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Here’s why Monarchy is NOT doomed. These are challenging times, but it’s not a crisis


THE ROYAL FAMILY is not doomed and isn’t in a crisis, a royal expert has said.

The Firm has had a tumultuous few years, from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping down as senior royals in 2020, to the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in 2022 and more recently the cancer diagnosis’s of King Charles III and the Princess of Wales.

The Sun
Victoria Arbiter said the Monarchy is not doomed[/caption]
The Sun
Victoria and Dickie said the Firm is facing a “challenge” not a “crisis”[/caption]
Pic shows: Kate Princess of Wales announces she has cancer 22.3.24 supplied by Pixel8000 07917221968
Kate shared her cancer diagnosis last week

However, royal expert Victoria Arbiter has said that “sensational” claims that the monarchy is in crisis are “utter hogwash”.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show Victoria said that because the monarchy is “so slim” at the moment, due to many of the royals being out of action, the Firm’s “frailties” and “vulnerabilities” are starting to show.

However, she said that just because the present monarchy has a “very different set up” to what we are used to, it does not mean that it is “doomed”.

Victoria explained: “When we look back over history, the monarchy has survived divorce, abdication, death, reformation, scandal, all manner of things.

“It will survive this too”.

Victoria said that she believes that the struggles the Royal Family is facing at present, will bring them “tighter together”.

She added that other royals such as Prince Edward and his wife Sophie Wessex and Princess Anne have really “stepped up” to help out in the time of need.

The royal commentator said: “Princess Anne, you could depend on her for anything.

“She could probably single-handedly run the monarchy, she’s so good at it”.

Discussing the negative coverage the monarchy has received recently, Victoria added; “The doom-mongers love to say that the monarchy is doomed, because negativity sells.

“But it’s simply not the case.”

She added that the outpouring on social media of world leaders and concerned members of the public, after the Princess of Wales announced that she had cancer, shows that everybody is really “behind” the royal family.

Victoria’s father, Dickie Arbiter, who was also a guest on the show, assured host Matt Wilkinson that the family is definitely not in a crisis.

He said: “It’s not in crisis, it’s challenging”.

Victoria added that she believes that the Firm is facing a “challenge” instead of a “crisis”, because the current problems it is facing are due to illness.

She added that it is not fair to keep lumping Prince Andrew and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex into the Royal Family’s problems, as they are no longer working royals.

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It is sometimes hard to remember and understand that this is a family and they are going through very tough experiences at the moment.

I find it very interesting that she does speak about how they’ve taken time, they’ve needed time, to process this information and also tell their three children George, Charlotte and Louis, which would be an incredibly difficult conversation.

A lot of people who have poked fun at Kate purely to gain hits online, such as Kim Kardashian, need to have a hard look at themselves and apologise for their behaviour. 

People have been asking where’s Kate? Well, she’s been coping with this cancer diagnosis and having to tell her young family. 

Much of the abuse has also come from so-called ‘Sussex Squad’ members on Twitter who are fans of Harry and Meghan. This has been a shameful episode and people should show the Princess of Wales more respect.

We know the Princess of Wales went into hospital for abdominal surgery in January. That surgery was successful and it was non-cancerous. However, subsequent tests have found cancer and at the end of February she embarked on the start of preventative chemotherapy. 

They’ve taken time to process this and Kate has announced this to the world today.

They’ve chosen today because it is the last day of school for George, Charlotte and Louis and it means that they can now huddle together as a family for the next couple of weeks away from all the drama and really come together and deal with this cancer diagnosis.

A cancer diagnosis that Kate has said she has found shocking, but it’s also a cancer diagnosis that many people around the world will listen to and will have sympathy for and empathy for because there are many families that are also going through this kind of situation and having to break the news to their children, as in this case.

Kate has been living her life in the spotlight for many, many years and there has been some very nasty stuff posted online. Lots of bullying, we would suggest, about Kate and about why she has been missing for the last couple of weeks.

We understand that wasn’t a motivation for her coming out today to make the statement but it’s obviously something that has dominated the front pages and dominated social media online. Questions about what has happened to Kate. Now she has answered it and said that while everyone has been discussing where she is, that actually she has been coping with the diagnosis of cancer and digesting this with her family.

She has told the rest of the Royal Family. The King – who also has his own diagnosis of cancer and is also undergoing treatment – has been made aware. The Royal Family will be circling the wagons.

I think she will be getting a huge amount of support from family and friends and she has spoken about how William, obviously, has shown her so much support.

They will now be off for a couple of weeks with the three children for Easter. William will return after the Easter holidays. And The Princess of Wales may well return.

She says she is full of hope, she says that she hopes that she will get better, she’s told the kids that she will be OK.

So we may see The Princess of Wales in coming months attending engagements but we really do need to give her time as she has asked to see how the preventative chemotherapy gets on.

Last Friday, the Princess of Wales posted a video message, announcing to the world that she had cancer, after months of conspiracy theories and speculation online regarding her whereabouts.

Kate has not attended a public engagement since she was admitted to hospital for abominable surgery, leading rumours to begin swirling on social media.

 In the video message, Kate said: “This of course came as a huge shock. William and I have been doing everything I can to process this privately for the sake of our young family. As you can imagine this has taken time. It has taken time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment.

“Most importantly it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them and to reassure them that I am going to be OK.”

The news came just weeks after the Princess’ father in law, King Charles, revealed that he was also suffering with cancer on February 5.

The King has stepped back from royal duties since the diagnosis, but is set to appear at St George’s Chapel on Easter Sunday for the annual royal Easter service.

King Charles was diagnosed with cancer in February[/caption]

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