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Jeffrey Epstein was turned on by my terror as he abused me – pals like Prince Andrew MUST be held accountable


SHAKING with fear, 19-year-old Kiki suddenly realised there was no way out – as the order came to strip off her clothes.

The aspiring model, still a virgin, was about to become one of the dozens of victims of sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein, who abused girls as young as 13 over two decades of terror.

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Kiki, a victim of paedo abuser Jeffrey Epstein, decided to speak out after reading of his arrest[/caption]
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Epstein abused dozens of girls over two decades[/caption]

Penniless and alone in New York, in 2004, she had been groomed by one of Epstein’s female recruiters and was told she would only be giving him a 30 minute massage, for a $200 fee.

The Texan teenager had even been told to lie about her age and say she was 17, to please the billionaire financier.

During the assault, which Kiki relives in the upcoming documentary Surviving Jeffrey Epstein on C+I, the sick attacker relished her terror and “seemed to get off on it”.

The horrific attack, at Epstein’s £60m New York mansion where Prince Andrew was a guest, left her traumatised and sent her life spinning out of control.

The Dr Oz Show
Kiki was an aspiring model went she came to New York in 2004[/caption]

“I had been looking forward to life with enthusiasm and hope. Something like that is devastating,” she tells Sun Online.

“I spiralled into self-sabotage, anxiety, manic depression, suicidal feelings and substance abuse. I was plagued with guilt and shame, making me feel dirty.

“It turned my world upside down.”

Jeffrey Epstein took his own life in prison after being arrested on multiple charges of sex trafficking in 2019, and ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell is currently on trial, accused of running the sex trafficking ring and grooming the girls, which she denies.

“Ghislaine’s arrest was a huge victory but, at the same time, it won’t undo the damage that she’s done over the past couple of decades,” says Kiki.

“She will probably end up in prison but she still ruins hundreds – or maybe thousands – of lives.”

Kiki says her life was ruined by the sexual assault at the New York townhouse[/caption]

Now 35, Kiki, whose full name has not been released, is calling on Prince Andrew to come forward and give evidence to the FBI after he was accused of sleeping with 17-year-old “sex slave” Virginia Roberts.

“Why would you not have some empathy or heart, especially as a father to two young women?” she says.

“He’s already tarnished the reputation of the Royal Family and I think they are trying to keep him out of the public eye as much as possible.

Andrew has already tarnished the reputation of the Royal Family and they are trying to keep him out of the public eye

Kiki, victim of Jeffrey Epstein

“But it’s backfired because you wouldn’t refuse to participate unless you had something to hide, so it looks very suspicious.

“We know he was good friends with Epstein and there’s no way that he had no experience or exposure to what was going on, let alone being a participant in it.”

Rex Features
Prince Andrew with Epstein’s ‘sex slave’ Virginia Roberts and Ghislaine Maxwell[/caption]

‘He got off on my terror’

When Kiki arrived in New York aged 19, it was the first time she had lived away from her home in Texas, but she was signed to a model agency and looking forward to a bright future.

But the agency dropped her, leaving her struggling to pay the rent and working part time in the buzzing Union Square cafe The Coffee Shop.

It was there that a young, attractive woman approached her, told her she was beautiful and offered her “an opportunity”.

“She told me about this man she worked for, her ‘client’, and said he likes to receive massages and will pay you several hundred dollars for 30 minutes,” says Kiki.

“It kept getting better and better. ‘He has ties with the fashion industry, he’s friends with supermodels’ and so on. I was broke and it sounded like an opportunity where he could help me.”

Kiki was told to go to his nine-storey mansion, the largest in New York, where the door was answered by a maid who “could barely look me in the eye”.

She took Kiki to the second floor and left her in alone in an opulent room with a massage table.

I distinctly remember him smiling, enjoying the fact that he was doing this horrible thing to me, that obviously terrified me and was violating me


“I was super nervous,” says Kiki. “Finally Jeffrey walks in with a towel wrapped around his body. I realised I didn’t know where I was, I hadn’t paid attention walking into the house.

“After the maid had shut the door I felt trapped.”

Epstein lay on the massage table and Kiki, who had never given a massage before, began to work on him.

“I was thinking ‘this guy is going to hate this’. Then he asked me to take my clothes off. I was trembling. I was so scared. And I took my clothes off.

“He began to touch me, aggressively, and it quickly turned into an assault.

“I distinctly remember him smiling, enjoying the fact that he was doing this horrible thing to me, that obviously terrified me and was violating me – but he was somehow getting off on that.

“I had never had a sexual experience before. I was 19. That was my introduction to any intimate experience.”

