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Traumatised migrant girl, 13, kills herself after her dad is repeatedly stopped from joining her in America by US border guards


A TRAUMATISED migrant girl has killed herself after her dad was repeatedly stopped at the US border from joining her in the US. Heydi Gámez Garcia, 13, became depressed after her dad was held in detention after he was caught illegally crossing the southern border in June. Heydi, from Honduras, lived with her sisters in New York, […]

A TRAUMATISED migrant girl has killed herself after her dad was repeatedly stopped at the US border from joining her in the US.

Heydi Gámez Garcia, 13, became depressed after her dad was held in detention after he was caught illegally crossing the southern border in June.

Manuel Gomez sits beside his daughter Heydi, who is on life support
New York Times
Heydi Gomez Garcia, 13, from Honduras, had been waiting for her father to join her in the US
New York Times

Heydi, from Honduras, lived with her sisters in New York, and eagerly awaited her dad Manuel Gámez, 34, to start a new life with her after he was denied access into the US three times.

Heydi’s sister Jessica Gámez tragically found her unresponsive in her bedroom.


She told New York Times: “She was so smart, it doesn’t make sense why she made a decision like this, a decision so out of character. I thought she would be safer here with me, safer than in Honduras.”

Erika Estrada, 25, who knew Heydi from their church, said: “Heydi was so excited when he told her he was coming, I think the idea of her dad being here with her felt like a refuge.”

On July 13, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agreed to release Mr Gámez from custody to be with his dying daughter.

The authorities put him on a plane with a round-trip ticket from Texas, where he will return to detention — he had 14 days to say goodbye to Heydi.

Mr Gámez told New York Times: “As a parent, you don’t have any hopes or dreams for yourself, all your dreams are for your kids.

“All my dreams are in her heart. All of them are gone with her.”

On Thursday, Mr Gámez plans to take Heydi off life support.


President Donald trump’s strict border and immigration crackdown has made it difficult, if not impossible, for thousands of Central American families to migrate to the US in hopes for a better future.

The desperate families have been making their way to the United States over the past five years while petitioning for asylum.

Heydi grew up in a modest concrete home in El Progreso, a town in northwest Honduras.

Since her birth, the town had become host to some of the country’s many violent gangs.

Gang members often demanded cash payments from Heydi’s family and others in exchange for guaranteeing their safety, prompting their desperate move to the US.

There are an estimated 12 million immigrants who are in the US illegally, mainly from Mexico and Central America.

Trump's new immigration system

  • In May, Trump unveiled a new US immigration system favouring young, educated, English-speaking applicants instead of people with family ties to Americans.
  • At present, “we discriminate against genius,” he said, while pointing to Australia and New Zealand as shining examples of merit-based immigration.
  • The country has long placed a preference on providing green cards to family members of immigrants.
  • Under Trump’s plan, it would award the same number of green cards as it does currently – about one million annually, says news agency, the Associated Press.
  • But far more green cards would go to exceptional students, professionals and people with high-level and vocational degrees.
  • Factors such as age, English language ability and employment offers would also be considered.
  • And far fewer green cards would be given to people with relatives already in the US.
  • Instead, they would be reserved just for immediate family members, particularly spouses and children rather than parents and adult siblings.

Under a deal reached last month, Mexico has agreed to take Central American immigrants seeking asylum until their cases are heard in US courts.

The agreement, which included Mexico pledging to deploy National Guard troops to stop people from reaching the southern American border, averted a Trump threat to hit Mexican imports with tariffs.

Trump also said in the tweet that Guatemala “is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement.”

Many migrants from Honduras have broken through fences or ferried themselves across the Suchiate River which marks the border with Guatemala.

For the migrants, many of whom are fleeing poverty and gang violence, the entrance to the US means another day’s walking under a blazing sun.

For many, arriving at the US border was a sign of relief. While for others – it’s the beginning of a difficult journey ahead.

Many migrants have died in custody after being kept in packed cages with very little food and water.


EVERY 90 minutes in the UK a life is lost – to suicide.

It doesn’t discriminate, touching the lives of people in every corner of society – from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, reality stars and footballers.

It’s the biggest killer of people under the age of 35, more deadly than cancer and car crashes. And men are three times more likely to take their own life than women.

Yet, it’s rarely spoken of, a taboo that threatens to continue its deadly rampage unless we all stop and take notice, now.

That is why The Sun has launched the You’re Not Alone campaign. To remind anyone facing a tough time, grappling with mental illness or feeling like there’s nowhere left to turn, that there is hope.

To mark World Suicide Prevention Day, over the course of this week, we will tell you the stories of brave survivors, relatives left behind, heroic Good Samaritans – and share tips from mental health experts.

The aim is that by sharing practical advice, raising awareness and breaking down the barriers people face when talking about their mental health, we can all do our bit to help save lives.

Let’s all vow to ask for help when we need it, and listen out for others. You’re Not Alone.

For a list of support services available, please see the Where To Get Help box below.

Between May 14 and June 13, US Border Patrol facilities were housing over 14,000 people a day — and sometimes as many as 18,000, reported Vox.

Most of these were single adults, or parents with children.

However, over that month, more than 2,000 were “unaccompanied alien children,” or children being held without adult relatives in separate facilities.

The bedroom at Zoila Gomez’s home where Heydi stayed the night and tried to end her life
New York Times
Aerial view of a Honduran migrant caravan heading to the US last year
AFP or licensors

AP:Associated Press
Migrants sit in a caged facility in McAllen, Texas[/caption]

Migrants bound for the US-Mexico border wait on a bridge that stretches over the Suchiate River
AP:Associated Press

AP:Associated Press
Photographs of caged children being held in the US emerged last year and shocked the world[/caption]

A gated entry point into Mexico via the bridge blocks migrants from entering
AP:Associated Press
Donald Trump has been heavily criticised for his immigration policy
AFP or licensors
Trump has pledged to ‘build a wall’ along the US’s southern border to stem the flow of migrants from Mexico
Mexican police pictured blocking the passage of hundreds of Honduran migrants
Central American migrants making their way to the US in a large caravan cling on to the truck
AP:Associated Press

Suicide in Britain – the tragic facts

  • 1 in 15 adults in England have attempted suicide
  • 3 out of 4 deaths by suicide are men
  • Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50
  • Suicide is the biggest killer of women aged 20 to 34
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for people under 35
  • People diagnosed with a mental health disorder are 5 to 15 times more likely to die by suicide
  • Unemployed people are 2.5 times more likely to die by suicide than employed
  • Low-skilled male labourers, particularly in construction, have a 3 times higher risk of suicide
  • Prisoners are up to 10 times more likely to die by suicide
  • Young people who have been sexually abused are 8 times more likely to attempt suicide
  • Gay and bisexual men are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual men
  • Around 26% of young women have self-harmed
  • 1 in 7 deaths of new mothers is by suicide
  • Homeless people are 5 times more likely to die by suicide

If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems the Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123, or visit Mind’s website.

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