaign.  Our common sense would dictate the conclusion that was, and still is, supported even by mainstream polling: Kamala Harris is as unpopular, if not more so, than Joe Biden.

She is deeply unlikable and cannot establish a personal link with voters, particularly in the all-important rustbelt region.  This is a region teeming with white working-class voters, who will never resonate with the Democrats’ policies of open borders, high crime, endless wars, and offshoring more jobs to China and India. These are the flesh and blood voters that will decide the outcome of the 2024 race, much as they did in 2016.   Instinctively, these voters align with Donald Trump and his rhetoric and style, not Kamala Harris.

So we should rest assured knowing that reality cleaves in the direction of common sense, what we must not do is abandon what our eyes can see and ears can hear for the deluded narratives of mainstream media that would have us believe Kamala Harris is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and that her coronation is all but a foregone conclusion.  If we fall into the trap of believing those absurdities, we abandon our prerogative to be happy warriors and give in to despair and pessimism — never a good thing.

As no demoralized army has ever won a war, so too has a demoralized electorate never won an election.  That is why the Left is working so hard to promote this deeply unpopular and flawed woman for the nation’s highest office. The more we adopt the Left’s frame of reference, the harder it becomes to maintain strong footing when inevitably comes the day where we will need to actively thwart the Left’s attempt to steal another election, in courts of law and at polling places, to ensure that our rightful president gets the second administration he deserves.

It will be much easier, if the day comes, for a court to review evidence of election fraud if the Right has not adopted the Left’s perspective, as many parts did in 2020, and retains steadfast in its commitment to truth, rather than have doubts and entertain the notion that a Kamala presidency was even for the slightest moment within the realm of possibility.  By ignoring the noise and simply listening to our reason and common sense, it will always be the most direct path to the most obvious conclusion: that the Kamala hype was always full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

The post Don’t Let Them Rewrite History: Kamala Harris Remains A Deeply Flawed Candidate With A Terrible Record appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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