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Furious Boris Johnson dares ‘scared’ Jeremy Corbyn to give him an election so voters can end Brexit deadlock


RAMPAGING Boris Johnson dared “scared” Jeremy Corbyn to give him an election so voters can end the Brexit logjam. Parliament returned after a Supreme Court ruling that its suspension for five weeks by the PM was illegal. But in explosive Commons scenes, Mr Johnson refused to apologise for asking the Queen to order the prorogation. […]

RAMPAGING Boris Johnson dared “scared” Jeremy Corbyn to give him an election so voters can end the Brexit logjam.

Parliament returned after a Supreme Court ruling that its suspension for five weeks by the PM was illegal.

Boris Johnson hammered into Jeremy Corbyn in the Commons
Furious Boris Johnson hammered into Jeremy Corbyn in the Commons[/caption]

Mr Corbyn was dared to table a no confidence vote
Mr Corbyn was dared to table a no confidence vote by Boris Johnson[/caption]

The PM jabbed a finger of provocation at his rivals around the chamber
The PM jabbed a finger of provocation at his rivals across the chamber

But in explosive Commons scenes, Mr Johnson refused to apologise for asking the Queen to order the prorogation. Instead, he tried to turn the tables with a fresh election bid so he can win a pro-Brexit majority.

With MPs having shot down his two previous attempts to hold a poll, he called on Mr Corbyn to table a vote of no confidence in his Government, which the Tories would also back.

The PM goaded: “Is he going to dodge a vote of no confidence in me as Prime Minister in order to escape the verdict of the voters? I wonder — does he in his heart even want to be Prime Minister anymore?”

Amid another day of tension and high drama in Westminster:

  • Mr Corbyn was blasted by Ulster MPs for backing the Supreme Court after having supported IRA ­terrorists who killed judges.
  • Labour was accused of threatening scores of Manchester businesses by effectively blocking the Tory party conference in the city.
  • Irish boss Leo Varadkar told the PM he must table a new backstop plan by the end of next week.
  • Mr Johnson was blasted over claims he used his power to help an ex-model win taxpayers’ cash.

The PM and ministers traded bitter blows with Labour MPs tonight as anger over Brexit spilled over.


Mr Johnson was accused of going over the top by appearing to suggest they will never be safe from street attacks until Brexit is delivered.

Jabbing a finger of provocation at his rivals around the chamber, he questioned whether any of the “smaller parties” had the “courage” to step up.

Mr Johnson laid down the gauntlet as he struck back against his Supreme Court humiliation and confronted his critics head-on.

He thundered: “This Parliament must either stand aside and let this Government get Brexit done or bring a vote of confidence and finally face the day of reckoning with the voters.

“They have until the House rises today to table a motion of no confidence in the Government, and we can have that vote tomorrow.

“Or if any of the other parties, the smaller parties fancy a go, they can table that motion, we’ll give you the time for that vote.

“Will they have the courage to act or will they refuse to take responsibility and do nothing but dither and delay?”

Will they have the courage to act or will they refuse to take responsibility and do nothing but dither and delay?

Boris Johnson

MPs returned today after judges ripped up the PM’s five-week suspension of Parliament.

But after three years of Brexit logjam, Mr Johnson said Parliament was “paralysed” and chastised MPs for “running scared” and refusing to allow the public to change the slate with a general election.

He added: “Out of sheer selfishness and political cowardice, members opposite are unwilling to move aside and let the people have their say. The Leader of the Opposition and his party do not trust them.”

The PM also rounded on Remainers pushing for a second referendum, calling it “an extraordinary delusion, even greater than the Communist fantasies peddled by the Leader of the Opposition”.

In a further twist, Mr Johnson’s spokesman suggested Tories could be whipped to vote down their own Government if Labour tabled a no confidence motion, saying: “It could be a tactical decision.”

Rising to speak after the PM, Mr Corbyn immediately ruled out the election demand until Brexit is delayed and No Deal taken off the table.

He added: “If he wants an election, it’s very simple. Get an extension, and we’ll have an election”.

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox declared the chamber a dead parliament
Attorney General Geoffrey Cox declared the chamber a ‘dead parliament’

Jacob Rees-Mogg was rebuked for branding the Supreme Court ruling a constitutional coup
UK Parliament UK Parliament
Jacob Rees-Mogg was rebuked for branding the Supreme Court ruling a ‘constitutional coup’[/caption]

The House of Commons 'turkeys' - Jeremy Corbyn, Speaker John Bercow and Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson
The House of Commons ‘turkeys’ – Jeremy Corbyn, Speaker John Bercow and Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson

The Labour chief then accused Mr Johnson of being a “dangerous Prime Minister” who has been “forced back to this house to rightfully face the scrutiny he tried to avoid, with no shred of humility”.

