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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had a string of demands during Megxit talks – but here is what they actually got


PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle had a string of demands during Megxit talks – but did they get what they wanted?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex had released the bombshell announcement they were stepping down as royals before crunch talks with the Queen, with details of how it would work finally released last night.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they were stepping back as royals
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they were stepping back as royals
AFP or licensors
The Queen last night released details just days after crunch talks with her grandson
The Queen last night released details just days after crunch talks with her grandson
PA:Press Association

And while some questions remain over the couple’s future, here’s what we know Harry and Meghan wanted – and what they got.


Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle clearly wanted to keep their titles as Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Launching their news SussexRoyal website after their news, they also reportedly trademarked 100 items including pencils and bookmarks six months ago.

Even their Instagram is hinged on their titles, which were given to them by the Queen on their wedding day.

Throughout the Queen’s statement released last night, the couple were referred to as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, which suggests they will keep these titles.

Now, their names will be re-styled as Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex – similar to how his late mother’s title was re-styled to Diana, Princess of Wales after she divorced Prince Charles.

And while they will be officially His and Her Royal Highnesses, they will not be allowed to use the titles anymore.

But there was a slight confusion over this decision last night, with the couple immediately after releasing a statement that signed off “Their Royal Highnesses”.

Prince Harry will remain sixth-in-line to the throne.

The Sussex website posted a statement using the HRH titles last night
The Sussex website posted a statement using the HRH titles last night


Prince Harry and Meghan will get to keep Frogmore Cottage as their UK family home but they have agreed to repay the £2.4million of taxpayer money that was used to refurbish it.

The couple are expected to pay commercial rent for the home and for its upkeep which could come to around £30,000 a month.

It seemed like the couple were willing to make this concession as they up sticks and move part-time to Canada,

In the Queen’s statement last night, Buckingham Palace said the couple had “shared their wish to repay” the public funds” after moving in last spring.

The public paid for kitchen, bathrooms and fitted wardrobes, as well services of a renowned interior designer.

Meghan and Harry will pay back £2.4million of public funds they used to renovate their UK home
Meghan and Harry will pay back £2.4million of public funds they used to renovate their UK home


Her Majesty has allowed Harry and Meghan to keep their patronages but they can no longer formally represent the Queen.

This appears to differ to what the couple had initially wanted when they released their bombshell news about stepping down as royals.

On their new Sussex Royal website, the couple said they wanted to “aim to continue to fly the flag for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as called upon.”

However, the Queen seemingly knocked back this offer, with Buckingham Palace saying they “can no longer formally represent the Queen.”

In another potential blow to Prince Harry, he will no longer keep his military titles.

The royal had previously been the Captain General of Marines, Hon Air Commandant, Commodore-In-Chief and Youth Ambassador.Harry will no longer be a patron of the Royal Marines, the Royal Naval Command’s Small Ships and Diving nor the Royal Air Force Honington.

Prince Harry will be able to continue his work with the Invictus Games and Aids charity Sentebale but only as a private individual.


One of the matters the couple were the most clear on when it came to their future was their desire to be financially independent.

Making the bombshell announcement ten days ago, they said “financial independence is something they look forward to”.

The Queen appears to have given the green light for this, agreeing: “They will no longer receive public funds for Royal duties.”

Prince Charles will continue to privately fund the royal couple after it was announced they can no longer use public funds.

It is unclear if the money will continue to come from the Duchy of Cornwall’s coffers – they get an estimated £2.3million a year from it.

However, it’s unclear exactly who will fund their security.

The couple had appeared to suggest they wanted the taxpayer to continue paying their security bill.

But Buckingham Palace said: “Buckingham Palace does not comment on the details of security arrangements.

“There are well-established independent processes to determine the need for publicly-funded security.”


When Harry and Meghan announced they were stepping back as Royals, they listed their work with the Commonwealth as something they were most proud of.

They wrote: “Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are honoured to help fulfil this potential through their roles as President and Vice President, respectively, of The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust.

“The Duke of Sussex was also given the role of Commonwealth Youth Ambassador by Her Majesty The Queen in 2017.”

However, after last night’s announcement, Prince Harry has been forced to give up his Commonwealth role with Sentebale.

He is still allowed to work for them, but in a private capacity.


The SussexRoyal website went into great lengths as to how press would be handled as they moved back from their roles as royals.

They particularly cancelled their involvement in the Royal Rota which allows UK press to cover events that Royal Family members attend.

Instead, they said they wanted to “engage with grassroots media organisations and young, up-and-coming journalists”.

While the Queen did not mention what would happen in the future, she did indicate she understood the “intense scrutiny” they had faced.

The deal will start in the spring and follows a summit among senior royalslast Monday to discuss the couple’s wishes to step back from frontline duties.

Royal protocol expert Alastair Bruce said Prince Harry has now been brought down to the level of 30 other Dukes in the UK. The monarchy expert said the bombshell deal is “cataclysmic” and the Queen has “brought down the iron fist” to end the crisis.

He said: “This is an abdication. We now know it will be Harry and Meghan, there will be no more Royal Highness, no more representing the Queen on great occasions, no more being part of the royal and ceremonial Royal Family, no more military involvement and no more public money.”

The latest statement on the royal couple’s future
The statement confirmed the couple would no longer be able to formally represent the Queen
The statement confirmed the couple would no longer be able to formally represent the Queen
The couple will no longer use their HRH titles as part of the change
The couple will no longer use their HRH titles as part of the change

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