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TheSun.co.uk (sport)

Inside bloody Roma ultras who target Brits including vicious knife-wielding Fedayn firm after two Brighton fans stabbed


ROME is a historic football city known for its talent on the pitch and incredible fans up in the stands – but on too many occasions this unwavering support has gone miles too far.

The feared Fedayn ultras lead the violent pack and are known as some of the most dangerous fans in world football – constantly fighting, stabbing and robbing rival fans and especially Brits.

Roma’s ultras the Fedayn are known to hit rival fans with belts[/caption]
The hooligans have been causing issues across Europe for decades[/caption]
They often wear masks to hide their identity and plan out attacks[/caption]

Just last night two Brighton fans were left bleeding out on the streets of Rome after thugs stabbed them multiple times and robbed them.

Many are claiming it was the work of the notorious Fedayn firm who frequently target innocent fans of British clubs.

Their name means “the devotees” in Italian and those in the gang are devoted to one thing – fiercely intimidating and hurting rival fans.

First established in the 1970s by Roberto Rulli, the Fedayn group is chillingly modelled after an Iranian terror group.

They have a terrifying reputation for wielding knives on the streets on match days and seem to specifically target international fans travelling into Rome.

Rome is certainly up there as one of the most dangerous cities a football fan can travel to – there can never be a guarantee that you’ll stay safe

Geoff Pearsonfootball violence researcher

But according to Geoff Pearson, a football violence researcher, they target British fans more than anyone else.

Pearson told The Sun: “Fans of English sides are frequently targets of attacks by ultra groups abroad.

“Roma ultras, especially Fedayns, are quite active with atmosphere generation but some elements can also lead to them becoming involved in serious violent activity.”

Pearson has spent the last three decades discovering the horrors of football hooliganism including one time when he was ambushed by a rival gang on an away day to Roma.

He continued: “Rome is certainly up there as one of the most dangerous cities a football fan can travel to.

“There can never be a guarantee that you’ll stay safe even with police escorts and their help.

“I’ve even seen bus convoys in Rome be attacked by ultras when on route to the Stadio Olimpico.”

Even more worrying is that ultras in Rome and especially Fedayn fiends have a tactical assault plan for when they come face to face with rivals.

Often attacks see a guerrilla style assault carried out by the Fedayn’s as they seemingly orchestrate the chaos.

It has been said that the core leaders of the group have weekly meetings to discuss harmful songs to be sung at games and to plan out fresh attacks.

They typically wear a thick belt and when needed take it off and use it as a weapon to smack and whip fans into submission.

From there they then reportedly stab them in the legs and put them on the ground to make them suffer without risking a murder charge.

There is also a horrifying trend where victims report being left with stab wounds around their backside.

The medieval torture routine is seen as the favourite attack method of football firms in Rome.

The ultras are easy to spot outside grounds as they even have a dress code – a black hooded jacket, blue jeans, white trainers and a painful, stiff black belt.

Some have even been known to carry hammers as they pile into stadiums across Europe.

Rome is dubbed the “Eternal City” by many but that all changes when a football match is on as its been given the nickname of “Stab City” says The Gentleman Ultra.

Several fans have suffered life altering injuries due to violence from Roma‘s ultras across the last 45 years.

The ultras marching through the streets pregame[/caption]
Fedayn thugs are most well known in Britain for the vicious assault on Liverpool Fan Sean Cox that left him in a coma and wheelchair bound ever since
PA:Press Association
Ultras attacking fans in the stands


Outside of Italy, the Fedayn are most well-known after they pledged to “hunt down and hurt” Liverpool supporters after they allegedly assaulted Sean Cox in 2018.

The unprovoked attack before a Champions League match left Cox with a brain injury as well as wheelchair-bound.

The hooligan responsible for the brutal attack, Simone Mastrelli, was jailed as the judge told him at his hearing: “You must have picked him (Sean Cox) out because of the Liverpool scarf.

“Your head and face were covered by a hood and a balaclava and you were in front of Mr Cox with both arms raised towards him in a somewhat aggressive or confrontational way.”

Thug Mastrelli led a group of around 50 to 60 “ultras” all wearing distinctive clothing with their faces covered.

Many of them were carrying belts in their hands as weapons as others wielded knives.

Former Roma president James Pallotta gave an emotional speech against the extreme ultra minority after the attack.

He said: “We have a long history at Roma and what’s going on when you have a few stupid people is that they destroy our history and destroy our legacy and I’m tired of it.

“It’s just a couple of f****** morons who take the rest of us down. It’s time for things to change.”


In 2007, 13 Manchester United fans were taken to hospital after a Champions League game against Roma.

During the game fans of each side were seen shouting and screaming at one another as flares and missiles were fired in the stands.

The British Embassy said 11 Red Devils supporters were taken to hospital and two kept overnight for serious health checks.

Several of those hospitalised complained to doctors that they were stabbed in the backside.

Riot police with shields and thick batons reportedly fuelled the fighting as they battled against fans using force, say the BBC.

Manchester United released a statement after the game saying: “The disturbing scenes witnessed in the Stadio Olimpico last night shocked everyone at Old Trafford.”


Back in 2006, three Middlesborough fans faced similar miserable days out as they went home with brutal knife wounds.

Ten others were also injured when they were attacked by Roma ultras.

A police spokesperson said at the time: “A group in excess of 30 Italian youths, described as Italian Ultras, came into the square. They were a clearly well-organised group.

“They had an identified leader at their head – a gentleman who has been described to me as wearing a silver or shiny fireman’s-type helmet and a bandana across his face with only his eyes visible.

“These people were carrying sticks, they had axes, we later discovered they had knives, they had firecrackers and paper firebombs.”

One supporter injured in the barbaric assault was a 16-year-old boy as another 39-year-old needed surgery for his injuries, say the BBC.


Outside of the assaults on rival fans, Roma fans have also became incensed by match officials.

Fuming Roma fans hounded British referee Anthony Taylor and his family at Budapest International Airport after they lost the 2023 Europa League final on penalties.

The local cops were forced to rush Taylor and his petrified wife and kids into a private room for their own safety.

Things almost took a horror turn when a chair narrowly avoided hitting him and his terrified family.

They often cause chaos in the stands as well as before games[/caption]
PA:Press Association
Thug Simone Mastrelli was jailed for the attack on Liverpool fan Sean Cox[/caption]

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