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5 takeaways from the first day of the Republican National Convention

5 takeaways from the first day of the Republican National Convention

The first day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) saw the party enthusiastically take part in its traditional nominating gathering even under the shadow of the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally just 48 hours earlier.

Delegates formally nominated Trump as the party’s nominee, and the former president finally revealed Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate to much fanfare among attendees. Speakers throughout the day acknowledged the attempted assassination, but mostly sought to present an uplifting message calling on conservatives to come together to win back the White House. 

Here are five takeaways from the RNC’s first day: 

The shooting didn't put a damper on the festivities 

Just a day before the former president touched down in Milwaukee, he nearly lost his life when a gunman fired into his rally in Butler, Pa., grazing Trump’s ear with a bullet and killing one attendee.

Despite the shocking events, Trump charged forward with his plans to attend the convention, though many observers expected the shooting to cast a dark shadow over the GOP gathering.  

Instead, the convention crowd was its usual boisterous self as it celebrated Trump’s ascension to the official party nomination.  

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Michael Whatley opened up the convention with a moment of silence for the deceased as well as two people who were injured.

But delegates were quickly absorbed by the convention, cheering “fight” and “USA” on multiple occasions. 

Other speakers acknowledged the somber development in the context of the 2024 campaign, but the first day of the convention largely focused on the nomination votes, Trump’s VP reveal and the first bout of speeches. 

Whether the incident could take up more of the spotlight as the week goes on — with Vance and Trump both slated to speak later — remains to be seen, but the dramatic assassination attempt clearly didn’t put a damper on the convention kickoff. 

Republicans are feeling good about November

Nominating conventions are usually exuberant affairs with the most die-hard supporters in attendance expressing lofty hopes for what may come the party’s way in November. But this convention in particular has been energized by GOP optimism for November. 

The event comes not just days after the attempted assassination — which Republicans believe will juice up enthusiasm — but also amid growing uncertainty for President Biden, who is facing calls to step down after a dismal debate performance and low poll numbers.

Meanwhile, Republicans have made clear they’re rallying around Trump, and that recent events are putting them in a prime position to have a winning election.

The most prominent example came during the roll call of states to record the votes for Trump to be the nominee, when the delegates for New York and New Jersey, two solidly Democratic states, said they believe Trump will have a shot at winning them in November. 

Trump has talked about expanding the map for Republicans beyond the states they normally compete in, and though states like New York remain longshots, the GOP is putting on a show of optimism.

“We believe that President Donald J. Trump will be the first Republican in a generation who will win New York state,” said Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) as she announced the state’s delegates going to Trump. 

“The state of New Jersey, the state where President Donald J. Trump has invested heavily, and we think and we know that he can win New Jersey this year,” said New Jersey state Sen. Michael Testa (R). 

Even if Trump can’t take these states, these pronouncements symbolize the offensive Republicans have gone on recently, looking at states like Virginia and Minnesota and with Trump visiting traditionally liberal areas. 

“Is there any doubt who’s going to be the next president of the United States?” country singer Lee Greenwood asked the crowd on stage at night, which attendees responding to with cheers and waving “Trump” signs. 

Vance got a warm reception 

Trump ended months of “veepstakes” suspense when he announced Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate, elevating his former critic to be his right-hand man.

Vance got a warm reception from the convention crowd, and support from other prominent Republicans poured in.  

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio – who were also seen as likely picks for Trump’s ticket – congratulated Vance on social media.   

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich hailed Vance as a “spectacular vice president” for Trump.   

South Dakota Sen. John Thune said the addition of Vance to Trump’s presidential ticket is going to get the U.S. “back on track.” 

Other congressional Republicans heaped praise on the “Hillbilly Elegy” author, casting the move as cementing the “MAGA” ticket for 2024.  

Democrats, on the other hand, were quick to slam the newly minted running mate. Biden knocked Vance on X minutes after the announcement, and his campaign argued Vance will enable the former president

Still, the positive reception from GOP attendees is welcome news for the Trump campaign after months of chatter over who will take on the role once held by ex-Vice President Mike Pence, who ran against Trump this cycle and has said he won’t endorse his former boss.  

Republicans emphasized unity over attacks 

In the wake of the assassination attempt against Trump, Republicans on Monday worked to emphasize unity instead of divisive attacks. 

Vivek Ramaswamy, who ran against Trump in the GOP primary this cycle, said during an appearance with the Politico-CNN Grill that Trump must “fight fire with water” and urged both parties to “quit blaming the other side.” 

Other prominent Republicans used their speeches to declare that now is the time for the party to rally together around Trump, including Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). 

“Donald Trump believes every parent deserves a choice, and every child deserves a chance,” Donalds said. “In November, when Donald Trump is elected our nation’s 47th president, we will make sure all America’s children get that chance.” 

An exception was Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who in a speech referred to Democrats’ agenda as a “clear and present danger.” But he later told PBS News that the teleprompter had loaded an earlier version of his remarks, and that a revised edition had focused more on unity.  

The former president himself has called for Americans to "stand united” after the incident, 

At the same time, some on both sides are skeptical that the calls for unity will stick, given the polarized country and competitive presidential race.  

Trump made his first public appearance since shooting 

Trump made his first public appearance since the shooting in Butler when he stepped into the RNC convention hall to massive applause toward the end of the evening.  

The former president was wearing a bandage over his right ear, which he said on Truth Social was hit with a bullet at the rally.  

Trump immediately sought to project strength moments after the shooting, raising his fist to the crowd at his rally. He appeared to repeat that gesture when he entered the audience on Monday night. 

He took his place next to Vance, his newly-named running mate – and was spotted in his box next to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) and Speaker Mike Johnson. 

The crowd was visibility excited to see him, bursting into applause the moment he appeared on screen. At the conclusion of the night, when Whatley said the party is grateful to have him as their nominee, attendees yelled “We want Trump.” 

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