Mr Corbyn’s MPs have already voted down two attempts by Mr Johnson to force an election. The PM has abandoned any further bid.

Turning his wrath on the Supreme Court again, he said the 11 judges were “wrong to pronounce on what is essentially a political question at a time of great national controversy”.

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox earlier provoked loud cheers on the Tory benches and outright fury from rebels and the opposition by declaring the chamber a “dead Parliament”. He added: “This Parliament is as dead as dead can be. It has blocked the votes of 17.4million people. This Parliament is a disgrace.

“This House should have the courage to face the electorate but it won’t, because what so many of them are really all about is preventing us leaving the EU.

“They could agree to a motion to dissolve, but they’re too cowardly.

“But the time is coming when even these turkeys won’t be able to prevent Christmas.”


The aggressive remarks from the PM and Mr Cox sparked uproar from Labour.

Its MPs demanded Mr Johnson stop using “dangerous” language — warning it fuels the “toxic” hate that led to the murder of Jo Cox in 2016. Labour MP Paula Sherriff said that trolls “often quote” the PM’s words and added: “He should be ashamed of himself.”

But Mr Johnson dismissed the criticism as “humbug” and continued to describe the Bill blocking a No Deal as the “Surrender Act”.

Responding to a plea from Tracy Brabin — Ms Cox’s Batley and Spen constituency successor — to “moderate his language”, the PM said: “The best way to honour the memory of Jo Cox and the best way to bring this country together would be I think, to get Brexit done.”

But Justice Secretary Robert Buckland did rebuke Commons Leader Jacob Rees-Mogg for branding the Supreme Court ruling a “constitutional coup”.

He tweeted: “Personal attacks on judges from any quarter are completely unacceptable.” Lord Heseltine said he was “dismayed” at how his party has reacted to the ruling.

He also said: “In any normal circumstances, the Prime Minister would have to go.”

As pressure on Mr Johnson mounted, Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon accused him of “shameful game-playing”.

And the PM stunned delegates at the UN gathering in New York in the early hours yesterday by saying his Brexit trials are like having his “liver pecked out by an eagle”.

Lord Heseltine said he was dismayed at how his party reacted to the ruling
Alamy Live News
Lord Heseltine said he was ‘dismayed’ at how his party reacted to the ruling[/caption]

Nicola Sturgeon accused the PM of shameful game-playing
PA:Press Association
Nicola Sturgeon accused the PM of ‘shameful game-playing’[/caption]

MPs demanded the PM stop using dangerous language as it fuels the toxic hate that led to the murder of Jo Cox in 2016
PA:Press Association
MPs demanded the PM stop using ‘dangerous’ language as it fuels the ‘toxic’ hate that led to the murder of Jo Cox in 2016[/caption]

What happens next now MPs are back in Parliament?

TODAY MPs have returned to Westminster in chaos after the Supreme Court ordered Boris’ shutdown of Parliament as “unlawful”.

In effect, it means that Parliament was never really shut down and just had a short break.

Ministers will give five statements to MPs today in the House of Commons – including on Thomas Cook, Brexit and Iran.

Boris will then address MPs about the damning Supreme Court verdict and will answer their burning questions.

The PM’s spokesperson said this morning he will address the next steps.Boris could try and shut down Parliament yet again – but this is unlikely after the verdict yesterday.

Or he could try and secure a short recess for a few days so the Tories can hold their conference in Manchester next week.

SNP MPs are pushing for a vote of no confidence in Boris to try and topple the Government, but Labour aren’t on board yet.

They don’t want to risk an election where Britain could crash out of the EU without a deal on October 31 in the middle of the campaign.

At the moment the law insists that the PM should seek an extension if they don’t have a deal by October 17.

However, Boris has vowed not to ask for a third delay under any circumstances.

EU leaders have said they will only grant one for a specific purpose – like an election or a second referendum.

But if they are faced with the prospect of a No Deal Brexit, it’s likely they would green-light another delay.

Boris has insisted he WON’T resign despite the chaos but has no majority in the Commons to get anything done.

And without a Queen’s Speech, he can’t bring forward any new laws either.

He’s still hoping to secure a deal at the October EU summit, which he will bring back for MPs just days before the Brexit deadline.


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