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As Gemma Collins admits she felt suicidal – the 7 warning signs in loved ones


TOWIE star Gemma Collins has revealed that she was left feeling suicidal after her break up with James Argent. The 40-year-old appeared on Piers Morgan’s Life Stories which aired on Thursday night and spoke about her mental health struggles. Gemma and James Argent, also known as “Arg”, split up in 2019 after the 33-year-old battled […]

TOWIE star Gemma Collins has revealed that she was left feeling suicidal after her break up with James Argent.

The 40-year-old appeared on Piers Morgan’s Life Stories which aired on Thursday night and spoke about her mental health struggles.

Gemma Collins broke down in tears last night after she spoke about her mental heath struggles on Pier Morgan’s Life Stories

Gemma and James Argent, also known as “Arg”, split up in 2019 after the 33-year-old battled drug addiction.

She said that when he hit rock bottom in Christmas 2019, she considered taking her own life.

Speaking to Piers she said: “I have felt suicidal… I think when my relationship broke down with Arg, that affected me.

“I just thought, I don’t wanna be here anymore. I can’t take it.”

Suicide doesn’t discriminate and every 90 minutes in the UK a life is lost to suicide.

That is why The Sun launched the You’re Not Alone campaign.

You're Not Alone

EVERY 90 minutes in the UK a life is lost to suicide.

It doesn’t discriminate, touching the lives of people in every corner of society – from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, reality stars and footballers.

It’s the biggest killer of people under the age of 35, more deadly than cancer and car crashes.

And men are three times more likely to take their own life than women.

Yet it’s rarely spoken of, a taboo that threatens to continue its deadly rampage unless we all stop and take notice, now.

That is why The Sun launched the You’re Not Alone campaign.

The aim is that by sharing practical advice, raising awareness and breaking down the barriers people face when talking about their mental health, we can all do our bit to help save lives.

Let’s all vow to ask for help when we need it, and listen out for others… You’re Not Alone.

If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems, the following organisations provide support:

The aim is that by sharing practical advice, raising awareness and breaking down the barriers people face when talking about their mental health, we can all do our bit to help save lives.

Gemma previously revealed she had suffered from a miscarriage and said that for a while after she would have flashbacks.

She said her therapist said she had been suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

But Gemma admitted that her mental health struggles had not been limited to the last few years and said she had previously self harmed.

During the show Gemma also talked about self harm
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Gemma dated her co star James Argent on and off for several years before they split in 2019[/caption]

When she was 20-years-old she had broken up with a long-term boyfriend and had been forced to terminate a pregnancy after doctors said her baby was “deformed”.

Opening up to Piers, Gemma said she was “desperately unhappy” at the time.

She said: “It’s shocking really, isn’t it? I’ve still got scars on my wrist that I can see now. That especially, I look at that now and I see it as a sign of how far I’ve come.’ 

“It was a coping mechanism I think, but I am well out of it now, and I never tried to revisit that. 

“I should have probably had therapy at the time, and I wouldn’t judge anyone – it can happen to anyone.”

But how can you tell if your loved one is struggling? Here are seven signs to watch out for

1. They’re finding it hard to cope with everyday life

Depression can take the enjoyment out of even the simplest of things.

A loss of interest in the things they once looked forward to, as well as everyday life can be a sign someone is struggling.

Tasks such as work or doing the laundry can often feel mundane or laborious for people who are feeling depressed.

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If someone you love is finding it hard to cope with parts of their everyday life then they could be battling with depression[/caption]

2. Being irritable

Sometimes when people are depressed they find it hard to think about anything else – this makes everything else seem insigificant to them.

If your loved one is snapping at your or is getting annoyed at small things then try and ask them how they are feeling.

If they don’t feel comfortable talking to you about these issues then there are online tools and help lines available where they will be able to talk to people.

3. Change in routine

The coronavirus pandemic has meant we have all had a change in routine.

Rules around Covid mean that if you catch it, or if you have been in contact with someone who has had the virus, then you need to isolate.

For some people this can be a big change in routine as during this time you are unable to go outside or see people for socially distanced walks.

If you live with the person you are concerned about then things to watch out for are your loved ones eating less or more than normal or even skipping meals.

Others may change how often and when they sleep.

This could be hard to pick up on if you don’t live in the same household so if you are concerned you could try asking them what an average day is like for them and how they schedule their time.

4. Not wanting to do things they enjoy

The pandemic has meant that many of us are currently unable to do things we enjoy.

But during this time many people have developed new hobbies and pastimes both in and outdoors.

While it’s difficult to make plans with the people you love at the moment, if your loved one keeps refusing plans and doesn’t want to go out or doesn’t want to speak on the phone or on Zoom then this could be a sign that they are depressed.

5. Losing interest in their appearance

If your loved one is feeling depressed they may start to lose interest in the way they look.

Some people may feel as though there is “no point” in making an effort or looking nice.

This is due to the feeling that they don’t matter, so quite often they may push their self care needs back.

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If you’ve lost interest in your appearance then it could be a sign you loved one is depressed[/caption]

6. Putting themselves down

A common trait of someone who is feeling depressed is feeling worthless, so you may notice them trying to belittle themselves.

This could be by chastising themselves for their behaviour or their work.

But they could also put themselves down for the way they look.

7. Being withdrawn

Some people find it hard to communicate if they are feeling depressed and because of this they may become withdrawn.

Your loved one could stop talking to you or become less affectionate towards you.

They may also struggle to hold conversations and may seem to lose interest in what you have to say.

If you’re struggling with your mental health then there are a range of ways you can get help.

People sometimes say “stay strong” during difficult times, but bottling things up can badly affect your mental health.

“Our emotions help us make sense of what’s going on, and we can’t just jump to coping without processing what’s happening,” says Dr Jessamy Hibberd, a clinical psychologist and author of The Imposter Cure.

“Talk to others about how you’re feeling, and take some time to reflect on the good stuff, too.”

  • If you’re talking to a friend, choose one who will listen well. Being told to “just stop worrying” won’t help.
  • NHS talking therapies can help you if you’re struggling to cope with feelings of anxiety or depression. Your GP can refer you or, in England, you can refer yourself online via nhs.uk/talk.
  • If you need help for a mental health crisis, emergency or breakdown, NHS urgent mental health helplines offer 24-hour advice and support for people of all ages. Find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline via nhs.uk/urgentmentalhealth (England only). If someone’s life is at risk or they cannot be kept safe, call 999.

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