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Gordon Ramsay blasted by Cornish neighbour in row over his 4×4 as locals turn on him for isolating in £4m holiday home


GORDON Ramsay has reportedly been caught in a row over his 4×4 after the chef was slammed for moving his family to Cornwall during the coronavirus lockdown. 

Pictures show a shopper appearing to give the TV star a telling off after he was reportedly left unhappy about the way the chef’s Land Rover Defender was parked.

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Matt Keeble
Gordon Ramsay seen behind his Land Rover Defender getting in a row with a shopper[/caption]

Gordon, 53, was previously slammed by locals after he quit London to move to his £4million mansion to wait out the coronavirus pandemic.

Witnesses said the row occurred near Polzeath Beach and added the chef kept his cool throughout the dispute on Friday, April 10.

The other man – carrying a Tesco bag – confronted Gordon about the size and parking of the shiny black Land Rover, reports MailOnline.

Pictures show the man gesturing towards the Kitchen Nightmares star – who can seen over the roof of the 4×4.

The man then walked off and the TV chef could be seen getting into his car with a bag of shopping and a coffee.

It comes as locals in the West Country have called for action to be taken on people fleeing to their holiday homes to beat the pandemic.

Second home owners and holidaymakers have been accused of sneaking into the area and potentially bringing the virus with them.

Local authorities asked for road blocks to stop people flooding towards tourist hotspots.

Britain basked in sunshine over this weekend, and numerous people seen flouting isolation guidelines to enjoy the weather – including in Cornwall.

Matt Keeble
Gordon Ramsay is reported to have been blasted over the way his 4×4 was parked outside the shop[/caption]

Matt Keeble
The man confronted Gordon Ramsay amid the TV chef’s controversial decision to move to Cornwall during the coronavirus pandemic[/caption]

Matt Keeble
Gordon Ramsay is said to have kept his cool throughout the confrontation[/caption]

Furious villagers have threatened to hound the Hell’s Kitchen star out of Cornwall.

Gordon moved down with his wife Tana and five kids to isolate from the coronavirus by the sea.

Neighbours feared the family – who moved from London – may have risked spreading the infection.

London remains the worst impacted city in the UK for the virus.

The Sun revealed members of a Facebook group called You Shouldn’t Be Here have threatened to expose Gordon’s address if he does not leave.

One said: “The big s*** should take himself and his family the hell out of Cornwall.”

Others accused the Scot of ignoring Government advice by not staying at his primary location.

Matt Keeble
Gordon Ramsay is seen with a coffee and a shopping bag[/caption]

Matt Keeble
Gordon Ramsay approaches his Land Rover Defender that sparked the confrontation[/caption]

They claimed: “He’s swanning around the shops as if nothing is wrong.

“He’s had pool engineers over.

“There is no defence at all.”

Another added: “Wealthy second homers think making a few quid means they are immune from the virus and any rules.

“They are arrogant at this best of times, this has shown how bad some of them are.”

The family — including one-year-old Oscar — have been staying on the Cornish coast since restrictions began.

Pals however have hit back – claiming he regards the property as his “family home“.

A friend called the complaints “hurtful” and an “unnecessary campaign” against the the family.

Matt Keeble
Gordon Ramsay looks at the car after he was reportedly criticised for his parking[/caption]

One friend told the Metro: “The family see Cornwall as their family home when the kids are back from uni and Gordon back from filming around the world.

“It’s where they spend all their family time together, they’ve been spending time there for 10 years and Jack actually lives in the house there full time too.”

“Most of their neighbours are so welcoming and they love being part of the community.

“They’ve been following the government advice, along with the rest of the country, since they arrived on March 20.

“The campaign against them is hurtful and unnecessary at a time when we should all be coming together and supporting each other.”

Gordon has also come under fire for laying off 500 employees as he was forced to close his London restaurants due to the pandemic.

Matt Keeble
Gordon Ramsay pictured after going to the shops following his move to Cornwall[/caption]

Chefs, waiters and other staff were reportedly summoned into a meeting and told their contracts were being terminated.

They were later sent an email explaining they would only be paid up to April 17.

In a post on Facebook, chef Anca Torpuc blasted the celeb – who is thought to be worth around £140million.

She wrote: “Such a shame to see how the company that you worked for and gave everything you had for 2 years throw you away like you are nothing but a little piece of s**t.”

Anca added: “I hope you sleep well at night knowing that so many people doesn’t have a job in this difficult time because of you.”

In a statement, the firm said: “Gordon Ramsay Restaurants is continuing to work tirelessly in exceptional, unprecedented, global circumstances to ensure that as many employees as possible are being retained by the business.

“We are no different from any other restaurant/retail business large and small in the UK and around the world responding to the current crisis.”

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Gordon has been filming virtual cooking classes but has called lockdown a “living nightmare”.

And he’s also complained about having to knock-up meals for his “ravenous” kids.

Gordon said: “Being stuck in my house with these five ravenous kids is a living nightmare.
“Can you please tell me when all of this will end? Every single day is the same.

“I’m the resident kitchen porter, working my fingers to the bone.”

Britain continues to suffer amid the coronavirus pandemic – with the death toll today surpassing 10,000.

It came as one of the UK’s youngest victims was confirmed this weekend, an 11-year-old child.

And reportedly Brits could live with restrictions until a vaccine is developed which could take “around 18 months”.

More than 108,000 people worldwide have now died from coronavirus, with more than 1.7 million infected as the pandemic sweeps the globe.

The Sun Online has contacted Gordon Ramsay’s reps for comment.

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