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Ukrainian refugees can sleep in my living room – I’ll cook for them & they can share anything I own


MORE than 25,000 big-hearted Brits last night offered to take in Ukrainians shattered by Vladimir Putin’s war. Their incredible generosity crashed The Homes for Ukraine appeal website in its first two hours. It is Britain’s biggest refugee resettlement scheme since World War Two. PM Boris Johnson hailed Brits for “opening up their homes in this […]

MORE than 25,000 big-hearted Brits last night offered to take in Ukrainians shattered by Vladimir Putin’s war.

Their incredible generosity crashed The Homes for Ukraine appeal website in its first two hours. It is Britain’s biggest refugee resettlement scheme since World War Two.

More than 25,000 big-hearted Brits last night offered to take in Ukrainian refugees
A Ukrainian woman cries after reaching safety and crossing the border into Poland

PM Boris Johnson hailed Brits for “opening up their homes in this hour of need.”

He said: “The British public have shown huge solidarity with the people of Ukraine and we stand together against Putin’s appalling aggression.”

Ministers compared the national show of generosity to those who took in Jewish children fleeing Hitler’s Germany.

In stirring scenes in Parliament, MPs stood up to tell how their constituents had been horrified to see maternity wards shelled and cities levelled, and wanted to help.

Read more on Ukrainian refugees

Announcing the scheme, Cabinet minister Michael Gove said it was time to show we stood “shoulder to shoulder” with those fleeing persecution.

He said: “Our country has a long and proud history of supporting the most vulnerable during their darkest hours. We took in refugees fleeing Hitler’s Germany, those fleeing repression in Idi Amin’s Uganda, and those fleeing the atrocities of the Balkan wars.

“More recently we have offered support to those fleeing persecution in Syria, Afghanistan and Hong Kong.

“And we are doing so again with homes for Ukraine.”

The Housing Secretary said Britain was ready and waiting to “offer a safe haven to people forced to flee war and persecution”.

He added: “The British people have already opened their hearts in so many ways. I am hopeful that many will also be ready to open their homes and help those fleeing persecution find peace, healing and the prospect of a brighter future.”

Its launch comes after weeks of anger over the UK’s failure to get a grip of the crisis and offer speedy sanctuary to refugees fleeing Russia’s aggression.

The Home Office was criticised for turning desperate mothers and their young children away at the French border because they had not filled out lengthy paperwork.

More than 2.6million Ukrainians have fled their country since Mad Vlad ordered his invasion last month. But just 4,000 UK visas have been given to Ukrainians coming here via the family reunification scheme.

Ministers hope the Homes for Ukraine project will finally show the UK is stepping up to the plate.

In the Commons, a frustrated Mr Gove thumped his despatch box as he declared he was sick of Britain being painted as a mean-spirited country.

He urged all politicians to “put humanity first” and unite behind the project.

Under the scheme, those volunteering to house a Ukrainian in their spare room for at least six months rent-free will get £350 a month from the Government.

Refugees will be permitted to stay in Britain for three years and allowed to work and claim benefits.

There is no limit to the numbers who can come here under the scheme.

Ministers reckon hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians will take up the offer.

The British public have shown huge solidarity with the people of Ukraine and we stand together against Putin’s appalling aggression

Boris Johnson

In Westminster, former Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Transport Secretary Grant Shapps both said they would give a spare room to a refugee.

A group of more than 40 businesses, including Marks & Spencer, are also getting in touch with ministers to offer Ukrainians coming here training or jobs.

Meanwhile, it has been suggested that Chelsea Football Club’s hotel should be used after owner Roman Abramovich was sanctioned by the Government.

The PM’s official spokesman said: “Certainly that’s something we are looking at.

“I think in the first instance the two (visa) routes that we have are how we expect people will be housed in the UK, either through family or through this sponsorship route.”

Elena Fox, Bournemouth

Bank worker Elena Fox, 36, is prepared to convert the living room of her three-bedroom home

BANK worker Elena Fox, 36, is prepared to convert the living room of her three-bedroom home.

Elena moved to England from Lithuania 14 years ago and says she cries when she sees the plight of Ukrainians.

The Nationwide building society worker, from Bournemouth, said: “I don’t have a spare room but I have a living room I am more than happy to make into a bedroom.

“I am happy to cook for them to share anything I own.”

“I donated everything I had but I am willing to go the extra mile to help.

The Habijanecs, Slough, Berks

The Habijanecs are providing for a Ukrainian refugee fleeing Putin’s terror

CHILDMINDER Virda Habijanec, 29, said: “What’s happening in Ukraine is awful.

