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Albania is a holiday destination – send 10,000 illegal migrants straight back there


WE have an immigration crisis on our hands right now – and Labour and the Left are in uproar.

They’re furious.

Labour is fuming – not because of the immigration crisis, but because people they disagree with can talk about it on the BBC

Not because of the crisis. They don’t seem to care very much about that.

But because the BBC let Nigel Farage talk about the problem on the World At One.

And because Home Secretary Suella Braverman is “demonising” asylum seekers.

That’s what’s made them mad.



Heartbreaking note 'thrown over migrant centre fence by girl asking for help'


Migrant Channel crossings could hit 50k this year, immigration minister says

Thick-as-a-plank Labour MP Richard Burgon was furious about the Farage interview.

He doesn’t think anyone should be interviewed who doesn’t agree with his idiotic views.

And The Guardian has been hammering Braverman for her strong words about the number of migrants rolling up on the South Coast.

A very large number of those crossing the Channel right now are Albanians.

Of the 12,000 who have arrived recently, 10,000 were youngish men.

Dan O’Mahoney, clandestine Channel threat commander with Border Force, has attributed the “exponential rise” in arrivals to Albanian criminal gangs “gaining a foothold” in northern France.

Once there, Albanians are put in touch with Albanian gangs in the UK who are dominating in human trafficking, drugs, prostitution and guns, MPs were told last week.

So when the hand-wringing halfwits from the refugee charities — who are effectively enabling these dangerous crossings to take place — tell you there are lots of women and children, it’s a downright lie.

Ditto those who tell you they can all be trained as brain surgeons.
Where critics of the Government have a very good point is that we have had Tories in government for 12 years.

And the problem has not got better. It’s got worse.

There are a number of reasons for that.

Every scheme introduced by the Government to reduce the flow of illegal migrants is fought tooth and nail by Labour and the Lib Dems.

They seem perfectly happy to let as many come as want to.

But, hypocritically, they are then upset when more and more are killed in the horrible Channel crossing.

Human rights lawyers and charities are also fighting tooth and nail to prevent the Government doing anything meaningful about the crisis.

The plan to send migrants to be processed in the African country of Rwanda is still stuck in the courts.

Call lefties’ bluff

These lawyers and do-gooders are the same people who go berserk when the Government tries to deport violent, drug-dealing criminals back to their countries of origin.

Instead they think these criminals should continue to live among us.

And they are happy to see the seafaring migrants put up in hotels costing millions of pounds to the taxpayers.

Nothing will change until we extricate ourselves from the international laws preventing us from addressing the issue decisively.

These laws are woefully out of date.

We need the right to send the migrants to Rwanda. If nothing else it might well work as a deterrent to stop others coming.

And with the Albanians, ol’ Farage is dead right. Put them on an aeroplane and send them straight back to Albania.

It is estimated that up to two per cent of the adult male population of Albania has travelled to the UK in small boats.

Albania is at peace. It is a holiday destination.

We should worry a lot less about overcrowding in the immigration centres.

We should worry a lot less about what the refugee charities — on the airwaves every second of every day, it seems — tell us must happen.

We should worry about the cost to the taxpayer, the increase in crime and the pressure on housing, education and transport.

Call the lefties’ bluff — and get really tough.


Don’t try to fool us, mate – you’re doing this for the dosh

“SOME may think I’ve lost my marbles,” the former Health Secretary Matt Hancock told the Press.

Some, Matt? Quite a lot of us weren’t convinced you were overburdened with marbles in the first place.

He’d just announced he was in the next series of I’m A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here!.

As a consequence he’s been kicked out of the parliamentary Conservative Party.

And MPs have been queueing up to tell him to resign his seat.

He should, of course. Why should he be allowed to moonlight off work?

He’s told anyone who will listen that more MPs should “embrace popular culture”.

That’s why he did it, he insists.

Mr Hancock, you are doing it for the dosh, mate. Don’t try to fool us – our marbles are intact.

A JOB advert for prison warders has been banned for being racist.

It showed a white prison office speaking to a black inmate.

If it had been the other way around it would have been just fine, apparently.

This, then, is the new racism. And to my mind it is every bit as bad as the old racism.

lTHE Tories have reduced the massive 33-point Labour lead in the opinion polls.

The gap between the two parties is now only about 25 per cent! Worse, this is probably a dead-cat bounce.

Like you see when the team at the bottom of the league ditches their drongo of a manager and the team suddenly beat Manchester City.

Before returning to being useless. So this could be as good as it gets for Rishi.

An 80-seat majority destroyed almost overnight.

Never has such a huge opportunity been squandered in so spectacular a fashion.

EXCUSE me for asking, but is there anyone here or in the US who actually LIKES James Corden?

And if there isn’t, why do they keep giving him shows?


If you’re over the age of 14 and still reading about house elves, have a word with yourself

A LOAD of socks have been left on a beach in Pembrokeshire, Wales.

A closer look reveals that they have been left there in honour of someone called “Dobby”.

I assumed it was some Welsh bloke who’d drowned nearby. But no, Dobby is apparently a house elf from the Harry Potter books.

And the beach is where, in one of the films from those books, Dobby died and was buried.

So people have created a shrine to the elf. And local naturalists fear that some of the socks left for Dobby might hurt the local wildlife.

Listen, you dimbos. Dobby is a fictional creature. He never actually existed. So he can’t have died, either.

And Harry Potter is a series of books for children. If you are over the age of 14 and still reading about bloody house elves, have a sharp word with yourself.

I MENTIONED last week that those two internet cables cut near The Shetland Islands wasn’t an accident.

Now a THIRD internet cable has been cut. This one was severed in what the owners called “an act of vandalism”.

It linked the French city of Marseilles with Barcelona, Milan and Lyon.

One way or another I think we’ll find Mr Putin was somewhere behind all this cable-snipping activity.

I just hope our Government is up to the same sort of business.

I KNOW that tax cuts aren’t exactly the flavour of the month.

I know that mentioning anything about them sends the dingbats who run our money markets doolally.

But the truth is, to get our economy moving we need a tax cut.

Not at the top rate of tax. And not at the bottom, either.

It’s the many millions of hardworking middle-income people who both deserve a break and are most likely to spend if they get it.

Drop the 40p rate to 38p and pay for it by putting the top rate up to 46p.

End of the world again? Armageddon bored of it

Quite a few sound like they’d welcome annihilation by a planet-destroying asteroid

A GIANT, planet-destroying asteroid is heading our way.

If it collides with the Earth we will go the same way as the dinosaurs. I keep mentioning this to people but nobody seems to give a toss.

Quite a few sound as if they would actually welcome annihilation. I think it’s because we’ve had two decades of the eco-loons telling us we’re all going to be dead soon anyway.

We are all armageddon-ed out.

Read More on The Sun


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This asteroid is expected to swing by within four million miles of us – a tiny distance in astronomical terms.

If anything happens to alter its course, see how much use your heat pump, electric car and vegan diet are.

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