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Prince Charles’ ‘trust has eroded’ in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after ‘supporting them more than he could say’


PRINCE Charles reportedly feels “let down” by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after “supporting them more than he could say”. The 72-year-old is understood to be “deeply concerned” about the racism allegations raised by the Sussexes – but his trust has “eroded” in the couple after their interview with Oprah Winfrey. Meghan, 39, broke down […]

PRINCE Charles reportedly feels “let down” by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after “supporting them more than he could say”.

The 72-year-old is understood to be “deeply concerned” about the racism allegations raised by the Sussexes – but his trust has “eroded” in the couple after their interview with Oprah Winfrey.

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Times Newspapers Ltd
Prince Charles’ trust in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has reportedly ‘eroded’[/caption]
Getty - Contributor
Sources say he feels ‘let down’ after the couple’s interview with Oprah Winfrey[/caption]

Meghan, 39, broke down in tears during the explosive chat with Oprah – revealing she had been left suicidal after joining the Royal Family and she had faced racism within the institution.

The Duchess of Sussex said there had been conversations with Harry and a “family” member about their unborn son and “how dark” his skin would be.

Harry also claimed his father stopped taking his calls after Megxit and was financially cut off by the Royal Family last year.

A source close to Charles told the Evening Standard that the “incendiary” sit-down chat had caused great pain and division.

They said: “It goes against everything the Prince of Wales believes in. He believes diversity is the strength of our society.

“For Harry to say he feels ‘let down’ seems a little rich when you consider what he has done.

“The Duke of Sussex continues to say he respects his grandmother, but he has ridden roughshod over the institution she represents.

“Time is said to be a great healer, let’s hope so.”

Prince Harry spoke out during a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey
Prince Harry spoke out during a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey
Harry said he felt 'let down' by his father Prince Charles
Harry claimed his father stopped taking his calls after Megxit
Getty Images - Getty
Meghan revealed she had been left suicidal after joining the Royal Family[/caption]

They added that the Prince of Wales had gone “out of his way to make sure his son and daughter in law were financially supported”.

One senior Household figure said: “Yes, you could say the boss feels let down by what the Sussexes have said.

“The prince is proud of the diversity of this country and believes the diversity of Britain’s modern society is its greatest strength.

“He wholeheartedly believes that our country owes a huge debt of gratitude to the rich diversity of cultures that make up our society and going forward is at the heart of what we can be as a nation.

“He truly believes the diversity of our society gives us so much to celebrate.”

PA:Press Association
The Prince of Wales arrives for a visit to an NHS vaccine pop-up clinic at Jesus House church, London[/caption]
Ian Vogler
The Prince spoke with members of the community at the clinic, where work is being done to combat vaccine hesitancy during the coronavirus pandemic[/caption]
PA:Press Association
He wore a mask as spoke with members of staff[/caption]

When a reporter asked him about Harry and Meghan’s explosive Oprah interview at an official engagement today, Charles appeared to chuckle nervously.

The Prince of Wales put on a brave face as he visited an NHS vaccine pop-up clinic at Jesus House church in Brent Cross, London – the first time he has been seen since the tell-all chat.

He was greeted warmly at the clinic and appeared in good spirits as he spoke with those there to get the jab.

But when asked by a reporter what he thought of his son’s interview, the Prince of Wales did not respond.

The reporter asked: “Sir what did you think of the interview?”

Charles, who wore a face mask for the occasion, gave a nervous chuckle and carried on walking.

It comes as…

It follows reports that the Prince of Wales was in a “state of despair” over Harry and Meghan’s Oprah interview which aired in the UK last night.

The Duke of Sussex said there was a “lot of hurt” between him and his dad – but insisted he had not “blindsided” the Queen when announcing he and Meghan were stepping back as senior working royals.

Buckingham Palace is yet to officially respond to the claims.

Concerns, however, have now been raised that this week, all senior members of the Royal Family are expected to carry out public engagements – where they could face questions about the Oprah interview. 

A senior royal source told the Telegraph: “The institution needs to lead the response to this. What a sad, terrible morning.”

The Prince spoke with those at the centre
PA:Press Association
Charles did not respond to questions about the bombshell interview[/caption]

Prince Charles was visiting Jesus House church in London today to hear about its work to combat vaccine hesitancy and support for the community during the coronavirus pandemic.

One woman, who only gave her name as Grace, claimed she briefly spoke to the heir to the throne.

She told said: “He was quite interactive with the people in there in spite of all the drama going on.

“He took the time to come out here. I’m very happy he came out to encourage us to take the vaccine as well.”

Grace also said it would have been “rude” for anyone to mention the Oprah Winfrey interview.

And in an apparent reference to Harry and Meghan’s claim an unnamed member of the royal family made a racist comment, Grace highlighted that Charles had visited a “black church”, adding: “All that effort and someone turns around and says there’s racism, I don’t believe that.”

During his visit, Charles also spoke with healthcare worker Caroline Oladimeji, who told him she was from Nigeria.

Charles said: “Oh fantastic, yes, I’ve been there. Lots of different ethnic groups.

“Do give them my kind regards next time you speak to them.”

His cheery comments come after Harry said during his Oprah interview he had previously tried to raise his intentions of leaving the Royal Family.

He claimed his father stopped taking his phone calls for a period of time, saying: “When we were in Canada, I had three conversations with my grandmother and two conversations with my father, before he stopped taking my calls.”

He added: “By that point I took matters into my own hands. I need to do this for my family.

“I’ve got to do something for my own mental health, for my wife’s and for Archie.”

Ian Vogler
Buckingham Palace has not yet given a response to Meghan and Harry’s Oprah interview[/caption]
PA:Press Association
Charles put on a brave face as he carried out the official engagement[/caption]

And he revealed he felt “really let down” by his father, saying: “He knows what pain feels like.

“Of course I will always love him but there’s a lot of hurt that’s happened and I will continue to make it one of my priorities to try and heal that.”

Senior members of the Royal Family – including the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William – are now said to be locked in crisis talks about the interview.

The Times reported overnight that the Queen had refused to sign off a prepared statement – with the monarch reportedly wanting more time to consider her response.

And a royal insider told the Daily Mail that Harry had pressed the “nuclear button on his own family” with the two-hour interview.

Another told Vanity Fair Meghan and Harry are “playing with fire because there’s a lot that could come out in the wash that hasn’t been told before.”

If you are affected by any of the issues raised in this article, please call the Samaritans for free on 116123.

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