“It’s devastating to see families and kids going through such terror.

“I think we all have an obligation to try and help where we can in any way possible.

“If that means finding some space for a refugee in our house, then I’m all up for it.”

Virda, from Slough, Berks, added: “I live with my husband, Dario, and our two young children.

“Not only would we be helping somebody in need, but I’m sure we’d benefit having someone in the house with us just as much as the person we took in.

“There’s so much to learn about people from other countries and cultures.

“Giving someone a safe space to rebuild their life would be the ultimate privilege.”

Fran Bowhay, Llanelli, Wales

Fosterer Fran Bowhay is offering help after being inspired by the love she had from taking in a rescue dog

FOSTERER Fran Bowhay is offering help after being inspired by the love she had from taking in a rescue dog.

Fran, 65, said: “We British love our dogs. And if we can save dogs then we should do all we can to save people.

“This is so close to us. There are people out there suffering beyond words. The least I can do is to help someone escape from this nightmare.”

Single Fran, from Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, said: “I retired last year and have two spare bedrooms, a lot of clothes and a lot of respect for these people.”

Gwendolen, Leadbetter, Bucks

Gwendolen said: ‘As a mother, I have put myself in their shoes’

CIVIL servant Gwendolen Leadbetter, 32, said: “It is very upsetting to see what is going on in Ukraine.

“Housing a refugee family is a big thing to ask but I have to think about what I would want in this situation.

“As a mother, I have put myself in their shoes and thought about what it would be like if we had to leave our home and potentially never see our loved ones again.

“It is heartbreaking, which is why I would be open to housing Ukrainian refugees but they are going to need more than just a place to stay.”

Karl Edwards, Lingfield, Surrey

Property developer Karl Edwards, 35, is planning to convert an unused garage at his home

PROPERTY developer Karl Edwards, 35, lives with his fiancé and two children.

He is planning to convert an unused garage at his home in Lingfield, Surrey, into a space for a Ukrainian couple or family to stay.

He said: “As a property person I know there’s an abundance of space in homes across the country.

“It’s just a question of whether people are open to the idea of welcoming strangers.

“We are lucky and privileged in this country to be able to help and we should not forget that.”

Rachel and Nigel Poulton, Yorkshire

Rachel was made an MBE for services to fostering last year along with husband Nigel

GRANDMOTHER Rachel Poulton has housed young refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Iran and Afghanistan over the past five and a half years.

She was made an MBE for services to fostering last year along with husband Nigel.

The couple are now preparing to welcome a Ukrainian family into their four-bedroom Yorkshire home. Rachel, who is involved with charity Sanctuary Foundation, said: “Like everyone, we’ve been watching terrible videos from Ukraine every day.

“Time is clearly of the essence.”

Rhian Wade, Worthing, West Sussex

Rhian said: ‘I see no reason why we can’t do our part’

SUPPORT worker Rhian Wade, 30, has just had her garden log cabin renovated and hopes it can house a refugee.

She said: “The work started well before Putin decided to cement his place in hell. But now that it’s all insulated, plastered and decorated I see no reason why we can’t do our part. We were going to use it as a cinema room but that truly is a first-world luxury.”

Rhian, of Goring in Worthing, West Sussex, added: “I hope the Government makes the process easy. We’d also need the council to allow someone to sleep in the garden.”

Help those fleeing conflict with The Sun’s Ukraine Fund

PICTURES of women and children fleeing the horror of Ukraine’s devastated towns and cities have moved Sun readers to tears.

Many of you want to help the five million caught in the chaos — and now you can, by donating to The Sun’s Ukraine Fund.

Give as little as £3 or as much as you can afford and every penny will be donated to the Red Cross on the ground helping women, children, the old, the infirm and the wounded.

Donate here to help The Sun’s fund

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£5 — text SUN£5
£10 — text SUN£10

Texts cost your chosen donation amount (e.g. £5) +1 standard message (we receive 100%). For full T&Cs visit redcross.org.uk/mobile

The Ukraine Crisis Appeal will support people in areas currently affected and those potentially affected in the future by the crisis.

In the unlikely event that the British Red Cross raise more money than can be reasonably and efficiently spent, any surplus funds will be used to help them prepare for and respond to other humanitarian disasters anywhere in the world.

For more information visit https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/disaster-fund

Ministers hope the Homes for Ukraine project will finally show the UK is stepping up to the plate – a woman cries after crossing the border into Poland
Housing minister Michael Gove said it was time to show we stood ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with those fleeing persecution

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