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From sex to lie-ins – 10 unusual headache triggers and how to ease your agony


HEADACHES are literally a pain and can often feel like they’ve come out of the blue.

While around 6million Brits suffer regular migraines, which have known medical causes, many more suffer occasional headaches that may have more unusual triggers.

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From sleeping in too long to getting riled up and angry, a range of seemingly normal day-to-day occurrences could be behind your pain.

Abbas Kanani, superintendent pharmacist at Chemist Click, has revealed 10 surprising sources of headaches and what to do to ease the pain.

1. Lazy days

Having a lazy morning in bed or relaxing deeply at any time of day can inadvertently cause a headache.

When your muscles relax quickly, it can trigger a tension headache.

These can feel like something is pressing on your head or being tightened around it, with pain possible across the face, head and neck.

Mr Kanani said: “This is the most common type of headache which happens when neurotransmitters, which are the brain’s chemical messengers, are quickly released as stress hormone levels drop. 

“It sends out impulses to blood vessels to constrict and then dilate which leads to a headache.”

2. Posture problems

Poor posture can increase tension in your upper back, neck and shoulders. 

This can happen at any time, when sitting, driving, sleeping or working.

Mr Kanani said: “Pressure in the neck muscles and head can be caused by slouching and a change in your posture or position can strain different muscles or put pressure on nerves, leading to headaches.”

Exercising and stretching can help avoid the issue, and there are other ways to lower your risk as well.

He said: “Maintaining the correct seating posture will help reduce your risk of headaches from poor posture. 

“You should sit upright with a straight back and both feet flat on the floor. 

“Also make sure you alternate between sitting and standing if you are required to sit for long periods of time. This helps to support better posture and your overall well-being.”

3. Anger levels 

Getting angry can cause a tight band-like sensation around your head.

Mr Kanani said: “This is a physical response to stress or heightened emotions and happens because muscles in the back of your neck and scalp tense up as your anger develops. 

“Anger also causes stress hormones like adrenaline to release, which triggers a temporary increase in blood pressure.

“Elevated blood pressure can lead to headaches, especially if you’re prone to migraines or have other vascular issues. 

“Migraines are also caused because blood vessels constrict or dilate abnormally when we’re angry, affecting blood flow to the brain.”

4. What a whiff

Some people are sensitive or allergic to chemicals found in perfumes, colognes, air fresheners and scented products.

Strong floral or synthetic scents can also activate the trigeminal nerve system, leading to migraine attacks. 

People may be more sensitive to certain fragrance components or have pre-existing conditions, such as allergies or asthma, that increase their susceptibility to fragrance-induced headaches as well.

Mr Kanani said: “Many of these products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chemicals which can trigger headaches or migraines.

“Avoiding or reducing your exposure to fragrances by choosing fragrance-free or hypoallergenic products and using natural alternatives is the best way to avoid headaches. “You should also try to avoid heavily scented environments.”

5. Headache forecast

Extreme temperature fluctuations, humidity and allergens are also triggers for headaches. 

Mr Kanani said: “Pressure within the sinuses and blood vessels in the brain can be affected by changes in barometric pressure, which often occur with weather systems such as storms, fronts, or rapid shifts in weather patterns. 

“This can cause migraines and headaches.

“Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated, particularly during periods of extreme temperatures or humidity, can help prevent dehydration.

He added: “If your headaches are manageable, over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen may do the trick. 

“You should speak with your doctor first before taking any medication on a regular basis”.

6. Bright lights

Bright lights can exacerbate headache pain and discomfort in people who are sensitive to light

Migraines, tension headaches and cluster headaches are all linked to light sensitivity, which can be caused by natural sunlight or artificial indoor lighting. 

As well as this, bright or flickering lights can be triggers for people prone to migraines.

Mr Kanani said: “The visual cortex in the brain is highly sensitive during a migraine attack, and exposure to bright lights can further stimulate this sensitivity, leading to increased pain and discomfort.”

7. Love hurts

Headaches during sex are known medically as coital cephalalgia.

They typically occur at the base of the skull or in the head and neck region and may last from a few minutes to several hours.

The cause is not fully understood, but believed to be related to changes in blood flow and blood vessel dilation in the head and neck during sexual activity.

Mr Kanani said: “They range from mild to severe and typically occur suddenly. Some people may experience a dull ache, while others may have a sudden, severe headache.

“Being overweight or having a history of migraines or tension headaches, and engaging in vigorous sexual activity may increase your risk of experiencing sex headaches.”

8. Daily grind

Clenching or grinding your teeth can cause tension and strain in the muscles of the jaw, face, and neck. 

It can move to other areas of the head, leading to headaches, particularly tension headaches.

Mr Kanani said: “Bruxism is often associated with stress, anxiety or tension and can lead to dental problems.”

He recommends stress-reduction techniques like relaxation exercises, mindfulness meditation, and deep breathing, which can help reduce bruxism and alleviate associated headaches. 

Your dentist may recommend wearing a mouthguard or splint at night to protect the teeth and jaw from the effects of grinding.

9. Brain freeze

Anyone whose scoffed an ice cream too quickly knows that brain freeze is excruciating.

People who are sensitive to temperature changes may be more prone to headaches triggered by cold foods or drinks.

Sometimes the sinuses are irritated by cold foods too which can lead to congestion, inflammation and discomfort.

Mr Kanani said: “It usually shows as a sharp, stabbing pain in the forehead or temple region.

“Cold temperatures can cause the blood vessels in the mouth and throat to constrict, leading to changes in blood flow and blood pressure, which may trigger headaches in those prone to migraines or tension headaches.”

10. Time of the month

Hormones play a significant role in triggering headaches, particularly in women during periods. 

Pregnancy, menopause and puberty also trigger hormonal changes which can influence headache patterns.

Changes in hormone levels from birth control pills, patches or hormonal IUDs can also have an effect.

Mr Kanani said: “Many women experience migraines that are closely linked to their menstrual cycle, known as menstrual migraines. 

“These migraines tend to occur in the days leading up to menstruation or during menstruation itself. 

“This is largely down to fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle.”

He added: “Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help to alleviate symptoms of hormone-related headaches, particularly menstrual migraines. 

“Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, stress management techniques and maintaining a healthy diet and sleep schedule will help too. 

“You should speak to your doctor if you are experiencing hormone-related headaches.”

When a headache can be dangerous

Dr Unnati Desai, national GP lead at Nuffield Health, said: “If you are experiencing the symptoms of a thunderclap headache, seek urgent care as this requires emergency assessment in A&E with an urgent scan.

“If you experience a headache that is triggered by increased pressure – e.g. from coughing, exercise, intercourse, hypertension or a known space-occupying lesion (a mass in the brain tissue that could be either benign or malignant), seek medical advice.

“This is to check for any underlying conditions, which are rare.

“Post head injury, if your symptoms are worsening, this may be a sign of an internal bleed in your brain so it is important to seek emergency care as you may need a scan.

“If you have an infection and develop a severe headache with neck stiffness or neurological symptoms such as seizures, confusion, difficulty speaking, loss of movement in parts of your body or loss of consciousness, then it is important to be assessed for meningitis and encephalitis.

“There are several forms of meningitis outside of meningococcal meningitis which presents with its typical rash, so the absence of this rash doesn’t exclude you from having another form of meningitis.”

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