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The attack took place at Epstein’s £60m townhouse in New York, which Prince Andrew visited as a guest[/caption]

Traumatised teen flees NYC

Afterwards, Epstein handed her $200 and the maid let her out.

“I couldn’t figure out what had just happened. I was so confused,” Kiki says.

“I called my mum bawling, in tears, and said ‘you have to come and get me now.’”

Back home in Texas, the traumatised teenager suffered mental health issues and began to dabble in substance abuse, but she didn’t tell anyone of the attack.

“I could have talked to my family but I didn’t because it was embarrassing. It felt it was extremely shameful, which is a typical feeling, among victims.”

It wasn’t until 15 years later, in 2019, that Kiki decided to tell her story, after seeing a headline about Epstein’s arrest.

“In one report, they shared a brief story of one of the victims and it was the exactly the same thing that had happened to me.

“It was stunning because I had no idea. I thought it was just something that happened to me.”

Epstein had powerful friends, including Bill Clinton[/caption]

‘Pyramid scheme of groomers run by Ghislaine’

Virginia Roberts, the young blonde who claims she was paid to sleep with Prince Andrew, says the sex trafficking was run ‘like a pyramid scheme’ – with Maxwell and Sarah Kellen, another close associate, at the top.

Like Kiki, the young, female victims were ‘recruited’ by other women, who gained their trust before inviting them along to Epstein’s many homes, including the palatial Palm Beach Island mansion and a sprawling New Mexico ranch.

The documentary claims the girls targeted vulnerable teenagers from deprived areas, who had often suffered sexual abuse in the past.

Many were hand-picked by Maxwell who, it’s claimed, also sexually abused them.

Virginia says she was groomed by the British socialite and went to the Palm Beach house where she was asked to massage Epstein.

“I stripped down, Ghislaine stripped down and it turned very sexual,” she says. “There was abuse straight away – from both of them.”

Splash News
The palatial mansion in Palm Beach Island was where many of the assaults took place[/caption]

Although Kiki never met Ghislaine herself, she says her recruiter was working directly for her.

“Ghislaine was his agent, his curator. She taught all of the younger women who were victimised by him to become recruiters, how to recruit and what to look for,” claims Kiki.

“And she was very good at what she did.

“I know my recruiter was also a victim but she learned everything that she knew from Ghislaine.

I know my recruiter was also a victim but she learned everything that she knew from Ghislaine

“Ghislaine was the head of all of it. Jeffrey was a participant and he propagated this abuse as well, but she seemed to be the mastermind.

“Maybe it was so successful and they got away with it for so long because she had the mentality and understanding of being a woman, knowing how women react and how to influence them.

“She was able to use insight as a woman into these other young girls. It’s sickening that this was a woman that was helping him groom and abuse young girls.”

AP:Associated Press
Virginia Roberts has claimed she was paid to sleep with Prince Andrew[/caption]
Ghislaine Maxwell is currently on her trial for her alleged part in the sex traffic ring[/caption]

Shame of victim who recruited three girls a day

One victim turned ‘recruiter’ was Courtney Wild, who was 14 and living in hotels with her drug addicted mum when she was recruited by a friend.

Courtney soon became a trusted recruiter, bringing around 30 more girls to the house and earning a $200 finder’s fee for each one.

“I got good at approaching girls and finessing it, telling them ‘it’s just a massage’ and making it sound ok to go there,” she says.

He groomed me to be exactly what he wanted me to be – a personal sex slave that brought him underage girls.

Courtney Wild

“There were times when I brought two or three girls in a day. He groomed me to be exactly what he wanted me to be – a personal sex slave that brought him underage girls.

She says she feels “guilt and shame” at her part in the sex ring. “Basically I lied to them and lured them in and I don’t know I’ll ever get over that,” she adds.

Courtney Wild was abused at 14 but soon began bringing new girls in[/caption]

Party rumours and sniggers over ‘schoolgirl crushes’

Journalist Christopher Mason, who appears in the documentary, recalls meeting Ghislaine Maxwell at a New York nightclub in 1989.

He tells Sun Online he found her “fantastically engaging, funny, with a self deprecating humour. She was extraordinarily well-connected, good company and fiercely bright.”

The pair became close friends when she moved to New York in the spring of 1991, but that autumn, her world came crashing down with the death of her father, Mirror group newspaper magnate Robert Maxwell.

The financial scandal that followed crippled her father, when he was found to have been misappropriating funds from his employees’ pension.

Christopher says she was “radically different” when he visited her tiny one-bedroom apartment in New York.

