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TV show where boisterous toddlers are trained like pooches using clicker training, doggy ‘tapas’ and treats sparks row


HAPPY Greydon gets a treat and told he is a good boy after finally obeying his commands. Training has been meticulous. Each time the little fella plays up, he is moved to a different room and given a toy. After three years of boisterous behaviour, his owners’ home has been transformed into an oasis of […]

HAPPY Greydon gets a treat and told he is a good boy after finally obeying his commands.

Training has been meticulous. Each time the little fella plays up, he is moved to a different room and given a toy.

Channel 4’s new show Train Your Baby Like A Dog follows Jo-Rosie as she teaches parents how to utilise her unusual toddler training methods[/caption]

After three years of boisterous behaviour, his owners’ home has been transformed into an oasis of calm by Jo-Rosie Haffenden.

She has been training animals for years and knows exactly how to handle difficult cases.

If Greydon had a tail he would probably wag it. But no, this is a feisty toddler whose parents have turned to a controversial new tactic where kids are trained like dogs so mums and dads can reclaim control.

It’s the focus of a Channel 4 show called Train Your Baby Like A Dog, on tomorrow at 8pm.

We see Greydon receive treats when he follows commands, and tears when he doesn’t[/caption]

Canine training methods used, such as clicker training, doggy “tapas” and other techniques, have already attracted criticism, though.

Campaigners claim it dehumanises children and already, with the programme yet to air, more than 20,000 people have signed a petition demanding its cancellation.

Some even claim the techniques could aid paedophiles.

Charity Autistic Inclusive Meets, which started the petition, said: “The children are shown no dignity or respect in clicker training behaviourism.

Channel 4
Another scene shows scene Jo-Rosie ‘training’ her dog and her son at the same time[/caption]

Channel 4
Upon command, her son sits down and is rewarded with a treat alongside a brown cocker spaniel behaving the same way[/caption]

“They will be a prime target for grooming in the future as they will have been taught to comply to an adult’s demands, regardless of their own comfort.”

Jo-Rosie’s training methods turn traditional parenting on its head and use animal behaviour to explain how kids act.

In the hour-long show, she works with two children, three-year-old Greydon and Dulcie, 18 months.

Jo-Rosie puts them through a series of tests alongside her dog Tango, who is trained to deal with children.

Jo-Rosie says she turned to controversial techniques as traditional parenting tactics were just not working for her[/caption]

At one point, Dulcie is rewarded with chocolate for being calm when she enters and leaves her bath.

Her own son Santino, three, also features and in one scene Jo-Rosie shouts: “Santino, down!” before the boy sits on the floor with her dogs.

The lad is also seen sitting like a dog and being rewarded with a treat alongside a brown cocker spaniel behaving the same way.

Jo-Rosie started using her pup-training techniques after she found traditional parenting tactics were not working.

She says ‘if everybody parented their child the same way we did our dogs, then we would end up with much more confident, compassionate and curious human beings’[/caption]

As the show opens, she says: “If everybody parented their child the same way we did our dogs, then we would end up with much more confident, compassionate and curious human beings.

“Kids are a lot more like dogs than people like to think.

“When we first had Santino, we tried to use the traditional parenting stuff because that’s what you do.

“But a lot of the methods didn’t make any sense. I think then it really hit home that I had something better.

Channel 4
According to her, animals and young kids learn along the same basic principles[/caption]

“Animals learn according to all the same basic principles. If an animal does something and the consequence is good, they are more likely to do it again.

“I don’t understand why we haven’t been applying animal techniques to kids universally. It’s kinder and more effective than most of the parenting methods.

“I’m massively putting my neck on the line but I believe in the concept. I believe this will work.”

Her tactics have been compared to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), which was used to teach children, including those with autism, to behave “properly” through disregarding their emotions and conditioning them to behave.

Channel 4
Jo-Rosie’s techniques have been compared to ABA which teaches kids to behave ‘properly’ by disregarding their emotions and conditioning them to behave[/caption]

But a US study published in Advances In Autism journal found the method led to 46 per cent of those who went through ABA having diagnosable post-traumatic stress disorder.

Parenting coach Elizabeth O’Shea, of Parent 4 Success, does not believe the show’s methods will work.

She said: “I think that much of helping children behave well is based on having a really good relationship with them and that is not dog training.

“The dog may want to please the owner through getting a treat but the relationship is fundamental.

Elizabeth O’Shea criticised her methods as she believes that ‘helping children behave well is based on having a really good relationship with them’

“It is important to set boundaries for children and use positive reinforcement.