“It was clear that her life had gone to hell, “ he says.

“There was no money left and Ghislaine was down on her luck. She was still extraordinarily well-connected, but kind of squashed by life at that moment.”

At the time, Epstein was a newly successful financier with billions in the bank but, coming from a lowly background, he lacked the high class connections he craved.

The pair, who reportedly had a romantic relationship in the early 1990s, complemented each other perfectly – with him bankrolling her lavish lifestyle while she introduced him to her society friends, including Prince Andrew and the Clintons.

In 1992, Christopher was invited to a party at Epstein’s house, in honour of Maxwell’s mother and met him for the first time.

“I felt sort of suspicious about him,” he recalls. “I just felt he wasn’t my kind of guy. He seemed to have a kind of permanent sneer that conveyed somehow that he was staggeringly wealthy, connected and had insight and knowledge.

“He cultivated this aura an international man of mystery and I thought he wasn’t a particularly likeable character.”

Christopher Mason wrote a song for Epstein’s 40th, at Ghislaine’s request[/caption]

Although he never saw him with young girls, he said rumours were rife, even back then.

“At this party, there was a rumour going around the room that Jeffrey liked to date school girls, and that Ghislaine was introducing him to school girls.

“But it seems to be girls from posh schools on the Upper East Side. It’s revolting to think about it in retrospect, but at the time, it just seems sort of innocent and flirtatious.

“There was no sense then of any kind of depravity or sexual exploitation, although it’s sickening to think about in terms of what took place later.”

The naughty boy blushes, to think of the schoolgirl and all of their crushes

Line from song written for Epstein's 40th

On Epstein’s 40th birthday, in 1993, Christopher was asked to write a song in his honour, using specific terms given to him by Ghislaine.

One lyric went: “Ghislaine is lavishing him with affections/ she claims he has 24 hour erections.”

Another – “The naughty boy blushes, to think of the schoolgirl and all of their crushes” – was assumed to refer to a brief stint as a teacher at New York’s Dalton School.

“It seems creepy now,” admits Christopher. The song was performed to a group of men in tuxedos, “smoking cigars and drinking brandy”.

“There were sniggers in the room and it seems like that was something that was known about him at the time,” he says.”That he liked younger girls.”

“It all seemed tongue in cheek, but we had no idea of how depraved his intentions were.”

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Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein hobnobbed with Donald Trump and wife Melania[/caption]

Epstein’s death cheated victims of justice

After Epstein’s arrest, in 2019, Ghislaine Maxwell disappeared and was finally arrested in a New Hampshire hideaway on July 2.

Richard Friedman, producer of Surviving Jeffrey Epstein, delayed the series to go back go survivors after the new twist, and she became the new focus for the later episodes.

Mystery still surrounds how she evaded capture for over a year.

“I checked with a whole bunch of my friends who were in New York, some of whom had known her,” he says.

“I was told by them that she totally went off the radar, stopped all communication and ended up vanishing in plain sight.

“She hid in a quiet gentle forest in New Hampshire, which was probably as far from the world in which she lived for so many years – the urban, social whirl. We were surprised.”

At 35, Kiki has finally been able to tell her story and has been getting counselling to deal with the feelings she bottled up since her attack.

She now wants to train to help others who are victims of sexual abuse but says she feels cheated of justice and wants Epstein’s associates like former assistant brought to book.

The people that enabled him in doing these horrible things should be held accountable. Every time someone gets away with something like this, it disintegrates our moral fabric as a society


Several women, including former assistant Kellen and pilot Nadia Marcincova, were named as co-conspirators were but given immunity in a 2007 non-prosecution deal struck by Epstein after an initial arrest.

She also wants high powered friends like Prince Andrew, who denies any wrongdoing, and Bill Clinton to be questioned.

“Because Epstein’s dead, we’re never going to be able to see the person that harmed us pay for his crimes,” she says. “That it is a hollow feeling.

“But at least the people that enabled him in doing these horrible things should be held accountable.

“These are powerful people and every time someone gets away with something like this, it disintegrates our moral fabric as a society.

“If they’re not brought to justice, what does that tell the world? That once again, someone with influence gets to do whatever they want to do and that’s not right.

“We have to make people accountable that regardless of who they are.

“At some point, we have to say, This has to stop. I don’t care who you are or what you’ve acheived, if you’ve done this then you need to pay for it.”

Surviving Jeffrey Epstein premieres on CRIME+INVESTIGATION with a double episode airing on Tuesday 25th August at 9pm. Parts three and four will be broadcast the following evening on Wednesday 26th August at 9pm.

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