“But it’s not about giving doggy treats for children doing something well. It will work in the short term if you reward the child with treats. As soon as the treats stop, so will the behaviour.

“I’ve never heard of clicker training being a reliable way to teach a child. It isn’t how humans operate and it isn’t how children learn how to deal well with the world.”

Her view is backed up by fellow parenting coach Sarah Webb, from Purple Parenting.

Channel 4
Sarah Webb backed Elizabeth as she feels ‘clicker training isn’t something we would ever associate with children’[/caption]

She said: “I haven’t seen the programme but from what I have heard it doesn’t sound ideal.

“Clicker training isn’t how we would want to work with families who are experiencing challenging behaviours.

“We would work with them by providing reassurance and building a positive relationship between the parent and child.

“Clicker training isn’t something we would ever associate with children. It’s not about training a child, it’s about building a positive relationship.”

Jo-Rosie’s tactics

Puppy proof: Clearing the main space the child or dog will be in of items they are NOT allowed to have.

Instead, items they CAN touch are put in reach for them to play with. This removes the stress of having to be constantly vigilant.

In the show, Greydon’s parents remove all the things such as skateboards from the living room and make sure there are plenty of child-friendly toys around on lower shelves.

Jo-Rosie says: “It’s setting the environment up so the animal can succeed and you as the primary care-giver can relax.”

One of Jo-Rosie’s techniques involves using the ladder of aggression – identify the signs that lead to bad behaviour so you can intervene before it turns into a tantrum[/caption]

Ladder of aggression: Maps out a pup’s changes in behaviour ahead of aggression. It can be as simple as a nose lick or taking things the dog shouldn’t have.

These signs lead to the worst behaviour the dog can manage. With children, it involves spotting behaviour that leads to a tantrum, such as raised voices.

When Greydon’s parents see a frown or hear him raise his voice, they try to defuse the situation before a tantrum starts.

Jo-Rosie says: “It allows you to look through a little crystal ball where you can see what’s about to happen.”

Engagement: Children, like dogs, need to have interaction. When kids are acting up you should give them something child-appropriate to focus their energy on.

Another option is to change the environment the child is in, which will stop them getting angry and prevent outbursts.

When Greydon gets agitated, the parents change his environment. His dad takes him outside to pretend to ride a bike.

Jo-Rosie says: “When they don’t get that engagement they need, they become very frustrated. It’s exactly the same with a dog.”

‘Children, like dogs, need to have interaction’ so she advises changing the environment the child is in[/caption]

Doggy tapas: The food a puppy eats is essential for them to get a good night’s sleep and it is the same for children.

Eating the same thing every night can lead to boredom, poor nutrition and being unfulfilled. Children should be given options. It is a way of stimulating their mind and helps them relax.

In the show, Dulcie is given several options for eating – including cheese and banana – at different points so she is not overwhelmed by the amount of food.

Jo-Rosie says: “Getting that last meal right before bed is key to the sleep routine.”

Clicker training: Used to reinforce the behaviour being shown is what is acceptable. Good behaviour gets a click and a reward, often food.

It uses positive reinforcement to show what is acceptable, which encourages dogs and children to behave that way again.

For children, this can be used to create a positive association with things they dislike, such as bedtime or baths.

Jo-Rosie says: “It’s a way of pinpointing that is the right thing you’ve done and now you’re going to get some reinforcement.”

Jo-Rosie also recommends ‘puppy proofing’ the house so that children (and dogs) can’t get a hold of anything they aren’t supposed to have[/caption]

Safety reinforcing: Animals will only go to sleep if they feel safe. Lavender can help calm the system. For babies and dogs it can be rubbed on to a toy.

Parents should reassure their child that they are there when they put them to bed. If they become distressed they should be reassured with cuddles until they are asleep.

Dulcie is comforted by her mum and is asleep within half an hour.

Jo-Rosie says: “When an animal doesn’t feel safe, all they’re doing is deciding if they should run away or confront the frightening things. We have to show them they are safe.”

Hide and seek: The animal has to find something, which is an achievement. They bring it to the owner for added engagement and positive reinforcement.

This can be used with children to help them play happily by themselves. Greydon’s parents use a timer to send him off to do tasks such as finding all the cars with a particular number on.

Jo-Rosie says: “Training an animal to be happy and relaxed on their own is a process that starts with security. You have to really reassure that animal their primary care-giver is going to come back.”

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